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Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists)

Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists) - What is Known (public/policymakers) 2. The Climate Crisis - Climate Inertia  Pipeline Effect - Positive Feedbacks Predominate Danger:Tipping Point Different Planet

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Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists) - What is Known (public/policymakers) 2. The Climate Crisis - Climate Inertia  Pipeline Effect - Positive Feedbacks Predominate Danger:Tipping PointDifferent Planet 3. Good News in Bad News: Opportunity - Must Keep CO2 & Pollution Low - + Health, Agriculture, Environment!

  2. 5 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Time (Ma) Global deep-sea foraminifera 18O isotope records from 40 sites.  Temperatures apply to ice-free state, i.e., before Antarctic glaciation (~35 Mybp). Dashed blue bars are times of ephemeral ice or ice sheets smaller than at present. Solid bar indicates ice sheets of modern or greater size.

  3. Jakobshavn Ice Stream in Greenland Discharge from major Greenland ice streams is accelerating markedly. Source: Prof. Konrad Steffen, Univ. of Colorado

  4. Mt. Graham Red Squirrel

  5. Outline of Solution 1. Coal only in Powerplants w Sequestration Phase-out old technology. Timetable TBD 2. Stretch Conventional Oil & Gas Via Incentives (Carbon tax) & Standards No Unconventional F.F. (Tar Shale, etc.) 3. Reduce non-CO2 Climate Forcings Methane, Black Soot, Nitrous Oxide 4. Draw Down Atmospheric CO2 Agricultural & Forestry Practices Biofuel-Powered Power-Plants

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