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September 17, 2014 Macon-Bibb Government 1- 4 Year Proposal To Improve Our Community

September 17, 2014 Macon-Bibb Government 1- 4 Year Proposal To Improve Our Community. Commissioner District 9 Al Tillman. Mission of The Community.

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September 17, 2014 Macon-Bibb Government 1- 4 Year Proposal To Improve Our Community

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Presentation Transcript

  1. September 17, 2014Macon-Bibb Government 1- 4 Year Proposal To Improve Our Community Commissioner District 9 Al Tillman

  2. Mission of The Community To provide the municipal services needed and desired by her citizens in an efficient, effective, and equitable manner. Our citizens, law enforcement, the District Attorney’s office, and Judges must all be of one accord to reduce crime and protect our community and children. We must stand together.

  3. Efficiency Savings & Revenue Opportunities A more cohesive community that attracts opportunities, enhances the quality of life, promotes pride, and inspires hope. • Sell Bowden Golf Course (Saves $400,000) • Lease Centreplex & Auditorium naming rights to corporations. (Centreplex $1-2 Million, 3-year lease) • Auditorium name rights $500,000-$750,000, 3-year lease • Lease Willie C. Hill Annex ($150,000 - $ 200,000 yr) Developers • Airport Tax: Rental Cars; Parking fee $3, Rental car per contract $3 • All Recreation swimming fees match Lake Tobesofkee, $3 • Increase Landfill Fees; To ensure closure

  4. Gen. Employees & Public Safety • Equalize Former Macon Police Pay With Current Consolidated Bibb Sheriff Deputies. • Cost of living Raise for all employees

  5. Diversity / Entrepreneur Small Business Opportunity • Monthly / Quarterly Preparation Meetings to Improve Minority Participation with Macon-Bibb. Facilitated by Dr. James Bumpus

  6. District 9 & Committee Priorities Community Must See Progress • Log Cabin Road & Sidewalk • Filmore Thomas Recreation Center • Senior Citizens’ Center • Create a Non-Traditional Sports Park with a 200-300 square ft. concrete area for children skateboarders, remote cars, planes, kites, Go carts etc… { Central City Park or Browns Field Area} • Courthouse Improvements (Safety, Security, Overcrowding) • Henry Burns Park: Add more SPLOST Funds (Water Erosion) • Community Improvement District (CID) 70% Signatures

  7. Community Proposals: {Public / Private Partnership} • $20-$30 Million SPLOST: Blighted Neighborhood Improvement • Macon Housing Voucher program: Families must be stable • Commercial Blight: After 2 years (tear down) Impose Fines • Mayor’s 5 X 5 clean up; Donate Property to Churches (Family Homes) • Second Chance Jobs Initiative – RC & Workforce Dev. • Pre-qualify 400 young adults { AGE 17-25 } 100 each from East , West, South, and North Macon-Bibb. (within 30 Days) • Implement 2008 Tobesofkee Master plan: Build Hotel, Amphitheatre, Water Park • Taxes cut for former city residents in this yrs budget (complete elimination in next years budget)

  8. Resolutions & Ordinances • Smoke Free Restaurants & Bars • Only Registered Voters of Macon-Bibb May Address Commission at Public Meetings • Change Street number names to Macon Musicians { 1st, 2nd, 3rd street etc…} The Goal to enhance our music branding Urging Local Delegation Resolutions • Amend Senate Bill 440 & SB 441(Juvenile & Two Strikes Law) • HB 60 Amendments (Guns Everywhere Law) • Reduce budget cuts from 20% to 10% (including current year)

  9. Authorities & Commissions Abolish ALL Authorities And Commissions • Elected Officials Should be final Voice / Decision • We need Accountability & Transparency • We Must Have Minority / Local Preference in All Procurement Contracts • Local State Delegation Must Act to Change Authorities

  10. Promote / Market Macon-Bibb Mayor- Commission-Stakeholders • Create Positive PSA’s (TV & Radio) • Fully Support & Fund CVB • Attend Worship Service Together • Quarterly Meetings (Stakeholder’s input) • Better Signage Marriott City Center/ Centreplex • Government Meetings: Time Sensitive To Citizens

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