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5 Tips for Taking Care of Your New Smile After Treatment Ends

After your braces or Invisalign treatment comes to an end, itu2019s now time to maintain your new smile! Although your initial treatment is over, youu2019ll want to follow the tips below to ensure that your smile lasts a lifetime.<br>To learn more about dental visit at https://burkeandbeckstromortho.com/5-tips-for-taking-care-of-your-new-smile-after-treatment-ends/ or call us at (435) 673-3334<br>#orthodontistst.georgeutah #straightteethstgeorgeutah #Childrenu2019sbracesst.georgeutah<br>

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5 Tips for Taking Care of Your New Smile After Treatment Ends

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  1. Burke Beckstrom Orthodontics 5 T I P S F O R T A K I N G C A R E O F Y O U R N E W S M I L E A F T E R T R E A T M E N T E N D S A F T E R Y O U R B R A C E S O R I N V I S A L I G N T R E A T M E N T C O M E S T O A N E N D , I T ’ S N O W T I M E T O M A I N T A I N Y O U R N E W S M I L E ! A L T H O U G H Y O U R I N I T I A L T R E A T M E N T I S O V E R , Y O U ’ L L W A N T T O F O L L O W T H E T I P S B E L O W T O E N S U R E T H A T Y O U R S M I L E L A S T S A L I F E T I M E . T i p 2 T i p 1 The most important thing you can do after finishing your treatment is to wear your retainers exactly as instructed. Wearing your retainers will help your teeth stay aligned and keep your bite from shifting. Keep your retainer safely in it’s case when not in your mouth. (Note, dogs LOVE to chew retainers!) If you do lose or damage your retainer, contact our office as soon as possible to have a new one made. Your retainer is the most important part of maintaining your new smile. T i p 4 Be sure to return to our office for your periodic retainer check visits. These visits are important to follow up to treatment and help us make sure your retainers fit correctly and your new smile stays as perfect as the day you finished treatment! T i p 3 Remember that if you do have dental work done after your treatment, you may need to get a new retainer made. A retainer that fits your teeth properly will keep your teeth from shifting over time. T i p 5 Visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning, and remember to brush and floss those pearly whites daily! Practicing good oral hygiene is the key to maintaining a beautiful smile H T T P S : / / B U R K E A N D B E C K S T R O M O R T H O . C O M / 5 - T I P S - F O R - T A K I N G - C A R E - O F - Y O U R - N E W - S M I L E - A F T E R - T R E A T M E N T - E N D S /

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