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Simulation and Design of Stabilizer Quantum Circuits

Explore new algorithms for simulating stabilizer quantum circuits. Learn about gate operations, group theory, and efficient circuit design strategies. Discover the novel "Scoreboarding" solution for faster implementation.

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Simulation and Design of Stabilizer Quantum Circuits

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  1. Simulation and Design of Stabilizer Quantum Circuits +ZI+IX 0 0 1 11 1 0 0  +XX+ZZ 1 0 0 00 0 0 1 Scott Aaronson and Boriska Toth CS252 Project December 10, 2003

  2. Quantum Computing: New Challenges for Architecture • If you speculate on a measurement, rollback will not happen • Cache coherence protocols violate no-cloning theorem • How do you design and debug circuits that you can’t even simulate efficiently?

  3. Our Approach: Start With A Subset of Quantum Computations • Stabilizers (Gottesman 1996): Beautiful formalism that captures much (but not all) of quantum weirdness • Quantum linear error-correcting codes • Teleportation • Dense quantum coding • GHZ (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger) paradox • What We Did:Invented new algorithms for simulating and designing quantum circuits described by the stabilizer formalism. Implemented and tested an efficient simulator with possible practical value.

  4. AMAZING FACTThese gates are NOT universal—Gottesman & Knill showed how to simulate them quickly on a classical computerTo see why we need some group theory… Quantum Gates We Allow 1. Controlled-NOT (CNOT): Replaces a,b by a,ba |00|00, |01|01, |10|11, |11|10 1 1 1 -1 2. Hadamard: Applies /2 to single qubit |0(|0+|1)/2|1 (|0-|1)/2 H 1 0 0 i 3. Phase: Applies to single qubit |0|0, |1i|1 P 4. Measurement of a single qubit

  5. Pauli Matrices: Collect ‘Em All 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 -i i 0 1 0 0 -1 I = X = Y = Z = X2=Y2=Z2=I XY=iZ YZ=iX ZX=iY XZ=-iY ZY=-iX YX=-iZ Unitary matrix U stabilizes a quantum state | if U| = |. Stabilizers of | form an abelian group Theorem:| can be produced from the all-0 state by just CNOT, Hadamard, and phase gates, iff | is stabilized by 2n tensor products of Pauli matrices or their opposites (where n = number of qubits)In that case, | is uniquely determined by these stabilizers

  6. OUCH! Goal: Using a classical computer, simulate an n-qubit CNOT/Hadamard/Phase computer. Gottesman & Knill’s solution: Keep track of n generators of the stabilizer groupEach generator uses 2n+1 bits: 2 for each Pauli matrix and 1 for the sign. So n(2n+1) bits total Example: But as we discovered when we tried to implement, measurement takes O(n3) steps by Gaussian elimination CNOT(12) |01+|11 |01+|10 +XI-IZ +XX-ZZ Updating stabilizers takes only O(n) steps

  7. Our Faster, Easier-to-Implement Solution: “Scoreboarding” • Idea: Instead of n(2n+1) bits, store 2n(4n+1) bits • n stabilizers, 2n+1 bits each • n “destabilizers” • A 2n2n scoreboard, that stores how to write XIIII,…,IIIIX, ZIIII,…,IIIIZ as products of the stabilizers and destabilizers Together generate full Pauli group XI IX ZI IZ +XI+IX 1 0 0 00 1 0 0 Initial State:|00 Destabilizers +ZI+IZ 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 Stabilizers Scoreboard

  8. Our Faster, Easier-to-Implement Solution: “Scoreboarding” • Idea: Instead of n(2n+1) bits, store 2n(4n+1) bits • n stabilizers, 2n+1 bits each • n “destabilizers” • A 2n2n scoreboard, that stores how to write XIIII,…,IIIIX, ZIIII,…,IIIIZ as products of the stabilizers and destabilizers Together generate full Pauli group XI IX ZI IZ +ZI+IX 0 0 1 00 1 0 0 Hadamard the 1st qubit:|00+|10 Destabilizers Swap +XI+IZ 1 0 0 00 0 0 1 Stabilizers Scoreboard

  9. Our Faster, Easier-to-Implement Solution: “Scoreboarding” • Idea: Instead of n(2n+1) bits, store 2n(4n+1) bits • n stabilizers, 2n+1 bits each • n “destabilizers” • A 2n2n scoreboard, that stores how to write XIIII,…,IIIIX, ZIIII,…,IIIIZ as products of the stabilizers and destabilizers Together generate full Pauli group XI IX ZI IZ +ZI+IX 0 0 1 11 1 0 0 CNOT into the 2nd qubit:|00+|11 Destabilizers  +XX+ZZ 1 0 0 00 0 0 1 Stabilizers Scoreboard

  10. Advantages • Because we force each instruction to “tell the scoreboard” what it did, measuring a state (and updating it after the measurement) can be done in only O(n2) steps.No Gaussian elimination needed! • Recently measured observables are automatically “cached”—measuring them again takes only O(n) steps.

  11. CHP Code Example: Quantum Teleportation | h 1 c 1 2 c 0 1 h 0 m 0 m 1 c 0 3 c 1 4 c 4 2 h 2 c 3 2 h 2 H Alice’s Qubits |0 H |0 H H | |0 Bob’s Qubits |0 Prepare EPR pair Alice’s part Bob’s part CHP: An interpreter for “quantum assembly language” programs that implements our scoreboard algorithm

  12. Performance of CHP 650MHz Pentium III, 256MB RAM Compiler optimizations made it 50% slower! 20000 gates 15000 gates 10000 gates 5000 gates • Randomly-generated circuits with equal mix of CNOT, Hadamard, phase, and measurement gates • Updating the state after measurements with random outcomes dominates the running time. Amdahl’s Law suggests this is what we should optimize—and we have ideas!

  13. Other Stuff We Did • Proved that any stabilizer quantum circuit can be simulated using only CNOT gatesIn theory jargon: Simulating stabilizer circuits is “L-complete” • Proved that any stabilizer circuit has an equivalent circuit with at most O(n2/log n) gates, saturating the Shannon lower boundBuilds on work by an architecture group at U. Michigan—K. Patel, I. Markov, and J. Hayes (quant-ph/0302002)—who showed this for CNOT circuits

  14. Future Directions • Measurements (at least some) in O(n) steps? • Apply CHP to quantum error-correction, studying conjectures about entanglement in many-qubit systems… • Efficient minimization of stabilizer circuits? • Superlinear lower bounds on stabilizer circuit size? • Other quantum computations with efficient classical simulations: bounded entanglement (Vidal 2003), “matchgates” (Valiant 2001)…

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