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Nutrition and Dementia: A Guide to Enhancing Well-being and Functionality

Explore why nutrition is crucial for individuals with dementia, ways to improve food choices and hydration, the importance of muscle strength, balance, and wound healing. Learn about meal planning, dietary factors, and collaborative initiatives.

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Nutrition and Dementia: A Guide to Enhancing Well-being and Functionality

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nutrition and Dementia Debbie Sutton Dietitian

  2. What it’s not

  3. What it is • Why • What • How • Who • When • Why bother about nutrition and hydration? • What food and drink do people need? • How can you achieve this? • Who to include • When to introduce

  4. Why does nutrition help? • Muscle weakness • Poor balance and stability • falls • Nutrient deficiency. • Tissue viability • Wound healing • Infection risk

  5. Pleasure of eating

  6. What your menu must offer • What are good choices? • What should you resist? • Nutritionally well or nutritionally vulnerable?

  7. Reports about nutrition

  8. 5 – 2 – 2 - 5

  9. High nutrient density. • Familiar. • Easy to eat.

  10. Tempting a poor appetite • Small portion sizes • Plenty of variety • Little and often

  11. Desirable dietary factors

  12. Personnel and personalities. Initiatives Collaboration

  13. Project development

  14. Training needs

  15. Initiatives

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