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Using Technology to Extend and Enhance Learning. Bruce Duncan, Instructional Technology Coordinator Rebecca Vyduna , Director, STEM Center. Context Setting. Students using technology for learning Teachers using technology to support and enhance their own professional learning
Using Technology to Extend and Enhance Learning Bruce Duncan, Instructional Technology Coordinator Rebecca Vyduna, Director, STEM Center
Context Setting Students using technology for learning Teachers using technology to support and enhance their own professional learning Teachers integrating technology into learning experiences Learning leaders and communities developing systemic uses of technology, including to facilitate, extend and enhance professional learning
Today’s Learning Flow Exploring ISTE Essential Conditions for Technology-Mediated Learning Exploring ISTE Standards Family by and across “roles” to guide systemic change Exploring learningforward Exemplar Standards for Professional Learning Engaging the SAMR Model for Technology Integration Assessing Levels of Technology Integration Practices Implications for Professional Learning Across All Contexts
Positive Presupposition #1: Technology does and will continue to provide a range of options and opportunities for extending and enhancing student learning.
Key Question: What are the necessary conditions to effectively leverage technology for learning?
Activity: ISTE Essential Conditions Read ISTE’s list of essential conditions and their descriptions https://www.iste.org/standards/essential-conditions Share your general impression of these conditions and their interrelationships We’ll return to these in a little bit…
Positive Presupposition #2: By developing their own understanding and knowledge of technology for learning, as well as their skills and proficiency using and integrating it effectively into learning experiences, teachers (learning facilitators) can help optimize the use of technology for improved student learning.
Key Question: What’s important for students to learn, understand, know, and be able to do related to the productive use of technology for learning?
Activity: ISTE Standards Family - Students Form a group of 3 Divvy up the 6 ISTE•S standards (2 each) and read Reflect (internally) to identify a specific improving practice in your district where technology is being used to support students achieving all or part of your selected standards Share the above with your group members and discuss Optional: Discuss the correlation of ISTE•S with other frameworks for students and technology
Key Question: What’s important for educators to learn, understand, know, and be able to do related to the productive use of technology for learning? (And by whom [by which roles] within our learning systems?)
Activity: ISTE Standards Family - Adults In the same group of 3, divvy up the adult “members” of the ISTE Standards family, one each (don’t worry about the Computer Science Educators for now…) Read (vertically) the standards for the role you’ve selected (https://www.iste.org/standards/) Share and discuss highlights of each role with your group Using the ISTE Standards by Role Matrix, compare (horizontally) common themes/content across the standards and how each role orients to a particular theme (e.g., digital age learning)
Positive Presupposition #3: A supportive context for effective professional learning is critical for teachers to be able to develop their own understanding and knowledge of technology for learning, as well as their skills and proficiency using and integrating it effectively into learning experiences, all so that they can optimize the use of technology for improved student learning.
Key Question: How do we as educators and members of learning organizations/communities contribute to and participate in shaping and sustaining professional learning? What standards, frameworks, processes, designs do we, or might we access and effectively utilize in support of such learning?
Activity: learningforward Standards for PL On your own, read each of the 7 standard descriptors (standard title and bold type standard) At your table, discuss your initial impressions and insights about these standards Juxtapose the ISTE Essential Conditions and learningforward Standards for Professional Learning; what relationships do you observe? Juxtapose the ISTE Standards and learningforward Standards for Professional Learning; what parallels do you observe between educator roles in these two sets of standards?
learningforward Innovation Configuration Maps How does this sample “IC” Map describe the uses, the roles of technology for professional learning?
The SAMR Model for Technology Integration SAMR Model by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D. (http://www.hippasus.com/rrpweblog) is licensed under CC BY 2.0
The SAMR Model in 120 Seconds… SAMR Model in 120 Seconds by Candace M. on YouTube at http://youtu.be/us0w823KY0g
Activity: What Makes this a S, an A, a M, a R? Read the “framing slide” for a particular content area or topic First pass: As each slide in a 4-slide SAMR progression group is shown, talk with table mates to identify the technology being shown and its (possible) use Second pass: As possible, identify what about the technology and its use links it to that SAMR level Debrief as a room
SAMR Model Resources ORIGINAL SOURCE: Developed by Dr. Ruben Puentadurahttp://www.hippasus.com/rrpweblog/ Helpful SAMR resources by Kathy Schrock at http://www.schrockguide.net/samr.html Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington athttp://www.unity.net.au/padwheel/padwheelposter.pdf
Assessing Levels of Technology Integration Practices http://goo.gl/4ODzrk
Assessing Levels of Technology Integration Practices What connections to SAMR did you perceive in this survey? How might your teachers score? Based on those scores, how might these results guide the design for PL? What, if any, other such assessments* have you used in your districts? How have they worked to guide PL? (*What other assessments exist?)
Implications and Opportunities for PL Across all Contexts What are some implications of today’s learning for your own and/or district PL? What opportunities do you perceive to incorporate some of today’s resources in your district? How might the use of exemplar standards for PL assist you and your district in its PL efforts? What next action focused on improving your own and/or your district’s approach to PL are you ready to commit to?
Thank you! Thank you! Bruce Duncan Instructional Technology Coordinator San Mateo County Office of Education bduncan@smcoe.org Rebecca Vyduna Director, STEM Center San Mateo County Office of Education rvyduna@smcoe.org