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Smart Spaces for Learning: Semantic web in a P2P learning network. Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir Reserach department. Overview. What is Elena? Use case scenario Project vision Learning technology standards Architecture Objectives Benefits Facts and figuresPartners.
Smart Spaces for Learning: Semantic web in a P2P learning network Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir Reserach department Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Overview • What is Elena? • Use case scenario • Project vision • Learning technology standards • Architecture • Objectives • Benefits • Facts and figuresPartners Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
What is Elena? • Elena aims at creating smart spaces for learning that support the “smart” mediation of learning services based on user profiling, service evaluation and reputation ratings. • PLA, the personal learning assistant, performs the search for suitable learning services based on the learner's individual profile, processes the selected services and supports the evaluation of the learner. Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
What is Elena? • Examples for a learning service are the delivery of a course, the provision of a web-based training application or self-study material. Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Smart Learning Spaces • ... are understood as peer-to-peer networks (spaces) that mediate educational services (e.g. delivery of courses or educational material) • ... take advantage of distributed user profiling in order to support the selection of educational services. Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Use Case Scenario Bob Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Project Vision Learner Acquisition & Competence Management Content Development & Acquisition Learner Assessment & Instructor Evaluation CurriculumCreation &Management Learning Delivery Development Tools, e.g. AuthorWare, PowerPoint, RealPresenter,Quest ContentBrokeragePlatforms, e.g. The Gateway, LydiaLearn, Merlot, Universal CRM Components of ERP Systems e.g. SAP Virtual Campus Competence Management Systems, e.g. SABA Learning, Clixx Accreditation Services CurriculumEvaluation Services Learning ManagementSystems,e.g. Hyperwave ELS, Lotus Learning Space, WebCT, Blackboard Collaborative Teaching Tools, e.g. Isabel LearnerAssessment &CertificationServices EvaluationTools,e.g. Zoomerang …interoperabilty along the educational value chain ELENA Focus Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Samples of live courses Trial: WUW Lectures on IT Trial: IBA Course Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Metadata • Metadata is information about information and is structured in a manner that facilitates the management, discovery and retrieval of resources on the World Wide Web. • Metadata standards for the Internet are an attempt to bridge the gap between the comprehensive cataloguing which is done by professionals in the library context, and the free-for-all of document creation on the Web. Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Learner resource standards • Lom • IMS • Ariande • Dublin Core (DCMI) • Cancore • GEM • EdNa • CEN/ISSS (http://www.cen-ltso.net/Users/main.eng.aspx) Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Learner profile standards IMS LIP IEEE PAPI Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Current approaches I • Learner profile management • Distributed learner modelling (Vasileva 2002) • Each peer has learner modelling cappabilities • User modelling servers (Kobsa 2001) • Huge user profile is maintained at some kind of user modelling server • Proprietary user model databases • Based mostly on specific personalisation technique developed Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
System Architecture Smart Space for Learning Personal Learning Assistent Personal Learning Assistent Edutella Peer–to–Peer Infrastructure Booking and Access Control Service Announcement and Discovery Electronic educational resources Educational Node Educational Node Metadata describing educational services Rating/Evaluation Service Provider Learning Management Network Edutella query hub Edutella interface Web service interface LearnerProfile Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
System Architecture(2) Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
RDF and RDFS • Open world assumption requires RDF in order to provide means for annotating educational services, learning resources, etc. with metadata • RDF Schema is used for describing differences between concepts (RDF Schema vocabulary: class, property, subclass, type, ...) Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Issues - P2P network • Analysis showed that we have to apply a subset of more than one standard • We cannot guarantee only one modelling server with one common schema (new modelling servers can appear and disappear in P2P network) • Different personalisation techniques require different learner features and different structure of learner profile • New personalisation techniques can be introduced in the future Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Objectives • Design, implement and test a smart space for learning that integrates heterogeneous learning services • Analysis of existing standards for modeling learning-relevant data beyond learning objects and development of recommendations for their development • Derive best practice guidelines for deploying smart spaces for learning from an organisational, technological and pedagogical perspective Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Benefits … • ...for learners and organisations • Support the management of your career with Elena learning paths • Increased transparency of learning opportunities • Personalised offer of learning resources • Ease of achieving personal development goals • Targeted and personalised training for work force • Increased effectiveness of personnel development • Precise control of training budget Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
ELENA - Facts and Figures • RTD project, IST Programme • Action Line: III.5.3 Pioneering Research in AL III (Multimedia Content and Tools) • Budget: 3,9 Mio. € (2,3 Mio. € EC funding) • Duration: 30 Months (Start Sept. 2002) Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
Project Consortium • AllwebChalkis, Greece • Centre for Social InnovationVienna, Austria • CDIMunich, Germany • Iceland TelecomReykjavik, Iceland • imc information multimediacommunication AGSaarbruecken, Germany • BearingPoint InfonovaGraz, Austria • Institut „Jožef Stefan“Ljubljana, Slovenija National Centre for ScientificResearch DemokritosAthens, Greece Universidad Polictécnica MadridDepartment of Telematic EngineeringMadrid, Spain University of HanoverLearning Lab Lower Saxony (L3S)Hanover, Germany Wirtschaftsuniversität WienInformation Systems DepartmentVienna, Austria Nordunet 24-27. August 2003
QUESTIONS ?Thank you Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir sigrung@siminn.is Nordunet 24-27. August 2003