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Entrepreneurial Intrapreneurial Minds

Entrepreneurial Process. DefinitionIdentify and Evaluate the OpportunityGet informationLength of opportunityWindow of opportunityReal and perceived valueRisks and returnsPersonal goals and skills of entrepreneurUniquenessOpportunity assessment. Entrepreneurial Process. Develop Business Plan

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Entrepreneurial Intrapreneurial Minds

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Entrepreneurial & Intrapreneurial Minds

    2. Entrepreneurial Process Definition Identify and Evaluate the Opportunity Get information Length of opportunity Window of opportunity Real and perceived value Risks and returns Personal goals and skills of entrepreneur Uniqueness Opportunity assessment

    3. Entrepreneurial Process Develop Business Plan Determine the Resources Required Manage the Enterprise

    4. Managerial v. Entrepreneurial Decision-making Managerial styles= administrative domain Five areas Strategic orientation Commitment to opportunity Commitment to resources Control of resources Management structure

    5. Causes for Interest in Intrapreneurship Social aspects Competition Four Key Elements of Intrapreneurship New business venturing Organizational innovativeness Self-renewal Proactiveness

    6. Corporate Culture v. Intrapreneurial Culture Corporate Cultures Reward conservative decision-making Wait for instructions Dont fail Collect as much information as possible, or do not act Intrapreneurial Culture Trial and error Reward for actions Encourage new ideas and actions

    7. Climate for Intrapreneurship Operate on Technological Frontier New Ideas Trial and Error Failures Allowed Resources Available and Accessible Multidiscipline Teamwork Approach

    8. Climate for Intrapreneurship Long-Term Horizon Volunteer Program Reward System Sponsors and Champions Available Support of Top Management

    9. Intrapreneurial Leadership Characteristics Understands the Environment Is Visionary and Flexible Creates Management Options Encourages Teamwork Encourages Open Discussion Builds a Coalition of Supporters Persists

    10. Establishing Intrapreneurship in Organizations Get Management Commitment Identify Ideas and Areas of Interest Use Technology for Flexibility Train Employees with Interested Managers Develop Ways to Get Close to Customer Be More Productive with Fewer Resources

    11. Establishing Intrapreneurship in Organizations Establish Strong Support Structure Tie Rewards to Performance Implement Evaluation System

    12. Problems and Benefits of Intrapreneurship Problems Performance Benefits Resources Successes 3M, HP, IBM

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