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Required Training and Permits

Required Training and Permits. For Scouts &Varsity. Be Prepared!. That's the motto of the Boy Scouts. "Be prepared for what?" someone once asked Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, "Why, for any old thing." said Baden-Powell. What is your definition?. Prepared: Definition.

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Required Training and Permits

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Required Training and Permits For Scouts &Varsity

  2. Be Prepared! • That's the motto of the Boy Scouts. • "Be prepared for what?" someone once asked Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, • "Why, for any old thing." said Baden-Powell. • What is your definition?

  3. Prepared: Definition • willing: willing and able to do something • ready to deal with something: in a suitable physical or mental state to be able to cope with “any old thing", that is occasionally unexpected or unusually difficult. • made, or made ready, beforehand: made ready or put together in advance

  4. The Tour Plan(Formerly called the Travel Permit) • Completed on-line @utahscouts.org • Print two (2) copies: One goes with you on the trip, the other is filed with your unit. • Questions? Contact Lisa at Boy Scout Service Center, 444 S Main, Cedar City, (435) 586-1613 • Hours: M-F 9:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m.

  5. There are Training Resources to Help Leaders Be Prepared • “We have Scout leaders with machetes trying to create their own path (program), cutting down trees and bushes, trying to create a path from scratch, when a few feet away lies a well maintained, paved path created by the Boy Scouts of America, with specific directions on how to run the program.”-Bradley Harris, Trails to Testimony

  6. Fast Start for Scouts/Varsity • Required Training • Can be completed by accessing myscouting.org • Basic Orientation to Scouting/Varsity Program

  7. Youth Protection • Required Training Every Two Years • Also accessed on myscouting.org • Addresses Two Deep Leadership

  8. New Leader Essentials • Required Training • Can be completed on line or at quarterly District Training sessions. • Introduction to Scouting/Varsity Program, Available Resources, and Guidelines for Conducting the Program.

  9. Activity Specific TrainingNot Available On-Line Health and Safety Leave No Trace Required every two years One time only training Check local calendar

  10. Activity Specific Trainings (accessed on myscouting.org) Hazardous Weather Safe Swim Defense(A plan for conducting swimming activities in a safe manner) Safety Afloat (Promote Boating Safety)

  11. Activity Specific Training (Cont.) Climb on Safely Rappelling NRA Firearm Training Cave Exploration

  12. Roundtable • The purpose of roundtable is to train, inform, and motivate. Units that miss roundtable find themselves outside the loop related to District and Council Activities. Roundtable is essentially “in-service” for LDS Scout Leaders. Roundtable is no more of a burden than attending a Stake Leadership Meeting. The Church delegates this training to the Boy Scouts of America. • Bradley D. Harris Trails to Testimony

  13. Roundtable Schedule • Roundtable is held on the first Thursday of the month unless otherwise announced. • Held at Canyon View Middle School, 1865 N Main St., Cedar City January, March, April, May, Sept. Oct., Nov., Dec. • Begins at 7:30 p.m. • February: Recognition Banquet, 7:00 p.m. Canyon View Stake Center • June: Location Announced, usually held outdoors • July: No Roundtable • August: Cub Scouts only, Location TBA

  14. Quarterly District Training • Held the Second Saturday in January, April, July and October(each year location changes except for July’s training that is always held in Parowan) • 7:45 a.m. Preopening • 8:00 a.m. This is Scouting • 9:45 a.m. Break (continental breakfast) • 10:00 a.m. Leader Specific : Cub Scouts, Scoutmaster, Varsity, Venturing, Committee • Noon Lunch • 12:30 Cub Scouts (continued)

  15. Additional District Training These trainings are held at 6:00 p.m. prior to roundtable as follows: Health and Safety: January, March, May, Sept, and November This is Scouting: April, October and December Other specific trainings as announced at Roundtable.

  16. Additional Trainings: • Timberline-Youth Leadership, Adult Staff • Kodiak-Youth Leadership, Adult Staff • North Star-Adult Leadership Training-required to attend Woodbadge • Woodbadge-Advanced Adult Leadership Training

  17. Philmont Scout Ranch • Camping and hiking programs for Scout Troops and Varsity Teams in 137,000 acres of rugged northern New Mexico. Includes a center for volunteer and professional training. Contact Philmont Scout Ranch (503) 376-2881

  18. Put Your Training Skills to Good Use!

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