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Explore other cultures, speak French/Spanish always, respect classmates, homework every day, grading breakdown, late work policy, bathroom procedures, planned/unplanned absence handling, students' responsibilities.
French / Spanish class expectations • Make effort to speak French / Spanish at all times. •Come with an open mind as we will discover and compare other cultures. •Be respectful of each other: when participating in class, when performing in dialogues, when sharing ideas and opinions.
Class rules • Respect yourself • Respect your teacher and peers • Respect your environment • Stay in your seat • Make effort to speak French / Spanish
Supplies • A 3 ring binder with dividers is recommended to take notes and differentiate between grammar, vocabulary and cultural information. • Pens, pencils. • Paper to take notes.
Grades Tests and projects: 30% Quizzes: 25% Homework: 20% Oral: (participation, behavior, effort and readiness): 25% Midterm and final: count twice as a test in the interim grade (about 125 points)
Homework policy • You will have homework every day, about 20min. Each homework is worth 5 points. If you don’t have the homework when you come to class, you must fill out and sign a late homework slip. You have one day to make it up and you will get 1/2 points. If not shown, you will not get credit for it. Homework that is collected will be announced and graded on a different scale. The purpose of homework is to practice what we have seen in class. One missed homework: student will be given a warning. Second missed homework: the teacher will call home. Third missed homework: student will be assigned a detention during clinic.
What do I do if…. I don’t understand the homework: - check your class notes and textbook - call/text a friend in the class and ask for help - do your best to complete some of it
I don’t know what to do for homework: -check your teacher’s calendar on her website (homework is posted under Spanish / French homework) - call/text a friend
I am late to class: -Hand in pass to your teacher -Join in warm up or activity right away - 3 unexcused late will result in a detention.
Procedures To go to the bathroom or get a drink (only when urgent !): - You must ask permission in the target language. You will need to fill out the form by the door and detach the pass (boy or girl pass) to leave. You will need to sign back in.
Unplanned absence (sickness for example): 1) Go to the absentee student bin and find worksheets. 2) Have a discussion with your teacher to be clear on assignments and material missed. If you are absent for one day, you have one day to make up the work unless special circumstance. If absent, two days, you have 2 days to make up the work…etc If absent for a week for sickness, discuss with your teacher a plan of action and what assignments need to be made up to make sure you continue to be successful.
Planned absence: Student is responsible to make up the work that is missed. A prior discussion with the teacher is ideal.