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Arizona TSA High School Competitive Events Overview. 2015-2016 “Learning To Live In A Technical World!”. National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016. TSA Contests. Advisors,
Arizona TSA High SchoolCompetitive Events Overview 2015-2016 “Learning To Live In A Technical World!”
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 TSA Contests Advisors, To determine the amount of your students in each competition, thoroughly read the rules and guidelines of each event. The number of entries per chapter per contest will follow the national guidelines. Please refer to the chart on page 9 to see the guidelines nationals has put into place.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Animatronics Animatronics refers to a robotic device that emulates a human or an animal, or brings an inanimate object to “life.” Participants will produce an animatronics device complete with an appropriate display. The animatronics device must use control technology in its performance. The device must not suggest anything that is inappropriate by language, sound or movements. Evaluation is based on performance, device artisanship, and documentation of design
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Animatronics
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 ARCHITECTURAL RENOVATION Participants develop a set of architectural plans and related materials for an annual architectural renovation design challenge and construct a physical, as well as a computer-generated model, to accurately depict their design. A specific design problem will be provided on the TSA website each year.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 ARCHITECTURAL RENOVATION • The Architectural Renovation Event for the 2014-2015 school year will feature a Sears, Roebuck & Company Honor-Built Kit house . Students wishing to compete in this event should complete the following steps: • 1. Review information about kit houses in the Unites States, using Wikipedia or other internet website. • 2. Visit the Sears Archives Homepage (www.searsarchives.com) to review information about Sears’s mail order houses. • 3. Access the 1927-1932 house offerings and create a file and a hard copy of Plan #3281, The Lorain, for use in the Architectural Renovation event this year.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Career Preparation Changed During the school year participants research technology-related careers designated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as falling in the top ten employment growth areas in the near future. Participants research and prepare a resume and cover letter for each of the careers noted. Semifinalists participate in an on-site job interview related to one of the careers.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Career Preparation Participants research each of the careers in the specified year. 2015: Aeronautical Engineer; Computer Information Security Specialist Professional (CISSP); Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Analyst
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Chapter Team Participants take a written parliamentary procedures test in order to proceed to the semifinals, where they: • perform an opening ceremony • dispose of three (3) items of business • and perform a closing ceremony within a specified time period.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Computer Numerical Control CNC Production Participants design, fabricate, and demonstrate their ability to use a CNC machine to produce a device based on a problem posted on the TSA website.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2D Architecture Participants create representations, such as foundation and/or floor plans, and/or elevation drawings, and/or details of architectural ornamentation or cabinetry.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3D Engineering Participants create a 3D computer model(s) of an engineering or machine object, such as a machine part, tool, device, or manufactured product.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Debating Technical Issues Team members will work together to prepare for a debate against a team from another chapter. The teams will be instructed to take either the pro or con side of the designated topic.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Debating Technical Issues 2015 Topic: One-to-one laptops/devices for students in public education Subtopic 1 – Should schools purchase devices (laptops/other) for all students in K-12 education? Subtopic 2 – Is the cost of devices for all K-12 students worth the investment? Subtopic 3 – If one-to-one devices are purchased for K-12 students, how can faculty/staff ensure they will only be used for educational purposes?
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Desktop Publishing Participants produce a notebook containing a news release, a three (3)-column newsletter, and a poster. Each of these publications might be used by a school’s technology teacher and/or principal to attract students to the TSA organization. The news release and poster would promote the first TSA meeting of the school year. The newsletter would give details about the TSA program at the school, state, and national levels, and TSA competitions. All participants (not just semifinalists) then work to solve an on-site problem that demonstrates their abilities to use the computer to design, edit, and print materials for publication.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Digital Video Production Participants develop a digital video/film that focuses on the current year’s theme. Sound should accompany the film. The 2015 theme is Cyber Spying The 2016 theme is Stop Cyber Bullying
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Engineering Design Participants work as part of a team to design and fabricate a device that will meet the specific needs of a person with a disability. Through use of a model/prototype, display, and notebook, participants document and justify their approach and reasoning in identifying a problem and their solution’s direct impact on a member of their community and on society. Semifinalists justify and demonstrate their solution to their identified problem in a timed presentation.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Essays on Technology Participants conduct research in a published technological area and, using the knowledge and personal insights gained from this research, write an essay on one (1) subtopic selected from two (2) or three (3) related subtopics designated on site. Consider your audience to be the readers of your local daily newspaper.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Essays on Technology Participants will write a synthesis essay to make insightful connections based on a current technological topic. Participants will be provided with a prompt and a series of two (2) or more articles on a current technological topic. Participants will be given 90 minutes to complete the essay. This is a handwritten competition done at the state conference.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Extemporaneous Speech Participants give a three to five (3-5) minute speech fifteen (15) minutes after having drawn a card on which a technology or TSA topic for their speech is written. Hint: Be cool, calm, and collected and have a solid knowledge base about TSA and current issues in Technology.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Future Technology Teacher Participants research and select three accredited colleges or universities that offer technology education teacher preparation as a major. Each participant writes a one page simulated college essay explaining why he/she would like to become a technology educator and what would constitute success in the field. Participants also develop and present a lesson plan to judges.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Manufacturing Prototype Participants design and manufacture a prototype of a product (designated annually) and provide a description of how the product could be manufactured in a state-of-the-art American manufacturing facility. The product for 2015 is a child’s pull toy The product for 2016 is a device to hold supplies for a person who uses a wheelchair
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Music Production Participants produce a musical piece that is designed to be played during the national TSA Conference opening or closing general sessions. The musical piece should be energizing, interesting and of a spirit consistent with the Technology Student Association
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 On Demand Video Participants write, shoot, and edit a sixty-second video on site at the conference. The topic is given out at the conference.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Photographic Technology Participants capture and process photographic and digital prints that depict the current year’s published theme. Semifinalists participate in an on-site event in which they capture digital images and utilize multimedia software to prepare and develop a media presentation during the annual conference.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Prepared Presentation Participants deliver an oral presentation that includes audio and/or visual enhancements based on the current year’s theme. The theme for the 2015 conference is: “Designing Your Dreams"
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Promotional Graphics Participants develop and submit electronically a graphic design that can be used to promote participation in TSA-related interests. The theme for the 2015 conference is: to create a promotional design to inform and encourage participation in TSA’s official community service project- The American Cancer Society
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Scientific and Technical Visualization (SciVis) SciVis refers to Scientific and Technical Visualization, the graphical representation of complex scientific concepts. Participants develop a visualization focusing on a subject or topic from one (1) or more of the following areas: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Software Development Participants work as part of a team to participate in the development, debugging, and documentation of a software design project using freely available software development toolkits. Through a multimedia presentation and documentation, the team explains its knowledge of the software development process.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Structural Design & Engineering Participants work as part of a team on site with supplied materials to build a model of a structure that is destructively tested to determine design efficiency. For the 2014-15 school year contest is based on the concept of using box girders in the design and construction of mass light rail transit (LRT) systems. Contestants should research the various types of light rail transit. Use this to develop a design for a box girder support beam and rail bed for a light rail system that could be used in any city in the US.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 System Control Technology Participants work as part of a team on site to develop a computer-controlled model-solution to a problem, typically one from an industrial setting. Teams analyze the problem, build a computer-controlled mechanical model, program the model, explain the program and mechanical features of the model-solution, and write instructions for evaluators to operate the device
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Technical Sketching and Application Participants complete a written test in order to qualify as semifinalists. Semifinalists then demonstrate their ability to solve on-site engineering graphics problems using standard drafting techniques.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Technology Bowl A written test is given to determine top ten teams. Head-to-head elimination tournament competition determines the winner. Awards also given to the top individual test score(s).
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Technology Problem Solving Participants work together to develop and create a solution to a problem using the limited materials provided and the tools allowed. Completed solutions will be objectively measured and judged to determine the best and most effective solution for the stated problem.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Video Game Design Participants develop an E-rated game that focuses on the subject of their choice. The game should be interesting, exciting, visually appealing and intellectually challenging. The game should have high artistic, educational, and social value. A working, interactive game will be submitted on a DVD for evaluation.
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 Webmaster Participants are required to design, build, and launch a website that features their school's career and technology/engineering program, the TSA chapter, and the chapter’s ability to research and present a given topic pertaining to technology. Semifinalists participate in an on-site interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise gained during the development of the website - with an emphasis on web design methods and practices, as well as their research for the annual design topic
National Technology Student Association Competitive Events 2015-2016 In All of the events your students enter… • Read ALL of the rules, including the general competition rules. • Be the expert of the event. • If you are stuck and have questions…ask. • Sweat the details • Double check all regulations, including clothing. • Check the National TSA website • “Themes & Problems” • “Competition Updates and Clarification”