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The UIUC Biodiesel Initiative focuses on lowering university emissions and promoting renewable fuel education. Learn about waste oil collection, transesterification reactions, testing, and future plans for expanding biodiesel production. Discover similar projects at other universities, get tips for starting your own biodiesel project, and find out how you can contribute to the growth of sustainable fuel initiatives. Join us in our mission for a greener future.

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  1. UIUC BIODIESEL INITIATIVEENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS Great Lakes Regional Conference Local Projects Focus

  2. Mission Statement The UIUC Biodiesel Initiative is a local project focused primarily on lowering the emissions of the university and promoting education of renewable fuel sources. Our team strives to make the UIUC Biodiesel Initiative a model for university and community biodiesel production.

  3. Agenda • Project Briefing • Similar projects at other universities • Starting a project at your university • Questions Picture from www.dervaesinstitute.org

  4. Biodiesel basics • Biodiesel is an alternative fuel to petroleum diesel that is more campus- and environmentally-friendly • When produced from waste vegetable oil, it’s a very eco-friendly and economically-friendly fuel

  5. Biodiesel basics • Pros of Biodiesel • Lower emissions • Renewable fuel source • Waste recycling • Cost savings • Produced and used locally • Cons of Biodiesel • Cold weather properties • Short shelf life • Warranties • Materials incompatibility

  6. UIUC Biodiesel Initiative: From Fries to Fuel • Collect waste oil from dining halls • Buy other inputs (methanol and KOH)‏ • Perform the transesterification reaction • Separate the glycerin and rinse the biodiesel • Test the biodiesel • Implement fuel system for campus trucks and tractors

  7. Waste oil collection • Waste vegetable oil from University Housing • serves >8000 students daily • ~400 gallons/week • 7 Residence Halls across campus

  8. Reaction • Biodiesel is a product of a transesterification reaction • Inputs: • Waste Vegetable Oil • Methanol • Catalyst (i.e. KOH)‏ • Reactions: • Heat to 55C for 2 hours • Outputs: • Glycerin • Biodiesel • The batch process can take place on a scale smaller than the Appleseed (water heater) or several times greater than our 400-gallon reactor soap-queen.blogspot.com

  9. Reaction • Produces 400 gallons per batch. • 1:1 ratio of WVO to Biodiesel • 1:1 ratio of methanol to glycerin • Uses water to purify fuel. • Roughly a 4:1 water to waste oil ratio • Our 400 gal. reaction will require 1600 gal. water

  10. Testing • As close as possible to ASTM Standards • 7 tests reasonably assure quality • Viscosity • Specific Gravity • Acid Number • Water and Sediment • Cloud point • Flashpoint • Gas Chromatography

  11. Integration • Splash blending in underground tank • Subsequent to positive testing results • Major ramifications if a bad batch enters underground tank • Testing is a crucial step • Biodiesel Blend will vary based on timing • First week: ~3% blend • Fourth week: ~18% blend www.stickerguy.com

  12. Future plans • Waste oil collection expands to • Private dining halls • Local restaurants • Algae • Excess biodiesel used in campus • Tractors • Buses • Outreach expands • Reactor as tool for education and research • Local community outreach • Agronomy Day, EOH, and other Learning Fairs • Exhibit at regional and national biodiesel conferences • Aid and encourage other biodiesel initiatives

  13. Similar projects at other universities • CU Biodiesel- University of Colorado at Boulder • Small-scale reactor • Buy biodiesel and implement in all buses • Rice University Biodiesel Initiative • Started really small (200 mL batches)‏ • Starting this semester, produces 70 gallon batches for use in campus fleet Picture from http://www.answers.com/topic/biodiesel

  14. Starting a biodiesel project • Develop a goal • Find a market for your product • Simple, one or two customers to start • Check warranties • Find good contacts for consulting • Past EWB helpful professors or consultants • Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department • Waste Management and Research Center • Publicize and Apply for grants

  15. Organizing a biodiesel project • UIUC Biodiesel • 4 different steps • WVO acquisition • Reactor Design • Testing • Outreach • 4 different committees • 2 goals, production, outreach • Officers and Committee Leaders • X University Biodiesel • How many steps? • Committee framework or step-by-step implementation • Is production the main goal? Is outreach more important? Is there a third factor? • Formal hierarchy or more decentralized

  16. Conducting a biodiesel project • Small-scale set-up • Architecture - mock-up • Build experience on small scale • Small-scale set-up has many future uses • Outreach • Publicity • Other oil sources (algae?)‏

  17. Barriers Concerns Resolutions • Picking up and moving the WVO • Spill concerns at pick up • Finding a secure and proper location to react • Pickup truck and barrels at dining halls • Secondary containment and spill kit • Facilities and Services Garage and Carpool

  18. Barriers Concerns Resolutions • Safety for students • Where to grow? • Sustainability of the initiative • Developed guidelines for all participants • Expanding within university • Positive benefits insured over time

  19. A happy ending • Demand for biodiesel soared over the past semester • The construction plans to construction services by October 17th. • Modifications to be complete by the new year • Reactor construction to begin in January • Production to begin in February

  20. Thank you • Dean Bruce Litchfield • Professor Alan Hansen • Doug Bennet- WMRC • Facilities and Services • UIUC Dining Services • Kraft Foods • ADM • Liftomatic


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