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Welcome to the. Wellness Profile. Training. All Roads Lead To The Wellness Profile. Weight Loss Challenges, Smoothie Party Time, and Corporate Nutrition Club Method Of Operations Take First Step Of A Wellness Profile Appointment!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the WellnessProfile Training

  2. All Roads Lead To The Wellness Profile Weight Loss Challenges, Smoothie Party Time, and Corporate Nutrition Club Method Of Operations Take First Step Of A Wellness Profile Appointment! The Wellness Profile Creates Massive Value And Drives Product Consumption! FREE Smoothie Coupons Go To A First Step Mini-Profile At The Counter (See Mini-Profile Training)

  3. Wellness Profiles Lead To Product Consumption Which Leads To Distributors Which Leads To Supervisors

  4. Simple & Easy

  5. Concepts What Is A Wellness Profile? A 45 Minute To Hour Sit Down Session With A Retail Prospect Where A Nutrition Coach Walks Through A Full Presentation And Health And Wellness Analysis With A Desired Outcome Of Getting Prospect On A Herbalife Healthy Meal Program.

  6. Concepts Why Conduct A Wellness Profile? • Wellness Profiles Are Designed To Pull A Prospect Towards Becoming An Herbalife Life Time Customer • Utilizing Body Composition Analysis And The Daily Diet Analysis, The Prospect Is Give The Opportunity To Really Get A Reality Check On Their Current Health Status

  7. Concepts When Do You Conduction A Wellness Profile? • At A Nutrition Club As An Appointment Or After A Mini-Profile Is Conducted • At The Individuals Home From An Appointment Set Up From A Mobile Wellness Coach Card Invite Or An In Service Such As Smoothie Party Time or Corporate Wellness Day. • At Home Or With Friends When You Are Practicing Wellness Profiles. (See Practice Wellness Profiles Training)

  8. Wellness Profile Step 1. Come Prepared

  9. Preparation Always Be Ready To Conduct A Wellness Profile! • All The Tools Below Have Ready To Go In Your Car: • Wellness ProfileFolders, Documents • Nutrition Club Presentation • Tanita Ironman Scale • You Can Find Complete Wellness ProfileZip File, Nutrition Club Presentation, Scale Resources, and Logs, Online At: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  10. Preparation If Wellness Profile Conducted At The Nutrition Club… • Be At least 30 minutes Early • Have Client’s Wellness Profile Folder And Documents Waiting In Preparation • Welcome The Client • Ask Client If They Wish To Buy A Smoothie Service (No Pressure)

  11. Preparation If Wellness Profile Conducted Outside The Club… • Be At least 15 minutes Early • Have Client’s Wellness Profile Folder And Documents Prepared • Be Sure To Have A Tanita Ironman Scale Available

  12. Preparation Look Like A Coach! • Polo Shirt & Jeans Or Dress Pants • Where Your Buttons And Look Official • Maintain Good Hygiene. Bad Breath, Odors, or Dirty Clothes Will Lose Clients. Most Of The Time You’ll Never Know.

  13. Preparation Wellness Evaluation Guide! • The ILASA Process • Everything You Need For a WEV • Follow The Cheat Sheet Step By Step • Key Script In Blue Text • DO NOT SKIP STEPS! EVERY STEP HAS A PURPOSE! http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx Section: [3] [E] [9]

  14. Preparation Key Wellness Profile Control Documents! • Body Composition Analysis (Coach Keeps This Completed Document) • Wellness Profile Results(Client Keeps This Completed Document) • Daily Diet Analysis (Coach Keeps This Completed Document) • Health Survey • (Coach Keeps This Completed Document) • Meal Plan • (Client Keeps This Completed Document)

  15. Preparation Key Wellness Profile Control Documents! • Body Analysis Definitions(Reference Document) • Product Ailment Guide(Reference Document) • Walk Run Fly Product Guide(Reference Document) • Protein Counter • (Reference Document)

  16. Wellness Profile Step 2. Build Rapport & Identity

  17. Rapport & Identity Rapport - occurs when two or more people feel that they are in sync or on the same wavelength because they feel similar or relate well to each other. Identity – Who you are, who you represent, and why you are qualified to be their health coach.

  18. Process Build Your And Herbalife’s Identity Through Rapport Using The Presentation Book! “I’m going to walk you through a quick presentation first, that is going to show you why Herbalife can provide you with an incredible health and wellness solution. And! Why I am qualified to help you achieve your health goals…!” http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx Section: [3] - [B]

  19. Process Walk Prospect Through The Presentation To The Obesity Page • Intended To Shock The Client. • The Majority People Are Unaware Of the Health Risks Of Obesity. • “We are in a nationwide obesity epidemic. And the complications of obesity can be life threatening!”

  20. Process Stay On Obesity Page While You Run Their Health Numbers And Review Them!

  21. Wellness Profile Step 3. Logic & Reason Review Their Health Numbers

  22. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Be Sure To Complete The Following Sections: Client Information “Let me get some general information” *This Form Can Be Found On http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  23. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Be Sure To Complete The Following Sections: Get Their Health Goals “If there were three things about your health you could improve, what would they be?” *This Form Can Be Found On http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  24. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Be Sure To Complete The Following Sections: Ask About Occupation, Activity Level, Exercise Level, And Have Them Rate Their Health Diet *This Form Can Be Found On http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  25. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Be Sure To Complete The Following Sections: Go To The Scale And RUN The Customer’s Health Numbers “Let’s go ahead and check your numbers now!” *This Form Can Be Found On http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  26. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Using The Tanita Scale, You Will Complete The Information Requested Starting From Weight Up To Visceral Fat Within The Body Composition Analysis Section Of The Form

  27. Process The Coach Readies The Tanita Ironman Scale Please Review Tanita Ironman Scale Training For Information On Body Composition Analysis

  28. Process Use the Body Analysis Cheat Sheet To Review Their Numbers “Let’s review your numbers now!” Use The Highlighted Facts In Blue Text To Educate Your Client. Circle The BMI And Fat % Charts. Keep The Presentation Book Open On The Complications While Reviewing The Numbers. *This Form Is Part Of The Wellness Profile Zip File Online At: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  29. Process REMEMBER!!! Use PAIN!!! An UNDISTURBED Customer Will Not Buy! Show Your Client That They Are At RISK If They Don’t Make A Change. You Have Their Solution!

  30. Process Tell Your Story, Or Use The Presentation Book For Examples This Is Critical To Demonstrate Social Proof. This Program Worked For You, It Worked For Your Colleagues, And It Can Work For Your Client Too!!!

  31. Process Tell Your Story, Or Use The Presentation Book For Examples “Here’s where I was before Herbalife… And here’s where I am now…” Show Pictures If Possible. If You Do Not Have A Testimonial, Borrow Someone Else’s. Use The Presentation Book To Jump To Relevent Testimonials That Match Your Client’s Goals.

  32. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form “Would you like to improve your numbers?” Set Goals (Body Fat %, Metabolic Age, Visceral Fat) (Weight Loss >> Men 8-10 lbs/mo, Women 50 & Under 6-8lbs/mo Women Over 50 4-6lbs/mo) “When would you like to reach these goals?”

  33. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Ask If They Are Serious About Getting A Health Result. Ask Them To Rate Their Seriousness On A Scale Of 1-10 (They Should Say 10 If You Pained Them) “How serious are you about reaching these goals, 1 being the least, and 10 being the most serious?”

  34. Process The Coach Pulls Out Body Composition Analysis Form Ask If They Are Serious About Getting A Health Result. Ask Them To Rate Their Seriousness On A Scale Of 1-10 (They Should Say 10 If You Pained Them) “I’ll give you 125% in helping you achieve your goals. Will you give yourself the same commitment?” Sign And Date In The Signature Section. Have Customer Sign And Date As Well.

  35. Process Complete The Health & Lifestyle Survey This Critical Form Is Designed To: Assist The Coach In Understanding Their Client’s Health Challenges Help The Coach Target Specific Products That Can Assist The Client With Their Ailments *This Form Is Part Of The Wellness Profile Zip File Online At: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  36. Process Complete The Health & Lifestyle Survey Ask Customer To Complete The Health And Lifestyle Survey. Use The Product And Ailment Guide To Mentally Map Herbalife Products To Existing Health Conditions For Product Order. *This Form Is Part Of The Wellness Profile Zip File Online At: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  37. Process Complete The Daily Diet Analysis Form This Critical Form Is Designed To: Assist The Coach In Determining How To Best Serve The Client. Help Client Willingly Making A Food Consumption Shift To Herbalife Products. *This Form Is Part Of The Wellness Profile Zip File Online At: http://www.wellnessnc.com/tools.aspx

  38. Process The Daily Diet Analysis Form • Assist The Client With Completing The Daily Diet Analysis Form. Have Them Fill Out Their Eating Times, What They Drank And Ate, How They Felt, And How Much They Spent. Place “N/A” For Any Empty Sections. Client Should have, daily: ½ body weight – water in oz. ¾ body weight – protein in gms.* *If Muscle Mass Is Undetermined

  39. Process The Daily Diet Analysis Form • Coach Will Determine Protein In Grams, Water In Ounces, And Estimated Calories Of Their Diet Client Should have, daily: ½ body weight – water in oz. ¾ body weight – protein in gms.* *If Muscle Mass Is Undetermined

  40. Process The Daily Diet Analysis Form • Next, With The Customer’s Assistance, The Coach Will Total Up And Reflect To Client How Much Their Daily Spending Is On Food, Or What Their Total “Fat Investment” Is. Client Should have, daily: ½ body weight – water in oz. ¾ body weight – protein in gms.* *If Muscle Mass Is Undetermined

  41. Attack & Confess Protein Deficiency • “Most people are protein deficient and that the challenge for most is NOT enough of the right stuff OFTEN enough” • “The #1 deficiency is protein and the body is going to feed itself no matter what.” • “Not enough protein and your body will cannibalize your lean muscle and organs.” • “Feed your lean muscle and your body starts to burn fat.” • “As you develop more lean muscle, your bone density increases.”

  42. Attack & Confess Survival (Starvation) • “Our nervous system is the smartest thing on our body and it’s designed to survive.” • “For example, take a bear heading into hibernation during fall. Food is scarce, and the bear eats less and goes farther between meals. The first thing that happens is the bear’s nervous system slows down the metabolism. The bear is put in survival mode where it starts storing fat. The human body does the same thing”

  43. Process Consumption Shift Average Daily Cost To Maintain Addition Weight – Coaches Must Get Client To Realize That They Have To Pay $$$ To Maintain Their Additional Weight. Average Daily Healthy Shift $ To Achieving Optimum Weight – This Is How Much Client Is Willing To Cut Out Of Their Current Food Budget To Commit To Eating Healthy. You Are Preparing Them To Commit To Herbalife Take Home Healthy Meal or Healthy Meal Plus Programs. *We Will Discuss What A Healthy Meal Is Shortly.

  44. Process Consumption Shift • “So your daily cost is $____. How much of this $____ do you want to continue to spend to maintain your additional ____ pounds?” (Pounds overweight. Expect answer to be ‘NONE’) • “How much of your $____ daily cost are you willing to shift to achieve your optimum weight and energy?”

  45. Process At This Point Ask Client… “If you could lose ____LBs within the next 2 months would you be willing to carve out $5.75 a day towards eating healthy?” Most Clients Can’t Help But Say “Yes”! Note The $5.75 Is Approximately 2 Health Meals At $2.86 Per Healthy Meal.

  46. Wellness Profile Step 4. The Product Close Assume The Sale

  47. Process Client Should Now Be Prep’d For Close! • Client Has Been Overwhelmed With Their Body Composition Analysis • Understands They Are Currently Paying To Maintain Their Additional Weight • Viewed Key Presentation Sections • Now Clearly Sees The Need And Our Value

  48. Healthy Meal Introduce Client To… The Healthy Meal

  49. Healthy Take Meal Home Program Healthy Formula 1 (30 meals) Protein Drink Mix Large Tea (60 servings) Herbal Aloe Meal ONLY Includes: $3.81 * Per Meal • Protein Drink Mix • 24 vitamins and minerals • 15g of heart-healthy protein • Just 5g of carbs • Formula 1 Healthy meal Nutritional Shake Mix • A healthy Meal with up to 19 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients • 16.5g Protein and healthy fiber for weight management • Herbal Aloe Concentrate • Soothes digestion • Improves nutrient absorption • Herbal Tea Concentrate • Antioxidant and Thermogenic benefits of green tea and botanicals • Energy boost and burns fats *Total Cost: $152.74 Includes Taxes, Shipping & Handling

  50. Plus Healthy Programs Meal Walk Run Fly QuickStart Advanced Ultimate Plus Plus Plus Includes: Includes: Includes: • Formula 1 Healthy Meal • Formula 2 Multivitamin • Formula 3 Cell Activator • Protein Drink Mix • Small Tea • Herbal Aloe • Formula 1 Healthy Meal • Formula 2 Multivitamin • Formula 3 Cell Activator • Total Control • Cell-U-Loss • Protein Drink Mix • Small Tea • Herbal Aloe • Formula 1 Healthy Meal • Formula 2 Multivitamin • Formula 3 Cell Activator • Total Control • Cell-U-Loss • Thermo-bond • Aminogen • Snack Defense • Protein Drink Mix • Small Tea • Herbal Aloe ONLY ONLY ONLY $5.11 $4.41 $6.18 * * * Per Meal Per Meal Per Meal Includes Taxes, Shipping& Handling *QuickStart Plus: $207.05 *Advanced Plus: $270.16 *Ultimate Plus: $341.18

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