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Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive Methamphetamine Distribution

Explore the legal proceedings of US v. Johnson et al. in methamphetamine distribution cases. Detailed information on Denver, Grand Junction, Aurora, Pueblo, Fort Collins, and Casper, WY distributions. This comprehensive resource covers the operations of law enforcement agencies in combating drug trafficking within the Rocky Mountain HIDTA region.

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Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive Methamphetamine Distribution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grand Junction Distribution Denver Distribution Fort Collins Distribution Aurora Distribution Pueblo Distribution Casper WY Distribution Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Splash Screen Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  2. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Denver Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  3. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Grand Junction Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  4. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Aurora Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  5. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Pueblo Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  6. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Fort Collins Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

  7. Methamphetamine Distribution US v. Johnson et al Casper, WY Distribution Rocky Mountain HIDTA Law Enforcement Sensitive

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