
SB7 Framework: A Guide to Customer Transformation

Discover the SB7 Framework, adapted from Donald Miller's Storybrand, guiding customers through a character transformation journey. Customers seek solutions to internal problems, encountering a guide who offers a plan and call to action. By trusting the process and embracing success, customers undergo a profound identity transformation with before and after perspectives.

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SB7 Framework: A Guide to Customer Transformation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SB7 FRAMEWORK Exercise This framework is adapted from Donald Miller’s Storybrand and they own all the rights to the format and ideas

  2. SB7 FRAMEWORK SB7 Framework A Character Has a Problem And Meets a Guide That Helps Them Avoid Failure Who Gives Them a Plan And Calls Them to Action That Ends in a Success

  3. SB7 FRAMEWORK They Are Luke; You Are Yoda. Who is the main character? ● The customer What is their single ambition? A Character

  4. SB7 FRAMEWORK Customers Buy Solutions To Internal Problems. What is the primary problem or disruption? Villain - External - Internal - Philosophical - ● ● ● ● A Problem

  5. SB7 FRAMEWORK People Don’t Want A Hero, They Want A Guide. You are not the protagonist, but you are the gandalf. What does a guide look/sound/act like? A Guide

  6. SB7 FRAMEWORK The Plan Has To Work. “TRUST THE FORCE.” How will they avoid a tragic ending? What is there to lose? A Plan *That Works

  7. SB7 FRAMEWORK People Only Trust A Guide Who Has A Plan. “TRUST THE FORCE.” So, what’s the plan? Process Agreement ● ● A Plan

  8. SB7 FRAMEWORK People Don’t Move Unless They Have To. They must be challenged to action. “On guard!” What is the driving force? Direct ● An Incentive or Call to Action

  9. SB7 FRAMEWORK The Plan Has To End In Success. What Does Success Look Like? Success

  10. SB7 FRAMEWORK The Brand Script 1. A character 2. A problem 3. A guide 4. A plan 5. A call to action 6. Avoiding tragedy 7. Success Character transformation Before: After:

  11. SB7 FRAMEWORK Identity Transformation: Before And After Before your Brand After your Brand What do they have? What are they feeling? What’s an average day like? What is their status?

  12. SB7 FRAMEWORK SB7 Framework A Character Has a Problem And Meets a Guide That Helps Them Avoid Failure Who Gives Them a Plan And Calls Them to Action That Ends in a Success

  13. SB7 FRAMEWORK Exercise This framework is adapted from Donald Miller’s Storybrand and they own all the rights to the format and ideas

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