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French Class

French Class. Purple means French Green means how to pronounce the sentence Black means what the sentence means in English.

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French Class

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Presentation Transcript

  1. French Class

  2. Purple means FrenchGreen means how to pronounce the sentenceBlack means what the sentence means in English

  3. Bonjour __________! Comment vas tu?Boujour ___________! Comma vatu?Hello _________! How are you?(Pas) tresbien. Merci. Et toi?(Pa) tray bien. Mercy A twa?(Not) well. Thank you. And you?(Pas) tresbien. (Cestdommage)(Pa) tray bien. (Say do mage)(Not) well. (That’s too bad)(Cestdommage is only used if they other person says Pas tresbien.) Lesson 1 How to say Hello in French Bonne soir____. = Bon swa_____. = Good evening_____.

  4. Comment-vousappellezvous? Commovouzappellayvou? What is your name? Jem’ appellee __________ Gem appellay_______ My name is________

  5. Lesson 2How to say Goodbye in French Au revior, monami O revwa, monami Good bye, my friend OR Au revoir, Madame_______. O revwa, Madam________. Goodbye, Professor/Madame ________.

  6. Lesson 3How to say Mother and Father in FrenchBonjour, ma mereBonjour, ma meyorHello my motherBonjour monpereBonjour mo pearHello my fatherMa mere s’appellee___= Ma mare s’ah-pelle___. My mother’s name is____.Mo peres’appellee____= Mo pear s’ah-pelle____. My father’s name is_____.

  7. Lesson 4How to ask someone what their name isComment vousappelezvou?Como vouzappelayvou?What is your name?Je m’appelle__________.Zhu ma pellay________.My name is_________.

  8. Lesson 5How to count to ten in French One=Un= Ah Two=Deux= Du Three=Trois= Twa Four=Quatre= Catrah Five=Cinq= Sahnk Six=Six= Sees Seven=Sept= Set Eight=Huit= Wheat Nine=Neuf= Nuhf Ten=Dix= Deese

  9. Lesson 6How to say “The days of the week” in French Sunday=Dimanche= Deemonch Monday=Lundi= Lunday Tuesday=Mardi= Mardy Wednesday=Mercredi= Judi Thursday=Juedi= Sahnk Friday=Vendredi= Vendredi Saturday=Samendi= Samde

  10. Lesson 7How to say “Today is” in French Sunday=Dimanche= Deemonch Monday=Lundi= Lunday Tuesday=Mardi= Mardy Wednesday=Mercredi= Mercredi Thursday=Juedi= Judi Friday=Vendredi= Vendredi Saturday=Samendi= Samde Today is_________ Aujourd’huic’est________ Oh-jerhd we say________ Comment-vousappellez-vous? What is your name?

  11. Lesson 8How to say “ The Basic Colors” in French Red= Roog= Rouge Orange= Orhange= Orange Yellow= John= Juane Green= Verrt=Vert Blue= Blue =Bleu Purple= Viola-ette=Violet Black= Nerg=Negre White= Blonc =Blanche Pink= Rose=Rose Mon couleurfavoritest

  12. Lesson 8How to say “ The Basic Colors” in French Quel est ton couleurfavori? = Kelle ay to cool-erfah-vor-ie? = What is your favorite color? Mescoulersfavorissont___ et _____. = Mays cool-ersfah-vor-iessoo ____ay _____. = My favorite colors are ____ and _____. Mon couleurfavoritest____. = Mo cool-erfah- vor- ie ay ______. = My favorite color is______.

  13. Lesson 9How to ask questions in FrenchComment dit-on “___” en anglais/français?Commoditoh “____” aohnonglay/ FrahncayHow do you say “____” in English/French?Ouest “__”?Oou ay “___”?Where is “___”?“__” est la bas/ici.“__” ay laba/isee.“___” is over there/here.

  14. Lesson 10 Personal Pronouns I = Je = juh(soft j) You = Tu (two)He = Il (eel)She = Elle (ell)It/One = On (ohn)We = Nous (noos)You* = Vous (voos)They (female) = Elles (ells)They (male or mixed) = Ils (eels)*This is used for adults, older people, or when talking to a group of people

  15. Lesson 9How to ask questions in FrenchComment dit-on “___” en anglais/français?Commoditoh “____” aohnonglay/ FrahncayHow do you say “____” in English/French?Ouest “__”?Oou ay “___”?Where is “___”?“__” est la bas/ici.“__” ay laba/isee.“___” is over there/here.

  16. Body Parts

  17. Commands Lève ton pied (Lehvtohnpy-ed): Lift your foot Touche ton nez (Tooshtohnnezz): Touchyournose Tape ta tête (Taptah tette): Tapyourhead Saute (sawt) : Jump Pointe sur tes yeux(pwant sir taysyous): Point to youreyes

  18. Lesson 12French Pie Names tarte à la rhubarbetarte au citron vertbabeurretartecitron échecstartetarte aux pommescrème de coco tartetarte à la tomate vertetarte aux cerisesaigresairelletarte tartecrème de chocolatconcorde raisin tartetarte aux pêchestarte aux pacaneschocolat framboise beurre d'arachide tarte

  19. Seasons • Seasons • Le printemps: spring (Luhprenn-tahn) • L’été: summer (leh-teh) • L’automne: autumn/fall(loh-tome) • L’hiver: winter (li-verr) • Il est le printemps: It isspring (Eelayhluhprenn-tahn) • Il sera l’été: It willbesummer (Eelsarahleh-teh) • Àl’été, je fais mes vacances: In the summer, I go on vacation (Ah leh-teh, juhfaymayvacahnce)

  20. Weather: Le temps • Il… : It is… (Eel…) • Pleuve: raining (ploov) • Neige: snowing (nee-ej) • Maintentant, il.../il fait… : Today, it is…. (Man-tuh-nah, eel…/eel fay…) • Il fait… : It is… (Eel fay…) • Froid: cold (fwah) • Chaud: hot (show) • Beau: nice out (boe) • Mauvais: bad outside (mow-veh) • Humide: humid (oo-meed) • Du vent: windy (dew vahn) • Du soleil: sunny (dew solay)

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