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2010 Indiana 4-H Youth and Adult Congress. Welcome!. Session 1: What is Service?. Presenters: Matt Kararo Melissa Voigt Roy Kwelepeta. “Islands” Activity. Spread out at least an arm’s length away from the next person Carefully and silently move about the room.
Session 1: What is Service? • Presenters: • Matt Kararo • Melissa Voigt • Roy Kwelepeta
“Islands” Activity • Spread out at least an arm’s length away from the next person • Carefully and silently move about the room. • If you bump into someone, step aside and keep moving • Don’t talk or acknowledge that anyone else is in the room
“Islands” cont’d • Continue to keep your eyes closed and start moving again • Grab the hand of the next person you bump into • Once everyone has a partner open your eyes
What is service? “…an act or a variety of work done for others.”
Knots of People • Groups of 8-12 • Join your right hand with someone’s right hand who is NOT standing next to you • Join your left hand with someone’s left hand who is NOT standing next to you • Now, UNTANGLE without letting go!
Identifying Community Needs: Choosing & Focusing • Look through the newspapers to identify areas of interest • Begin to think of ways to plan your service experience • Compile a list of community issues, needs or events that you can really see your group doing • Together make a list of five service- learning activities to do in your community
Five Steps to Community Service • Choose one or two projects from your list and proceed with the planning steps • 1. Pick a project • 2. Plan your project and get some publicity • 3. Do the service • 4. Reflect • 5. Celebrate
Session 2: Moving from Service to Service-Learning • Presenters: • Amy Jones • Elizabeth Gall • Abby Robinson
What service have you done? • Everyone take an index card and jot down what service-learning project you were involved in • Hold on to that
Community Service / Service-Learning Activity • Each group will receive a card with a brief description of a service scenario. • Take a few minutes and decide if each scenario is community service (CS) or service-learning (SL).
Community Service / Service-Learning Activity cont’d. • For scenarios that are identified as community service, what could be added to the scenario to turn it into service-learning activity? • Now, look back to that index card for the service activity you participated in. Is what you wrote down an example of CS or SL, and why?
Understanding the Difference: A view of the Service Matrix Quadrant One: Basic Volunteerism Lower Formal Learning, Lower Value to the Community
Service Matrix cont’d. Quadrant Two: Community Service Lower Formal Learning, Higher Value to the Community
Service Matrix cont’d. Quadrant Three: Community-Based Learning Higher Formal Learning, Lower Value to the Community
Service Matrix cont’d. Quadrant Four: Service Learning Higher Formal Learning, Higher Value to the Community
IPARD? • Investigation • Planning • Action • Reflection • Demonstration
Talk About Benefits! • List four or five things that you know youthas individuals can gain from being a part of your Community Service-Learning project. • Think of two or three benefits that a club or groupcould gain from participating as a group rather than just as individuals.
Reflecting First • The “Influence Calculator” • Choose three methods of reflection for your group. • Time to share!
Session 3: Funding Your Community Service Project! • Presenters: • FallysMasambuka • Noah Shields • Lindsay Nobbe
Monsanto Funding Proposal • The Monsanto 4-H Community Service Project Funding Proposal, gives your 4-H group the opportunity to receive up to $750 to plan and implement a service project in your community! • Need we say more?
What is Monsanto? • International industry dedicated to farmers • Purpose: help farmers produce more food with fewer resources like soil and water • Achieves this goal through seed sales, biotechnology, and crop protection chemicals • Driven by a commitment to sustainable agricultural production. This includes bringing technologies to farmers that increase productivity, decrease resource use and in turn reduced the overall effect on the environment • Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri with multiple locations around the world
Essentials of the Proposal • The application • The checklist • Sponsor recognition • The budget • The final report
Presentation of Ideas • So what have you come up with?
4-H Congress Evaluation • Please take a few moments to evaluate today’s program! • Thanks for coming, best of luck with your project, and have a safe trip home!! For more helpful resources visit the Indiana 4-H Volunteer Web site: www.four-h.purdue.edu/volunteer/index.cfm