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Lecture notes discussing the impact of inheritance on programming language features, polymorphic variables, and memory allocation in Java and C++. Accompanies Chapter 11 of Timothy Budd's textbook.
CSci 658Software Language EngineeringImplication of InheritanceSpring Semester 2018Lecture Notes
Implications of Inheritance (Budd's UOOPJ, Ch. 11) This is a set of slides to accompany chapter 11 of Timothy Budd's textbook Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java Updated Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2000) Created: 14 Aug 2004; Revised: 11 Mar 2010; 13 Feb 2018
Idealization of is-a Relationship A TextWindowis-aWindow TextWindow subclasses Window – ideally: • All behavior of Window present in instances of TextWindow • Variable declared as Window should be able to hold value of type TextWindow Unfortunately, practical programming language implementation issues complicate this idealized picture. 1
Impact of Inheritance on Other Language Features Support for inheritance and principle of substitutability impacts most aspects of a programming language • Polymorphic variables needed • Polymorphic variable is declared as one type but actually holds value of subtype • Polymorphic variables better if objects allocated on heap rather than stack – storage requirements vary among subtypes • Heap allocation • Makes reference (pointer) semantics more natural than copy semantics for assignment and parameter passing • copy address of object rather than value • Makes reference semantics more natural for object identity testing – compare addresses – separate operator for object value equality • Requires storage management – reference semantics makes manual allocation difficult – garbage collection encouraged 2
Polymorphic VariablesClass Shape class Shape { public Shape (int ix, int iy) { x = ix; y = iy; } public String describe() { return "unknown shape"; } protected int x; protected int y; } 3
Polymorphic VariablesClass Square class Square extends Shape { public Square(int ix, int iy, int is) { super(ix, iy); side = is; } public String describe() { return "square with side " + side; } protected int side; } 4
Polymorphic VariablesClass Circle class Circle extends Shape { public Circle (int ix, int iy, int ir) { super(ix, iy); radius = ir; } public String describe() { return "circle with radius " + radius; } protected int radius; } 5
Polymorphic VariablesClass ShapeTest class ShapeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape form = new Circle(10, 10, 5); System.out.println("form is " + form.describe() ); } } • Output of ShapeTest: form is circle with radius 5 6
Polymorphic Variables Class CardPile from Solitaire public class CardPile { ... } class SuitPile extends CardPile { ... } class DeckPile extends CardPile { ... } class DiscardPile extends CardPile { ... } class TablePile extends CardPile { ...} 7
Polymorphic VariablesClass Solitaire from Solitaire Example public class Solitaire { ... static public CardPile allPiles [ ]; ... public void init () { // first allocate the arrays allPiles = new CardPile[13]; ... allPiles[0] = deckPile = new DeckPile(335, 30); allPiles[1] = discardPile = new DiscardPile(268, 30); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) allPiles[2+i] = suitPile[i] = new SuitPile(15 + (Card.width+10) * i, 30); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) allPiles[6+i] = tableau[i] = new TablePile(15 + (Card.width+5) * i, Card.height + 35, i+1); } } 8
Polymorphic VariablesClass SolitaireFrame from Solitaire private class SolitaireFrame extends Frame { ... public void paint(Graphics g) { for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) allPiles[i].display(g); } } 9
Memory Allocation in Programming Languages • Static allocation • Stack-based allocation • Heap-based allocation 10
Stack-based Memory Allocation Memory allocated dynamically on runtime stack • Memory allocation/release tied to procedure entry/exit • Space requirement determined at compile time based on static types • Advantage: efficient • all local variables allocated/deallocated as a block (activation record) • Disadvantage: polymorphic variable size not known at compile time • objects stored may vary during execution 11
Heap-based Memory Allocation Memory allocated dynamically from free memory area • Memory allocation/release not tied to procedure entry/exit • Space requirement determined at run-time based using dynamic considerations – size known when allocated • Allocated objects accessed by indirection through a pointer (reference in Java) • Advantage: supports polymorphic variables • values can be pointers to object on heap • Disadvantage: considered less efficient than stack-based 12
Memory Allocation in Java • All object variables hold pointers to heap-allocated objects – fixed size on stack, differing sizes on heap • Variable of type Shape holds address of object on heap • Polymorphic variables thus easy to implement • Assignment of Square instance to Shape variable means new address stored • Primitive type variables hold values, copy on assignment, not polymorphic 13
Memory Allocation in C++ • Variables stored on stack • Enough space allocated to hold instance of actual declared type • Variable of type Shape holds actual object • "Ordinary" variables are not polymorphic • Assignment of Square instance to Shape variable means object copied with extra field sliced off – no longer Square • Pointer variables hold addresses of objects • Support polymorphism • Assignment of Square pointer to Shape pointer variable means new address stored • Objects may be allocated on heap (or on stack or statically) • Care must be taken with pointers to deallocated objects on stack (or in heap memory) 14
Copy versus Reference Semantics • Copy semantics • Assignment copies entire value of right side to left-side variable • Two values are independent; changes to one do not affect the other • Examples: Java assignments to primitive variables, C++ assignments to non-pointer variables • Reference (pointer) semantics • Assignment changes left-side variable to refer to right-side value • Two references same value; if value is changed, it can be observed using either reference • Examples: Java assignments to object variables C++ assignments to pointer variables. 15
Java Reference Semantics Example public class Box { public Box() { value = 0; } public void setValue(int v) { value = v; } public int getValue() { return value; } private int value; } 16
Java Reference Semantics Example Example (cont.) public class BoxTest { static public void main(String[] args) { Box x = new Box(); x.setValue(7); // sets value of x Box y = x; // assign y the same value as y y.setValue(11); // change value of y System.out.println("contents of x " + x.getValue()); System.out.println("contents of y " + y.getValue()); } } • After y = x, both x and y in BoxTest refer to the same object Call y.setValue(11) thus changes object referred to by both x and y Message getValue() thus returns same value (11) for both x and y 17
Creating Copies in Java • If need copy, explicitly create it Box y = new Box(x.getValue()); • If commonly need copy, provide copy-creating method public class Box { ... public Box copy() { Box b = new Box(); b.setValue(getValue()); return b; } // return (new Box()).setValue(getValue()) ... } and use method when needed Box y = x.copy(); 18
Creating Copies in Java • Copy constructors are sometimes useful public class Box { ... public Box(Box x) { value = x.getValue()); } ... } • Base class Object has protected method clone() that creates bitwise copy of receiver • Interface Cloneable denotes objects that can be cloned – no methods in interface, just tag • Objects needed by some API methods 19
ExampleJava Clones Make Box a Cloneable object • Implement interface Cloneable • Override method clone() (which returns type Object ) • Make clone() public 20
ExampleJava Clones (cont.) public class Box implements Cloneable {public Box() { value = 0; } public void setValue(int v) { value = v; } public int getValue() { return value; } public Object clone() { return (new Box()).setValue(getValue()); } private int value; } 21
ExampleJava Clones (cont.) public class BoxTest { static public void main(String[] args) { Box x = new Box(); x.setValue(7); // sets value of x Box y = (Box) x.clone(); // assign copy of x to y y.setValue(11); // change value of y System.out.println("contents of x " + x.getValue()); System.out.println("contents of y " + y.getValue()); } } • Values 7 and 11, respectively, would be printed by BoxTest 22
Shallow versus Deep Copying • Suppose values being held by Box objects are themselves objects of type Shape(instead of int) • Box's clone() would not copy Shape object • Clones would both refer to same Shape object • clone() creates a shallow copy • If internal Shape object also copied, then it is a deep copy • Box's method clone() could call Shape's clone() operation • Decide whether shallow or deep copy is needed for application 23
Parameter Passing as Assignment • Parameter-passing is assignment from argument to parameter • Java primitive values are passed by value from argument to parameter – copy semantics • Modification of parameter just local, no effect on argument • Java object variables are passed by reference from argument to parameter – reference semantics Note • Value of reference is copied from argument to parameter • Modification of parameter's internal state is change to argument 24
Parameter Passing as Assignment Example public class BoxTest { static public void main (String[] args) { Box x = new Box(); x.setValue(7); // sets value of x sneaky(x); System.out.println("contents of x " + x.getValue()); } static void sneaky(Box y) { y.setValue(11); } } • Value 11 would be printed by BoxTest 25
Equality Testing Primitive Types • How to test whether two values of same primitive type are equal? • Test whether their values are identical, i.e., same bits • Java: x == y • What about equality of values of different primitive types? • In general, will not pass type checker unless well-accepted conversion between • Java: numeric types converted and compared, but otherwise mismatched types means inequality 26
Equality Testing Object Identity • Some languages compare the values; others, compare pointers (references) • Java uses pointer semantics, i.e., tests object identity Java == tests object identity Integer x = new Integer(7); Integer y = new Integer(3 + 4); if (x == y) System.out.println("equivalent") else System.out.println("not equivalent") • Output is "not equivalent" 27
Equality Testing Object Identity (cont.) Objects x and y physically distinct but same value internally • Java type checker • Disallows comparison of unrelated object types with == • Can compare if one an ancestor of other eg. Circle x = new Circle(10, 10, 5); Shape y = new Square(10, 10, 5); Shape z = new Circle(10, 10, 5); • Above x == y and x == z pass type checking, but neither returns true • null is of type Object; can be compared for equality with any object 28
Equality Testing Object Value Equality • Java Object class has equals(Object) that checks for object identity by default eg. Circle x = new Circle(10, 10, 5); Shape y = new Square(10, 10, 5); Shape z = new Circle(10, 10, 5); … if (x.equals(y)) System.out.println("equivalent"); else System.out.println("not equivalent") ; • Output is “not equivalent" 29
Equality Testing Object Value Equality (cont.) Can override equals() to get more appropriate definition class Circle extends Shape { ... public boolean equals(Object arg) { return arg instanceof Circle && radius == (((Circle)arg).radius); } // more compact above than textbook example } • Above c.equals(d) iff c and d are both Circles with same radius regardless of location • Should override equals() if object contains other objects 30
Equality Testing Object Value Equality (cont.) • Be careful with asymmetric equality comparisons Suppose override equals() in Shape class Shape { ... public boolean equals(Object arg) { if (arg instanceof Shape) { Shape s = (Shape)arg; return x == s.x && y == s.y ; } else return false; } } But not in subclass Square 31
Equality Testing Object Value Equality (cont.) Now consider Square s = new Square(10,10,5); Circle c = new Circle(10,10,5); if (s.equals(c)) // true, uses Shape method System.out.println("square equal to circle"); if (c.equals(s)) // false, uses Circle method System.out.println("circle equal to square"); 32
Equality Testing Changing Method Arguments • For equality testing, it might useful to change types of method arguments class Shape { ... public boolean equals (Shape s) { return false; } } class Circle extends Shape { ... public boolean equals (Circle c) { ... } } class Square extends Shape { ... public boolean equals (Square sq) { ... } } 33
Covariance and Contravariance • Covariant • An argument or return value made more specialized • Type replaced by descendant of original type • Contravariant • An argument made more general • Both can destroy is-a relation, have tricky semantics • Most languages forbid both • Java and C++ forbid • Eiffel supports covariance 34
Storage Deallocation • Polymorphic variables lead naturally to heap-based allocation • Heap-based allocation requires a storage deallocation mechanism • Two approaches: • Explicit deallocation by programmer • Implicit deallocation by runtime system 35
Storage DeallocationExplicit Deallocation by Programmer • Programmer must return unneeded memory to system • Examples: C++ delete, Pascal dispose • Advantage: efficiency • Disadvantages • Attempted use of memory not yet allocated or already freed • Multiple freeing of memory • Freeing of memory that is still needed • Memory leak – allocated memory is never released 36
Storage DeallocationImplicit Deallocation by Runtime System • System detects when data unneeded, automatically recovers memory • Garbage collection • Examples: Java, Smalltalk, Perl • Advantage • Safety and convenience • Disadvantage • Relative inefficiency / loss of programmer control 37
Acknowledgement This work was supported by a grant from Acxiom Corporation titled “The Acxiom Laboratory for Software Architecture and Component Engineering (ALSACE).” 38