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The Spanish & French Build Empires. Chapter 2, Sec 1. The Conquest of Mexico. Hernan Cortes led the Spanish march into the Aztec Empire at the age of 34. . The Conquest of Mexico . The Spanish Encounter the Aztecs Cuba was conquered by Diego Velazquez a Spaniard.
The Spanish & French Build Empires Chapter 2, Sec 1
The Conquest of Mexico • Hernan Cortes led the Spanish march into the Aztec Empire at the age of 34.
The Conquest of Mexico • The Spanish Encounter the Aztecs • Cuba was conquered by Diego Velazquez a Spaniard. • 6 years later smallpox spread through Cuba killing thousands of Native Americans. • Without labor the Spainiards under the leadership of Cortes began to look at the Yucatan Peninsula for people to work.
The Conquest of Mexico • The Invasion Begins • Jeronimo de Aguilar- translated for Cortes • Malinche- Native woman who translated and told Cortes about Montezuma’s attack on the Spanish • Motezuma- Aztec leader- tried to sneak attack the Spanish but it didn’t work
The Conquest of Mexico • Cortes defeats the Aztec • Highlights- The Aztec city was huge and well organized. There was the tzompantli- or huge rack of human skulls displayed. • Lowlights- Cortes took Montezuma hostage and he went peacefully. The Aztecs rebelled and 4,000 died compared to 450 Spaniards. This was called the NocheTriste (Sad Night) • Not only did the Aztecs die in war but smallpox broke out
New Spain Expands • Renamed Tenochtitlan, Mexico and it became New Spain's capitol city. • Conquistadors- Spanish conquerors- the men who led the expeditions
New Spain Expands • Pizarro Conquers the Inca • Francisco Pizarro moved in on the Inca in present day Peru and took their leader Atahualpa captive. • Bible incident- • Atahualpa was eventually killed a year later and Pizarro put in figureheads who did exactly what he wanted in charge.
New Spain Expands • Searching for Cities of Gold • After the success of Pizarro many Spanish conquistadors went out looking for cities of gold. • They searched north of New Spain in present day Southwest United States. • None of them found any gold, nor did many return alive.
New Spain Expands • The Spanish Settle the Southwest • Due to the lack of success with finding gold it took time for the Southwest to be settled. • They eventually settled in New Mexico and California. • El Camino Real- Royal Highway. They setup missions for the Catholic Church.
Spanish American Society • The Enomienda System • Encomienda- system of rewarding conquistadors tracts of land. • The goal was for them to take care of Native Americans and convert them to Christianity. • Most of the time they abused their power and Native Americans were overworked and died.
Spanish American Society • Society Based on Class • It was a top down society • Peninsulares- top gov’t and church spots • Criollos- Spanish born in the colonies • Mestizos mixed Spanish and Native American • Council of the Indies- Advised the King what was going on in the Americas
Spanish American Society • Mining and Ranching • When they realized there wasn’t gold, they started mining minerals and silver • Haciendas- were large ranches that had massive amounts of cattle
The French Empire in America • King Francis sent Giovanni da Verrazano to map North America’s coastline and then Jacques Cartier to find the Northwest Passage • Northwest Passage- the northern route through North America to the Pacific Ocean.
The French Empire in America • France Explores America • Cartier- He discovered the St. Lawrence river and tried to found a colony but the harsh winter made him return to France.
The French Empire in America • New France is Founded • 1500’s- The French began fishing near North America and started trading with the Native Americans. • 1600’s- Beaver fur became very popular in France and King Henry IV of France sent merchants to colonize in North America. • Samuel de Champlain- was the royal geographer sent to help colonize. Settled in Quebec and it became the capitol of New France.
The French Empire in America • Life in New France • They did not try to use the land, only trade furs. • Most of the settlers didn’t live here, they would live among the Native Americans and learned their language known as coureurs de bois- “Runners of the woods”
New France Settled • The settling in New France was slow. • They felt threatened by the English and Spanish so they sent over 4,000 people into New France. • The government would give money to those who got married and had kids and would fine those who did not.
New France Settled • Exploring the Mississippi • “Big River” • Was explored by Louis Joilet and Jacques Marquette. • By 1682 Rene-Robert Cavelier de La Salle followed the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. (1st European to do so)
New France Settled • Settling Louisiana • It was harder than inticipated to settle on the “Big River” • The weather was too hot to trade and food spoiled quickly. • Eventually they created Biloxi and then the French started growing crops like sugar, rice, tobacco, and indigo. (Brought in slaves to work on the fields)
New France Settled • Rivalry with Spain • St. Augustine, Florida- became the French’s claim in the Southeast. They were constantly competing with the Spanish.