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Delve into the realm of “Advanced Accelerator Concepts” and High Energy Frontiers through the lens of FELs and Plasma Accelerators. Explore the shared objectives, innovative approaches, and potential collaborations shaping the high-energy accelerator landscape. Discover how cutting-edge technologies are pushing the limits with space/time resolutions and collective fields, paving the way for new breakthroughs in high-density physics.
Advanced Accelerator Concepts @ SPARX(how the FEL can push the high energy frontier) Luca Serafini - INFN/MI • FELs and High Energy Frontier Accelerators: what do they have in common? • FELs and Plasma Accelerators: can they cross-fertilize each other to push their limits? • Do they have Common Goals? Space/time resolutions below [ fsec / Angstrom], Collective Fields above [ TV/m ] High phase space density beams Yes, through exploitation of ultra-short electron bunches (fsec, attosec-class) eventually modulated in COMB beams
Medicine Light sources (3rd Generation) Nuclear physics X-ray FEL Historical schematic of accelerators:Particle physics leads, spin-offs follow quickly Betatron FFAG, etc. Superconducting Circular Collider Circular Collider Synchrotron VLHC? Cyclotron Muon Collider? 2030 1930 Ion Linear Accelerators Ultra-High Energy LC? Electrostatic Accelerators Electron Linear Accelerators Electron Linear Colliders Laser/Plasma Accelerators?
The energy challenge • Avoid gigantism • Cost above all • Higher fields give physics challenges • Circular machines: magnets • Linear machines: high field acceleration • Enter new world of high energy density physics • Beam density, energy • Beam quality must increase to compensate smaller cross-section • Stored field energy High energy density in action at the LHC XCVI Congresso Naz. SIF - Bologna - 21/09/2010
The Luminosity Challenge • Circular colliders provide high repetition rate • Linear colliders have much lower repetition rate • Use large N, small ; very large collective beam fields • Inherent scaling for higher energy not enough: • Must have very small phase space, focus well…
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) • Electron beam shock-excites plasma • Same scaling as Cerenkov wakes, maximum field scales in strength as • In “blowout” regime, plasma e-’s expelled by beam. Ion focusing + EM acceleration= plasma linac
Modified PRL cover • New experiments: >10 GeV in 30 cm plasma (E167) Ultra-high gradient PWFA: E164 experiment at SLAC FFTB • Uses ultra-short beam (20 m) • Beam field ionization creates dense plasma • Over 4 GeV(!) energy gain over 10 cm: 40 GV/m fields • Self-injection of plasma e- s • X-rays from betatron oscillations ne=2.5x10 17 cm-3 plasma M. Hogan, et al.
Ultra-short beam application:IR wavelength PWFA • Ultra-high brightness, fs beams impact HEP also! • Use 20 pC LCLS beam in high n plasma • In “blowout” regime: total rarefaction of plasma e-s • Beam denser than plasma • Very nonlinear plasma dynamics • Pure ion column focusing for e-s • Linac-style EM acceleration • General measure of nonlinearity: R (mm) Z (mm) MAGIC simulation of blowout PWFA case
Optimized excitation • With 2 fs LCLS beam we should choose • For 20 pC beam, we have • 1 TV/m fields (!) • Also w/o plasma (ionization) • New frontier in atomic physics • Collaboration formed • UCLA-SLAC-USC • Technical issues address OOPIC simulation of LCLS case 1 TV/m accelerating field: a dream for a table-top TeV-class e-e+ collider?
1018 1017 AOFEL I [kA] 1016 1015 1014 1013 n[m] Self-Inj LCLS Laminar velocity bunching SPARX Ext-Inj X-ray FEL @ 1 pC normal velocity bunching SPARC Photo-injectors The Electron Beam Brightness Chart [A/(m.rad)2]
We discovered a new regime of velocity bunching in which the beam is not only transversally laminar (as in photo-injectors running on the invariant envelope/Ferrario working point) but also longitudinally laminar (no cross-over among slices)We call this new regimeLaminar Velocity Bunching
Conventional Velocity BunchingLong. Emittance DominatedLongitudinal Focus with trajectory cross-over Laminar Velocity BunchingSpace Charge DominatedLongitudinal Waist!
Thanks to A. Bacci’s Gen. Alg. optimization we discovered that a FEL Linac can be runwithout any magnetic compression(nor quads, laminar flow through the end) as predicted long time ago by velocity bunching theory Extension of Ferrario’s working point up to final energy (750 MeV)
It can drive a 20 nm SASE-FEL @ SPARX !up to 1.2 mJ per shot (6 GW) V. Petrillo (Genesys)
Slice analysis for a 15 pC bunch(1 kA in 1.2 fs spike) Focused down to 0.1 mm it can drive a 6.1019 cm-3 plasma with TV/m-class fields
How Plasma Accelerators can feedback on FELsimproving their performances? Example: a Plasma Booster based on External Injection
External Injection Experiment • Injected Bunch: 13pC, 150MeV, 0.6 mm.mrad, 3.0 mm rms spot, 2.4 mm rms rms length [circa 1KA] • Laser: 7J in 35fs, w0=32.5 mm, w0_inj=135 mm, guided over 30 ZR. • Plasma: Density profile increasing between 0.6.1017 cm-3 and 0.8.1017 cm-3 , “tapered channel” to guide the laser pulse. Acceleration Length circa 15 cm. • Numerica: Mobile Window at v=c, sampling at 46 mesh points / lp and 26 m.p./w. Bunch sampled by 40000 particles
Output Beam <E> = 2.01 GeV DE/E = 0.8% rms en=0.6 mm P. Tomassini (QFluyd2)
Brightness good enough to drive a X-ray FEL B_peak=2I/e2=3.5.1016A/m2 If this experiment confirms expectations (first injection tests expected in 2013) SPARX can be upgraded with a Plasma Booster (750 MeV --> 1.5 GeV in 10 cm plasma channel)
Option A): with SPARX energy 650 MeV, collide with 2nd-harmonic of FLAME (psec pulses) => narrow bandwidth (1%) lower flux (1010 ph/s, 1012 ph/s with recirculator ) Towards MeV-class Compton Source at SPARX Option B):with SPARX energy 900 MeV, collide with IR FLAME pulses => larger bandwidth, larger flux (1011 ph/s, 1013 ph/s with recirculator ) Aiming at record spectral density of 104 ph/eV/sec best of brehmstrahlung sources is 1 ph/eV/sec
Nph = 1.3 1010 sec-1 Bandwith-rms = 25% 5 103 ph.eV-1sec-1 12 MeV 16 MeV 20 MeV V. Petrillo
W Target 4 mm 70 cm Beam spot (1 mm) 1-2-5 mm PLASMON X Fast monochromatic Positron beam production with Compton Source Eg = 4,10,20 MeV,
10 different FLUKA runs with 107 particle each 1 mm 2 mm Target length 5 mm
Spectra Spectra(double differential) 2 mm 1 mm 5 mm F. Broggi (Fluka)
Having a primary photon flux of 1010 photons/shot, about 6*108 forward positrons can be obtained, with 10 ps long bunches (single shot) at 10% energy spread, allowing studying the spectroscopy of Para-Positronium (half life 100 psec) (priv. comm. M. Giammarchi INFN-Mi and G.Consolati Poli-Mi) .
CONCLUSIONS • Electron beams for advanced FELs have similar demands than those for the High Energy Frontier Accelerators • Brightness, rapidity, ultra-high density • What does it take to design and develop a Frontier Machine? exploit Synergy and Integrationboth in Instrumentation and in People Expertise • Last but not least: ongoing brain-storming on ideas for an electron-photon collider at 2*Sqrt[g (10 MeV)*e-(700 MeV)]= 170 MeV in the c.m, enough to drive e-g -> p0 e- with 1028-1030 luminosity (search for light bosons)
XCVI Congresso Naz. SIF - Bologna - 21/09/2010 Past the breakdown limit:Plasma Accelerators • Very high energy density laser or e- beam excites plasma waves as it propagates • Extremely high fields possible: Schematic of laser wakefield Accelerator (LWFA) Ex: tenous gas density
LI2FE: the Scientific Program The combined availability of these Beam Sources and related instrumentation, together with advanced expertise in the accelerator/laser/plasma physics and technologies, will lead to unprecedented potentials of research and discoveries at INFN-LNF (multi-institutional effort, INFN, ENEA, CNR, many Univ.) User experiments: application oriented (investigation of matter at functional level) Developer experiments: technique oriented (toward the high energy frontier, propedeutical to investigation of matter at fundamental level)
Unprecedented results in Application Experiments due to unique beams available LI2FE Window of Opportunity (5 year span) Crucial Role in advancing new technologiesfor the High Energy Frontier needless to say… we need the correct Spirit of sharing Expertise and Instrumentation