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Abraham Lincoln High School . PSAT Training. PSAT. General information: Pre-administration of answer documents for 10 th and 11 th grades only 9th grade advisory classes will not be taking the official PSAT, therefore no pre-administration
Abraham Lincoln High School PSAT Training
PSAT General information: • Pre-administration of answer documents for 10th and 11th grades only • 9th grade advisory classes will not be taking the official PSAT, therefore no pre-administration • 12th graders will be having a 45 min SAT math test; Mrs. Girón will give 12th grade advisory teachers more information as soon as it is available. Remember, the College Q & A seminar begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Auditorium, please stress that the students quietly move to the auditorium at 9:50 a.m. • PSAT and 12th Grade SAT math testing is on Wednesday, October 16, 2013
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Pre- administration days will be Wednesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4 in 10th and 11th grade advisory rooms. • Answer documents, list with Students’ State ID Number (SSID), copy of the certification statement and sample answer document will be placed in your boxes before Wednesday, October 2, 2013.
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Page 1, Section 1 • Use No. 2 pencil only • Student enters name*, last name first, and fills in the • appropriate circles carefully. • Make sure each mark is dark and completely fills the circle.
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration Page 1, Section 2 Student’s Gender Section 3 Student’s Grade Level Section 4 Date of Birth and fill in the appropriate circles carefully Section 5 Student’s State ID code, fill in starting with the first column to the left (Student ID Numbers will be provided with answer documents)
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Page 1, Section 6: • Section 6a enter our school code 051520 • Section 6b enter our school name and address. • Section 6c fill in the “Yes” circle. This ensures that the student score report will be sent to our school. • Section 6d is to be left blank • For ETS Use Only are left blank
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Page 1, Section 7 • Section 7 a By filling in the “Yes” circle, students will participate in the College Board’s Student Search Service®, a free service that provides names of students to eligible colleges, universities and scholarship programs. They will NOT receive actual test scores or telephone numbers. • Section 7b By providing an email address, the student is allowing the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation permission to contact student via email. Student needs to indicate if it is their email address or a parent’s/guardian’s address. . .
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration Page 1, Section 8 – 10, continued Section 8 Grade Average Section 9 Racial/Ethnic Group Section 10 Language Background
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration page 2, Sections 13 and 14 relate to scholarship programs conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Complete all parts of Section 13; if students omit any part, NMSC cannot determine if they meet requirements to enter its scholarship programs Section 13a indicate whether the student enrolled as a high school or home-schooled student Section 13b fill in the circle next to the year in which student will complete or leave high school and enroll full time in college (usually students start going to college the same year they graduate)
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration page 2, Sections 13 and 14, continued Section 13c fill in the circle next to the number of years students expect to spend in grades 9 through 12 (most common answer is 4 years) Section 13d fill in the “Yes” circle if student is a United States citizen, fill in the “No” circle if student is not a U.S. citizen Section 14 Black American students who wish to enter the National Achievement Program as well as the National Merit Program, fill in the circle in addition to completing Sections 13a to 13d. . . . Do not make any additional marks on page 2.
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Page 4, Section 15 labeled Your Home Mailing Address • student must fill in the address and fill in the circles correctly • include apartment number, if they have one • use the address abbreviations • at the bottom of your answer sheet is the address is lengthy • indicate a space in the address by leaving a blank box and filling in the corresponding diamond • if address has a slash mark or hyphen, they fill in the corresponding slash mark or hyphen circle.
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration Page 4, Section 16 student fills in the city in which they live and bubbles in the corresponding letters. Section 17 student bubbles in their corresponding state Section 18 student fills in their five-digit zip code
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration Page 4, Section 19 since we are testing in the United States students will leave this section blank
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration • Please look over your set of answer documents to ensure that the students are writing in and bubbling in their responses. • Answer documents need to be returned to Mrs. Girón, room 128 or place in her box by Friday, October 4, 2013. • Answer documents that are not filled in properly will be return to the advisory teachers so that the students can complete the document properly.
Test Day Procedures • 9th -11th grade advisory teachers will pick up PSAT bags starting 7 am in the back of the textbook room • 12th grade advisory teachers will pick up SAT bags starting 7 am in the back of the textbook room • Any questions call Ms. Girón brown phone 202 or Mrs. Boykins at ext. 7608
Test Day Procedures • 9th grade bags will contain practice PSAT booklets, answer sheets and number 2 pencils. • 10th grade bags will contain answer documents, a folder with a list of 9th graders by credits and a folder with a list of 10th grade by credits, test booklets, blank seating chart and number 2 pencils. • 11th grade bags will contain answer documents (all students will mark 11th grade regardless of credits), test booklets, blank seating chart and number 2 pencils. • 12th grade bags will contain answer documents, test booklets, blank seating chart and number 2 pencils.
Test Day Procedures Testing Time: Two hours and 54 minutes 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. • Distribute material and read instructions (including Section 1): 25 min. • Section 1:25 min. (no break) • Section 2 instructions: 2 min. • Section 2:25 min. (5 min. break) • Section 3 instructions: 2 min. • Section 3:25 min. (no break) • Section 4 instructions: 2 min. • Section 4:25 min. (1 min. stretch break) • Section 5 instructions: 2 min. • Section 5:30 min. • Complete answer document page 4, section 20: page 1. Section 11 and 12, page 2 Certification statement and signature: 5 min. (see next three slides for examples) Total Testing Time: Two hours and 54 min.
Test Day Procedures Page 4, Section 20 is to be completed after the test it contains space for two research questions, their responses will not affect their scores in any way For question Q1, they fill in the “Y” circle if they plan to take the SAT in 11th or 12th grade; otherwise, fill in the “N” circle. For question Q2, they fill in the “Y” circle if they were aware that their PSAT/NMSQT scores can help them find out which AP courses they may be ready to take now; if not, they fill in the “N” circle. They are permitted to leave the circles blank if you do not know.
PSAT Answer Document Pre-administration Page 1, Sections 11 and 12 are left blank during the pre-administration period. Student’s need the back of their test booklets to fill in these sections.
Test Day Procedures • Page 2, Certification Statement • Will be done on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 after the test. • Students needs to write the statement in cursive writing (not print). Please remind the students that this is required and if not completed it may delay or cancel their score. • They must also sign their full name and date. On the actual test day you cannot have an example of the statement in script form. Proctors are not to assist them in any way. • Proctors, on exam day do not assist students in any way or have a sample available. • .
Test Day Procedures Seat Charts 10th and 11th grade advisory teachers fill in the seating charts that will be in the bags. 12th grade advisory teachers will most likely have to do this also.
Test Day Procedures • Helpful suggestions: • Consider having assigned seating on test day if you do not do so already. • Place the answer documents and booklets on the desks so that as student come into the room they can find their document and have a seat. Remember to have students put the name on their booklets. They can also write inside their booklets. All Grades. • Remind students to turn off all electronic devices and to put them away where they cannot be seen or heard. • You need to begin within the first 5 min. of class or you will run out of time. • Begin with the test first, then complete answer document page 4, section 20: (pink section on sample) page 1. Section 11 and 12 (pink section on sample), page 2 Certification statement and signature.
Last Instructions…… • Return all bags to the textbook room between 11:00 am - 11:42 am during student lunch time • Please remember 10th, 11th and 12th grade advisory teachers, your bags need to be secure at all times. Yes, 12th grade Advisory teachers may return their bags prior to going to the auditorium. • 9th grade practice PSAT will be scored and returned to Advisory teachers. • Special Room Assignments will be made for those teachers that do not have the ideal testing environment (Santos and Perkins). • If for any reason a student or teacher needs to go to the restroom please call extension 7608 or 7609 and we will send an escort/coverage.