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Competitive Events

Competitive Events. HOSA Competitive Events. HOSA members are encouraged to take full advantage of the HOSA National Competitive Events Program. Competition within a state is held as a means of identifying those members eligible for competition at the HOSA National Leadership Conference.

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Competitive Events

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Competitive Events

  2. HOSA Competitive Events • HOSA members are encouraged to take full advantage of the HOSA National Competitive Events Program. • Competition within a state is held as a means of identifying those members eligible for competition at the HOSA National Leadership Conference. • It's worth the time and effort to select an event and prepare for competition. Those who prepare for an event are developing the knowledge and skills needed as a health care professional. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  3. Fall online testing • Some events have a written test. • You can take this test as a practice test in the fall – You will see this test again as the REAL test at SLC • Registration for the online practice test is from September 22 through October 3. • See Mr. Ryan to register – Room 919 before or after school. • Cost of on line testing is $5.00 • Tests using online testing are noted in this presentation. • Take the test between October 8th and 17th– specific times and locations will be announced. • You may take more than one practice test to help determine which event you would like to compete in at SLC.

  4. Health Science Events Dental Terminology Medical Spelling * Medical Terminology * Medical Math * Medical Reading *ECTA HOSA members have previously competed in these events All Health Science events have a fall practice test. This is an opportunity to see and take the written test in the fall before you take the real test in March at the HOSA State Leadership Conference. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  5. Knowledge Tests Human Growth and Development Medical Law and Ethics * Nutrition* Pharmacology * Pathophysiology* Transcultural Health Care All Knowledge Tests events have a fall practice test. This is an opportunity to see and take the written test in the fall before you take the real test in March at the HOSA State Leadership Conference. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  6. Health Professions Events *Biomedical Laboratory Science Clinical Nursing Clinical Specialty *Dental Science Home Health Aide *Medical Assisting *Nursing Assisting * Personal Care Physical Therapy *Sports Medicine * *Veterinary Science * These Health Professions events have a fall practice test. This is an opportunity to see and take the written test in the fall before you take the real test in March at the HOSA State Leadership Conference. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  7. Emergency Preparedness Events *CERT Skills *CPR/First Aid * *Emergency Medical Technician Epidemiology Life Support Skills MRC Partnership Public Health * * These Emergency Preparedness events have a fall practice test. This is an opportunity to see and take the written test in the fall before you take the real test in March at the HOSA State Leadership Conference. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  8. Leadership Events Extemporaneous Health Poster * Extemporaneous Writing * *Healthy Lifestyle (fall online test) Interviewing Skills * Job Seeking Skills * Medical Photography * Prepared Speaking Researched Persuasive Speaking * Speaking Skills http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  9. Teamwork Events * These Teamwork events have a fall practice test. This is an opportunity to see and take the written test in the fall before you take the real test in March at the HOSA State Leadership Conference. *Biomedical Debate Health Career Display * Community Awareness Creative Problem Solving *Forensic Medicine Health Education *HOSA Bowl * Medical Innovation (Pilot Event) Parliamentary Procedure Public Service Announcement * http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  10. Recognition Events Barbara James Service Award HOSA Happenings Healthcare Issues Exam National Service Project Outstanding HOSA Chapter Outstanding State Leader MRC Volunteer Recognition http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

  11. There is an event for you. • If interested • See Mr. Ryan in room 919. • Check out the event information • By clicking on the hyperlink in this presentation. • At http://hosa.org/node/117 • If you want to attend the Nevada State HOSA Conference, you must compete in an event. http://teacherweb.com/NV/ECTA/MrRyan/index.html

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