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The 6 Traits of Writing

The 6 Traits of Writing. *Ideas *Organization *Word Choice *Sentence Fluency *Voice *Conventions. Created by: Jennifer Heidl-Knobloch & Jody Drake Edited by: Crys Hatcher. If you don’t care about what you write about, your reader will be bored!.

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The 6 Traits of Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 6 Traits of Writing *Ideas *Organization *Word Choice *Sentence Fluency *Voice *Conventions Created by: Jennifer Heidl-Knobloch & Jody Drake Edited by: Crys Hatcher

  2. If you don’t care about what you write about, your reader will be bored!

  3. ALWAYS think about your READERS! • What do you want them to think and/or feel?

  4. Ideas & Content “The ideas are the heart of the message, the content of the piece…all the details that enrich and develop the theme.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

  5. Ideas & Content A writer should: ~ Narrow the topic to something specific ~ Use a fresh, original perspective ~ When possible, write from experience ~ Use important, interesting details (not just common knowledge)

  6. Organization “Organization is the internal structure of a piece of writing, the thread of central meaning, the pattern.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

  7. Organization A writer should: ~ use an inviting lead that hooks the reader ~ use logical and effective order, structure, & sequence ~ use smooth transitions to emphasize main idea ~ place supporting details where they are most appropriate ~ use a conclusion that gives the reader a sense of resolution (clincher)

  8. Voice “It is the heart and soul of the writing, the magic, the wit, the feeling, the life and breath.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

  9. Voice A writer should: ~ Write honestly and from the heart ~ Interact with the reader * without using YOU ~ Use language that brings the topic to life ~ Care about topic ~ Use expression to voice personality

  10. Word Choice “Strong word choice clarifies and expands ideas…moves and enlightens the reader.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” --Anton Chekhov

  11. Word Choice A writer should: ~ Use words that create a mental picture for the reader ~ Use powerful action verbs (vivid verbs) ~ Use specific nouns and adjectives ~ Use language that is natural and not overdone ~ Be concise (tighten sentences) ~ Use words correctly ~ Avoid repetition, slang, and clichés

  12. Sentence Fluency “Sentence fluency is the rhythm and flow of the language.” --Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory “To me the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it’s about, but the music the words make.” --Truman Capote

  13. Sentence Fluency A writer should: ~Vary sentence beginning, structure, and length ~ Use complete sentences ~ Use transitions (internal & external) to promote cadence

  14. And lastly… CONVENTIONS

  15. Conventions Some of you may not enjoy the editing process, but without this step, the other 5 traits could be overshadowed by errors that distract the reader. This trait is essential to a polished composition.

  16. Conventions A writer should: ~ Turn in a clean, edited, and polished final draft ~ Reinforce the organization with good paragraphing ~ Use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar

  17. Quotations to Inspire “ What is written without effort is, in general, read without pleasure.” - Samuel Johnson “ We write to taste life twice.” ~ Anais Nin

  18. Works Cited “Assessment.” Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. 11 Jan. 2005. 6 July 2005. <www.nwrel.org/assessment/scoring.php?odelay=3&d=1>. “Grammar Cartoons.” Google Images. 6 July 2005. <www.images.google.com/images?synum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=grammar+cartoons>. Roberts, Bethany. "Writing for Children Workshop: Writing Quotes."16 June 2005. < http://www.bethanyroberts.com/writing_quotes.htm>. Spandel, Vicki. Creating Writers Through 6-Trait Writing Assessment and Instruction. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. Steele, Kimberly. “Ideas for Teaching Writing.” 23 June 2004. 6 July 2005. <www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/writing/menu.html.>

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