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compete(v): Word Formation : competition(n), competitor(n) Definition : if a company competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its goods or services Synonyms: competition =rivalry / competitor=rival Antonym:- Collocations : compete for/with/against Ex:They are competingwith foreign companies for a share of the market. Ex:The Renault Clio competes against such cars as the Peugeot 206. Ex:The price reduction is due to competition among suppliers Ex: Last year, Apple sold twice as many computers as its competitors.
The ability of a company to compete with others competitive(adj) : Word Formation : competitiveness(n), competitively(adv) Definition : trying hard to be more successful than other people or businesses Synonyms: - Antonym: Collocations : highly/more/less/most competitive Ex:Advertising is a highly competitive business. Ex:The competitive market system also gives us a standard to compare the real-world economy. Ex:New machinery has improved the company’s productivity and competitiveness.
rival(n) : Word Formation : rivalry(n) Definition : a person or organization that you compete with in sports, business, etc. Synonyms: competitor Antonym: Collocations : rivalry between, intense rivalry, chief rival Ex:She left her job and went to work for a rival company. Ex:McDonald’s is competing hard with its chief rival, Burger King. Ex:There has always been intense rivalry between the UK and the US.
The skill and high standards of behaviour expected of a professional person profession(n) : Word Formation : professionalism(n) Definition : a job that needs a high level of education and training Synonyms: - Antonym:- Collocations : legal/medical/teaching profession, enter/go into/ join a profession Ex:Doctors are members of medical profession. Ex:Some students enter the professions such as arts administration. Ex:Keile was a real professional and had good relationships with her colleagues. Her competence and professionalism will be missed.
Done as a part of a plan , especialy in military, business,etc. strategy(n) : Word Formation : strategic(adj) Definition : a planned series of actions for achieving sth. Synonyms:- Antonym:- Collocations : economic / business strategy Ex:Everybody hopes that the government’s long-term economic strategy will work. Ex:The company’s business strategy is compteting with its rivals and being the best in the sector. Ex:We need to hava a strategic plan for education in the next century.
Official advice given to someone recommend(v) : Word Formation : recommendation(n) Definition : to advice someone to do sth, esp because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject Synonyms:- Antonym:- Collocations : recommend that, recommend doing, recommendation for Ex:Doctors never recommend taking sleeping tablets regularly. Ex:I recommend that you should get a professional help. Ex:The committee has made several recommendations for improving standards at schools.
Someone whose job is to give advice on a particular subject consult(v) : Word Formation : consultant(n) Definition : to ask for information or advice from someone because it’s their job to know Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : consult sb about sth, consult with, management/financial consultant Ex:An increasing number of people are consulting their accountants about the tax laws. Ex:I have to consult with my lawyer Ex:Even management consultants have a role in enviromental consulting.
recruit(v) : Word Formation : recruitment(n) Definition : to find people to work in a company, do a job, join an organization, etc. Synonyms:- Antonym:- Collocations : - Ex:We are not recruiting at the moment. Ex:It’s getting more and more difficult to recruit experienced staff. Ex:They’ve changed their recruitment policy, and they are conducting job interview now.
LISTENING 1. What do you understand by the term“management consultant” ? Discuss the following questions in pairs: 1.1. Why do you think companies might call in management consultants to advise them ? 1.2. What experience and personal qualities do you think people might need to be successful consultants? When they are in difficulty, possibly to advise on organizational planning, mergers and acquisitons. They areoften qualified accountants, they need excellent academic results and should be analytical ,objective , sensitive, and able to emphatsize.
LISTENING 2. PART A: Note down the reasons Bill Watts gives for firms calling in a consultant. • Their competitiveness has suffered, their market position is being challenged. • ........ • Advice on acquiring or merging with another company or moving into a different market How closely do they match the ones you gave in 1 ?
LISTENING 3. Listen to PART B and find answers to the questions 1. quite intimidated 2. In his late twenties. 3. With suspicion- “like a man from Mars” 4. Because he was trained in techniques that were often unknown in Britain and because they were experts in management theories and gathering market intelligence. 5.Very closely, in order to gain their confidence in the outcome
LISTENING 4. In PART CBill discusses the company’s “up-or-out” policy for its staff. What do you think it means? Listen and check your answer. If you are not asked to become a partner then you’re told to leave.
LISTENING 4. In PART CBill discusses the company’s “up-or-out” policy for its staff. Listen again and answer these questions. • What are the long-term prospects for consultants at McKinsey? • Why is management consultancy is a high-pressured job? • What are some of its compensations?
LISTENING 4. ANSWERS • What are the long-term prospects for consultants at McKinsey? • Why is management consultancy is a high-pressured job? • What are some of its compensations?
LISTENING 6. Complete the sentences below by changing the word in italics into an appropriate form, as in the example. • Commitment • Competitiveness • Rivalry • Professionalism • Strategic • Recruitment • Recommendations • Intelligence
dominate(v) : Word Formation : dominance(n) Definition : to control someone of something or to have more importance than other people or things Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : Ex:The industry is dominated by 5 multinational companies. Ex:New Orleans dominated throughout the game. Ex:Turkish Airlines dominates the airlines industry in Turkey.
consider(v) : Word Formation : Definition : to have a prticular opinion about sth or someone Synonyms: think, perceive Antonym: Collocations : Ex:The local authority considered that the school didn’t meet requirements Ex:An increase in interest rates is considered unlikely. Ex:She is considered to be one of the best pianists
rely(v) : Word Formation : reliance(n) Definition : to depend on sth else to live or exist Synonyms: depend on Antonym: Collocations : Ex:For its income, the company relies on a few new contracts. Ex:An international company relies on agents to sell its products Ex:
derive(v) : Word Formation : Definition : to come or develop from sth else Synonyms: come from Antonym: Collocations : Ex:People’s behaviours derive from basic beliefs. Ex: Ex:
inevitable(adj) : Word Formation :- Definition : impossible to avoid (=certain to happen) Synonyms:- Antonym:- Collocations :- Ex:A further crisis seems inevitable Ex:Facial wrinkles are the inevitable result of aging. Ex:It’s inevitable that he will find out her secret sooner or later.
integrate(v) : Word Formation : integration(n) Definition : to combine or work together in a way that makes sth more effective Synonyms: combine Antonym: - Collocations : integrate with Ex:Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy. Ex:Bus and subway services have been fully integrated. Ex:In an increasingly integrated global economy, pronouncing a crisis is a risky game.
conviction(n) : Word Formation :- Definition : a very strong belief or opinion Synonyms: opinion Antonym:- Collocations :- Ex:Americans held the conviction that anyone could become rich if they worked hard. Ex:Some people have a deep convinciton that marriage is for life. Ex:He has strong convictions about the economic trends.
appointment(n) : Word Formation : appointee(n) Definition : an arrangement for a meeting Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : Ex:I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor. Ex:It’s difficult to get an appointment on Monday morning. Ex:Dennis had an early-morning business appointment with a client
bid(v) : Word Formation : Definition : to offer to do work or provide services for a specific price, in competition with other offers Synonyms: offer Antonym: Collocations : Ex:Three firms bid for the contract on the new building Ex:Baxley International announced that it bid $11m in cash to acquire Los Angeles – based company. Ex:
merger(n) : Word Formation : Definition : the joining of 2 or more companies to form a larger one Synonyms: joining Antonym: Collocations : merger with /between/of Ex:It was declared that a merger between two of the largest sortware companies were formed. Ex:There has been a lot of talk about a merger with a leading bank. Ex:
acquire(v) : Word Formation : acquisition(n) Definition : to get or gain sth Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : Ex:The college acquired a reputation for very high standards. Ex:In 1998 the business was acquired by a Dutch company Ex:Robinson spent $20 million to acquire the symphony hall.
lucrative(adj) : Word Formation : Definition : letting you earn a lot of money Synonyms: profitable Antonym: Collocations : highly lucrative Ex:He inherited aAn increase in consumer demand has made sports shoes retailing a lucrative business. lucrative business from his father. Ex:An increase in consumer demand has made sports shoes retailing a lucrative business. Ex:Transferred from Barcelona to Naples, Maradona signed a highly lucrative 3-year contract.
revenue(n) : Word Formation : Definition : money that a busines earns over a period of time (esp from selling goods & services) Synonyms: income Antonym: Collocations : Ex:Nintendo’s estimated revenue totals $9 billion worldwide. Ex:They expect to raise enough revenue to pay for their own activities. Ex:
stagnant(adj) : Word Formation : Definition : not changing or making progress (continuing to be in a bad situation) Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : stagnant economy Ex:A government is planning to revive the stagnant economy Ex:Ticket sales have been stagnant. Ex:The lack of an efficient railway system was a major factor to the stagnant economy.
leverage(adj) : Word Formation : Definition : influence that you use to make people do what you want Synonyms: influence, power Antonym: Collocations : Ex:Turkey has promised not to use its control of the rivers for political leverage. Ex:As a result of the merger, the company has more leverage in the USA now. Ex:
stall(n) : Word Formation : Definition : Synonyms: Antonym: Collocations : Ex: Ex: Ex:
READING 1. What are the biggest drinks manifecturers in Turkey? How competitive is their promotion of their products?
READING 2. Read the text about the rivalry between the world’s two biggest beer companies and answer the questions. • Why can Anheuser-Busch claim to be the world’s most important brewer? • How did the Belgian beer company Interbrew grow to become the world’s biggest brewer? • Complete the table below comparing the two rivals.
READING 2.ANSWERS • Why can Anheuser-Busch claim to be the world’s most important brewer? Because it makes Budweiser, which is the world’s biggest-selling beer. • How did the Belgian beer company Interbrew grow to become the world’s biggest brewer? It merged with Brasil’s AmBev, Latin America’s largest brewer.
READING Budweiser , Tsingtao Stella Artois, Beck’s Brahma Dominance of US market; products sell in 80 markets; Budweiser brand;strong balance sheet; clear lines of management World’s largest brewer by volume; has global influence; fast growth May be growing too fast; hasn’t integrated previous acquisitions well Stuck in the US market, overseas ventures have been tentative, overreliance on Budweiser brand Belgium, Brazil, the Netherlands, Canada, the UK, GErmany US, Mexico, China 2.3. Complete the table below comparing the two rivals. Anheuser-Busch InterbrewAnBev Brands __________________ ________________ Strengths __________________ ________________ Weaknesses __________________ ________________ Geographical influence __________________ ________________
READING 3. Which firm is in the strongest position to contest domination of the world beer market?
READING 4. Match words from the text in the beginnings of sentences 1-5 with their endings a-e. 1. c 2.b 3.e 4.a 5.d
consultancy(n) : Word Formation : consultant (n) Definition : a company that gives advice on a particular subject Ex:They increasingly make revenue from research and consultancy services for commercial firms. Ex:In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which advised the government on economic growth
stress(n) Word Formation : stressful(adj) expert(n) Word Formation : expertise(n)
breakdown(n) : Definition : the failure of a system Ex:A sudden rise in oil prices could lead to a breakdown of the economy. Ex:There has been a serious breakdown in relations between the two countries.
breakthrough(n) : Definition : an important discovery Collocations : major breakthrough Ex:Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer Ex:With further funding, the research team hope to achieve a breakthrough. Ex:Their findings led to a major technological breakthrough
high flier(n) : Definition : someone who is extremely succesful in his job or in school Ex:The company was once a high-flier in the disk drive business Ex: She was a high-flier in the class, so everyone used to ask for help before the exams.
backfire(v) : Definition : if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended Ex:The company’s policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit. Ex: His plan to get attention backfired, and instead of being promoted he lost his job.
go like clockwork : Definition : to happen exactly the way you have planned Ex:The concert went like clockwork Ex: