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Student Expectations, Guidelines and Procedures . Champion High School 2012 – 2013. Señora Garza- Spanish. Spanish. Am I in the right class? Where do I sit? Sra. Garza. Introduction. Welcome to Spanish class. Me llamo señora Garza. Estas en cuarto B138. Guidelines and Procedures.
Student Expectations, Guidelines and Procedures Champion High School 2012 – 2013 Señora Garza- Spanish
Spanish Am I in the right class? Where do I sit? Sra. Garza
Introduction Welcome to Spanish class. Me llamoseñora Garza. Estas en cuarto B138.
Guidelines and Procedures Why do we need procedures? Students respond.
Reasons for Procedures Everyone knows the expectations Everyone knows what do Everyone knows when to do it Everyone knows how to do it For safety For respect
To Stay on task To avoid confusion To avoid conflict To avoid misunderstandings To avoid making excuses To work in harmony with each other and to be successful
I have a ? Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged by the teacher. What if the teacher doesn’t see me? Wait a while and give her time to look around the room. You would be surprised that she can see you but may be waiting to get to you. Write your question(s) down and raise your hand after the lecture to ask.
When the teacher asks a question or makes a comment… Raise your hand to respond. Students are not allowed to chime in and disrupt or degrade another students comment or question. Teacher may give time for students to answer- everyone needs to wait
What if I am called on and do not know the answer? IDK- will not be an appropriate response. Try: May I have more information? Can you ask in a different way? May I look it up? Lastly, may I ask a friend? When the friend gives YOU the answer then you may respond with the answer.
When in doubt If after you have been given instructions and are still having trouble understanding ASK. Never be afraid to ask. Asking is important for success.
ASK ASKASK ALWAYS ASK WHEN YOU ARE NOT SURE OF SOMETHING. If you have any concerns you may speak to me about it. If it needs to be a private conversation, then schedule a time with me to meet.
General Procedures Everyday procedures are important.
Entering/Exiting Room Acknowledge the teacher with age appropriate greetings. Use Spanish when greeting Greet your classmates with age appropriate greetings Greet a few people using appropriate greetings and take your seat.
Exiting Do not swing door wide open Say proper good-byes and see ya laters If need to, shut the door behind you quietly do not slam. These are very heavy doors and can be slam startling. YIKES! Pull handle down and close gently, please. No pushing or shoving others
Entering/Exiting con’t Have all your materials on your desk and ready to work by the time the bell rings. Begin working on assignment immediately. Assignments will vary from bell work to textbook work to one on one conversations with a partner.
Bathroom Passes Every student who has an emergency and absolutely needs to go to the rest room needs to have their restroom passes. These are given to you at the beginning of school and are to be kept in your binder at all times. If you do not have your passes DO NOT ask to be allowed to leave the room. When you leave the room you need to sign out in designated area.
Signing in and out Sign out using full name, date, time and destination. Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges. Sign in with correct time Write legibly Do not write anything else or doodle on sign out/in sheet Teacher will initial your pass each time you leave the room. Only 5 passes per 9 weeks. No rollovers.
Dismissal Be sure there are NO books on the floor. Be sure there is no trash or any items left on the floor or in the aisles. Class is not dismissed until I say you may go and all is put away and everyone is in his/her seat.
Dismissal con’t The bell is a reminder that class is over, but the teacher dismisses. Put things away about a minute before the bell. Sit quietly and wait for last minute instructions. Feel free to remind teacher a minute before the bell so that we may be ready.
Tardies All tardies will be issued through the attendance office via an electronic tardy system. If you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy and need to report to the attendance office for a tardy slip. Teachers will be closing their doors at the tardy bell and you will not be admitted without a pass. Please hurry to class!
Dress Code is enforced No tube tops, halters, camisoles, or tops with spaghetti straps. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be at least fingertip length in the front and back when the student is standing or walking. May not wear tops which are low-cut, revealing, or excessively tight. Inappropriate clothing may NOT be corrected by covering with a sweater or jacket. Piercings are allowed only on the ears. Coverings intended to disguise or conceal other body piercing are not permitted.
Academics Expectations for Academics Everything we do, the way we behave all lead back to the results we will get academically. Time on task is the foundation of academics. Once time is lost, it is gone forever. It can not be recuperated.
Assignments I anticipate we will get through chapter 4 by Christmas break. We will have a quiz on vocabulary the class period after the vocabulary has been introduced. Quizzes are announced in advance. So when you are introduced to new vocabulary, expect to be quizzed on it next class period. The same applies to the dialogs that are introduced and practiced in class.
Instructional Walks We will go out for walks These are to be instructional walks and are to be used as a fun way to relax and learn Spanish. You will be expected to use Spanish conversations or repeat all the things the teacher or another student may be saying. Sometimes you will have a quiz over material covered while on these instructional walks.
Walk abouts=instructional walks Expectation Stay with the group Do not lag behind Stay on task Do not wander off to rest rooms or to go get water.
What if I am absent? First- go to the teacher web http://teacherweb.com/TX/ChampionHighSchool/HopeGarza Next check with your partner. They should have the information on their agenda. When in doubt- AFTER- you have used your resources- then see me.
Written Assignments Must be legible and must meet the standard format set by the teacher. All papers must have your name, date, class period in the designated area of paper. All papers must have title of the assignment on the title line. Assignments must have page #s and letter of assignment.
Tests/Quizzes Test times/Quiz times These are announced well in advance. You should write the information in your agenda- when it was assigned or announced and when it is due. If you are absent before the test /quiz but were present when it was announced, you are not exempt from taking it.
Homework YOU WILL HAVE HOMEWORK You must know vocabulary to speak. You must practice and learn vocabulary at home. You must practice and learn your dialogs at home. Much time will also be given in class.
Homework due? Homework will be given and you need to write down in your agenda when it was assigned and when it is due. (A) (D). Homework is due on due date whether we check it or not.
Tutorials I am available for tutorials by appoint. I am most available in the mornings. Do not wait to long to schedule an appointment. It will be on a first come, first served basis There are also online tutorials on Quia
During lectures Listen and take notes- lots of notes On many occasions you will be allowed to use your notes on quizzes and for writing tests. If you are allowed to use your notes and you don’t have them, then you are not prepared. If you have problems taking notes, see me and we can make a plan. You will not be allowed to use someone else’s notes.
When taking notes Write as fast as you can but write legibly. If you have a question or need clarification, ask-please. Keep all your notes in one place labeled notes for easy access. Have a tab and loose leaf paper for note taking.
In class assignments Most assignments are timed. You will be allowed a certain amount of time. Do not waste time getting it done. What do I do when I am finished? Sit quietly and study your vocabulary until the next assignment is given. Do not talk or disrupt others.
Grading 50% tests 60% tests 20% quizzes 25 % quizzes 30% daily 15% daily Onlevel Pre-AP
If you are concerned about your grade… If at any time your grade is not accurate or think I may have overlooked something, please talk to me about it. If you are concerned about your average see me. Don’t do anything foolish like cheat or copy from someone else.
Will I be treated fairly? You will always be treated fairly. If at anytime you feel otherwise, please see me. Students are also treated on an individual basis at times. This is not to be unfair in anyway. Sometimes students have special needs and I as a teacher want everyone to be successful in my class.
Academic Integrity and Honesty Sometimes students may be tempted to cheat if they are not prepared or feel there is unfairness to some degree. Cheating is never the answer and should never be a solution for situations such as not being prepared, not having done an assignment, not understanding something, wanting a higher grade than merited, etc.
Rather than cheating when you don’t understand something or are unprepared, talk to me and let’s come up with a better solution. Never resort to cheating just to make a higher grade. This will only lead you into self-deception and loss of integrity. If you need to make a higher grade and you are currently struggling don’t despair and turn to cheating or dishonesty- instead see me for solutions.
I do not understand, what do I do? If while I am explaining something you do not understand, write down your question so that when I am through talking, I can answer it.
Procedures When I want your attention, I will generally say, “atencionpor favor” or “escuchen”. At that time all eyes on me. I will use lots of gestures to get my point across. Sooo, when I am talking you are looking at me and listening. Do not wait for translations because that is why I use gestures, pictures, etc.
Procedures in situations Computer Lab When at lab follow instructions and stay on task. Do as instructed. This is not a time to socialize but to learn and practice. Put headphones away Do not leave trash or anything behind
Expectations for Group Work Teacher will assign groups Wait for groups to be assigned. Please do not ask to be put a group because your friend is there If there are any conflicts with a person, please see me privately to talk about the matter; avoid dissentions if at all possible. Do not make fun of people.
Where do I sit? Sit only where you are assigned. You are not allowed to seat wherever you desire. You will have a designated seat.
Expectations for Group work When working in groups, everyone must participate. Failure or refusal to participate will result in a zero. Everyone will be given a task that you are responsible for.
Group Work /moving desks Wait for instructions. Pick up desks- don’t drag. Be careful doing it. Move on CUE Have materials with you. Do not waste time.
When we do not use our desks.. Sometimes we will sit on the floor. You may not lie down on floor. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing everyday to school so when we do these activities you are comfortable. We also may use towels or things to sit on. So if you would like to bring a towel to keep in class to sit on that is ok.
Pair Share Activities Stay on task assigned Continue the oral practice even if you feel you already know the material and are tired of repetition-you need to know the material without using your notes. Allow yourself and partner to stay only on the assignment. Work only with assigned partners
Technology in the classroom You will be expected to use your computer to access the teacherweb page and other programs. You will be expected to take online quizzes and also to do online practice assignments This will be explained to you later You will be required to meet the deadlines
Quia- online program The assignments are crucial to your learning. Failure to do the assignments or meet the deadlines will not help your grade. Quizzes will be retaken until you get a passing grade; however, there is a deadline to meet. If the quiz is not retaken you will keep your original grade. Do you like tacos?