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Week 12 November 17-21. Four Mini-Lectures QMM 510 Fall 2014. Chapter Contents 13.1 Multiple Regression 13.2 Assessing Overall Fit 13.3 Predictor Significance 13.4 Confidence Intervals for Y 13.5 Categorical Predictors
Week 12 November 17-21 Four Mini-Lectures QMM 510 Fall 2014
Chapter Contents 13.1 Multiple Regression 13.2 Assessing Overall Fit 13.3 Predictor Significance 13.4 Confidence Intervals for Y 13.5 Categorical Predictors 13.6 Tests for Nonlinearity and Interaction 13.7 Multicollinearity 13.8 Violations of Assumptions 13.9 Other Regression Topics Multiple Regression ML 12.1 Chapter 13 Much of this is like Chapter 12, except that we have more than one predictor.
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Simple or Multivariate? • Multiple regressionis an extension of simple regression to include more than one independent variable. • Limitations of simple regression: • often simplistic • biased estimates if relevant predictors are omitted • lack of fit does not show that X is unrelated to Y if the true model is multivariate
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Visualizing a Multiple Regression
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Regression Terminology • Y is the response variable and is assumed to be related to the k predictors (X1, X2, … Xk) by a linear equation called the population regression model: • The estimated (fitted) regression equationis: Use Greek letters for population parameters Use Roman letters for sample estimates
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Fitted Regression: Simple versus Multivariate If we have more than two predictors, there is no way to visualize it …
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Data Format n observed values of the response variable Y and its proposed predictors X1, X2, …, Xk are presented in the form of an n x kmatrix.
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Common Misconceptions about Fit • A common mistake is to assume that the model with the best fit is preferred. • Sometimes a model with a low R2 may give useful predictions, while a model with a high R2 may conceal problems. • Thoroughly analyze the results before choosing the model.
Multiple Regression Chapter 13 Four Criteria for Regression Assessment • Logic - Is there an a priori reason to expect a causal relationship between the predictors and the response variable? • Fit - Does the overall regression show a significant relationship between the predictors and the response variable? • Parsimony - Does each predictor contribute significantly to the explanation? Are some predictors not worth the trouble? • Stability - Are the predictors related to one another so strongly that the regression estimates become erratic?
Assessing Overall Fit Chapter 13 F Test for Significance • For a regression with k predictors, the hypotheses to be tested areH0: All the true coefficients are zeroH1: At least one of the coefficients is nonzero • In other words,H0: b1 = b2 = … = bk= 0H1: At least one of the coefficients is nonzero
Assessing Overall Fit Chapter 13 F Test for Significance The ANOVA calculations for a k-predictor model resemble those for a simple regression, except for degrees of freedom:
Assessing Overall Fit Chapter 13 Coefficient of Determination (R2) • R2, the coefficient of determination, is a common measure of overall fit. • It can be calculated in one of two ways (always done by computer). • For example, for the home price data,
Assessing Overall Fit Chapter 13 Adjusted R2 • It is generally possible to raise the coefficient of determination R2 by including additional predictors. • The adjusted coefficient of determinationis done to penalize the inclusion of useless predictors. • For n observations and k predictors:
Assessing Overall Fit Chapter 13 How Many Predictors? • Limit the number of predictors based on the sample size. • A large sample size permits many predictors. • When n/k is small, the R2 no longer gives a reliable indication of fit. • Suggested rules are: Evan’s Rule(conservative): n/k 0 (at least 10 observations per predictor) Doane’s Rule(relaxed): n/k 5 (at least 5 observations predictor) These are just guidelines – use your judgment.
Predictor Significance Chapter 13 • Test each fitted coefficient to see whether it is significantly different from zero. • The hypothesis tests for the coefficient of predictor Xj are • If we cannot reject the hypothesis that a coefficient is zero, then the corresponding predictor does not contribute to the prediction of Y.
Predictor Significance Chapter 13 Test Statistic • Excel reports the test statistic for the coefficient of predictor Xj : • Find the critical value tαfor chosen level of significance αfrom Appendix D or from Excel using =T.INV.2T(α,df) 2 tailed test. • To reject H0 we compare tcalc to tαfor the different hypotheses (or reject if p-value α). • The 95% confidence interval for coefficient bj is
Confidence Intervals for Y Chapter 13 Standard Error • The standard error of the regression (se) is another important measure of fit. Except for d.f. the formula for se resembles se for simple regression. • For n observations and k predictors • If all predictions were perfect (SSE = 0) then se = 0.
Confidence Intervals for Y Chapter 13 Approximate Confidence and Prediction Intervals for Y • Approximate 95% confidence interval for conditional mean of Y: • Approximate 95% prediction interval for individual Y value:
Confidence Intervals for Y Chapter 13 Quick 95 Percent Confidence and Prediction Interval for Y • The t-values for 95% confidence are typically near 2 (as long as n is not too small). • Very quick prediction and confidence intervals for Y interval without using a t table are:
Unusual Observations ML 12.2 Chapter 13 Standardized Residuals • Use Excel, MINITAB, MegaStat or other software to compute standardized residuals. • If the absolute value of any standardized residual is at least 2, then it is classified as unusual (as in simple regression). Leverage and Influence • A high leverage statistic indicates unusual X values in one or more predictors. • Such observations are influential because they are near the edge(s) of the fitted regression plane. • Leverage for observation i is denoted hi (computed by MegaStat)
Unusual Observations Chapter 13 Leverage • For a regression model with k predictors, an observation whose leverage exceeds 2(k+1)/nis unusual. • In Chapter 12, the leverage rule was 4/n. With k = 1 predictor, we get 2(k+1)/n = 2(1+1)/n = 4/n. • So this leverage criterion applies to simple regression as a special case.
Unusual Observations Chapter 13 Example: Heart Death Rate in 50 States standard error se = 27.422 n = 50 states, k = 3 predictors 4 states (FL, HI, OK, WV) have unusual residuals (> 2 se) highlighted by MegaStat high leverage criterion is 2(k+1)/n = 2(3+1)/50 = 0.160 MegaStat highlights the high leverage observations (> .160) Note: Only unusual observations are shown (there were n = 50 observations)
Categorical Predictors ML 12.3 Chapter 13 • A binary predictor has two values (usually 0 and 1) to denote the presence or absence of a condition. • For example, for n graduates from an MBA program: Employed = 1 Unemployed = 0 • These variables are also called dummy, dichotomous,or indicator variables. • For easy understandability, name the binary variable the characteristic that is equivalent to the value of 1. What Is a Binary or Categorical Predictor?
Categorical Predictors Chapter 13 Effects of a Binary Predictor • A binary predictor is sometimes called a shift variablebecause it shifts the regression plane up or down. • Suppose X1 is a binary predictor that can take on only the values of 0 or 1. • Its contribution to the regression is either b1 or nothing, resulting in an intercept of either b0 (when X1 = 0) or b0 + b1 (when X1 = 1). • The slope does not change: only the intercept is shifted. Forexample,
Categorical Predictors Chapter 13 Testing a Binary for Significance • In multiple regression, binary predictors require no special treatment. They are tested as any other predictor using a t test. More Than One Binary • More than one binary occurs when the number of categories to be coded exceeds two. • For example, for the variable GPA by class level, each category is a binary variable:Freshman = 1 if a freshman, 0 otherwiseSophomore = 1 if a sophomore, 0 otherwiseJunior = 1 if a junior, 0 otherwiseSenior = 1 if a senior, 0 otherwiseMasters = 1 if a master’s candidate, 0 otherwiseDoctoral = 1 if a PhD candidate, 0 otherwise
Categorical Predictors Chapter 13 What if I Forget to Exclude One Binary? • Including all binaries for all categories may introduce a serious problem of collinearity for the regression estimation. Collinearity occurs when there are redundant independent variables. • When the value of one independent variable can be determined from the values of other independent variables, one column in the X data matrix will be a perfect linear combination of the other column(s). • The least squares estimation would fail because the data matrix would be singular (i.e., would have no inverse).
Other Regression Problems Chapter 13 • Outliers? (omit only if clearly errors) • Missing Predictors? (usually you can’t tell) • Ill-Conditioned Data (adjust decimals or take logs) • Significance in Large Samples? (if n is huge, almost any regression will be significant) • Model Specification Errors? (may show up in residual patterns) • Missing Data? (we may have to live without it) • Binary Response? (if Y = 0,1 we use logistic regression) • Stepwise and Best Subsets Regression (MegaStat does these) 13-27