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Location… location… location…. ???. Library Lessons from Lisa BrackenSquires & June Jack0. BIG SIX. LS 5443 Persuasive Presentation Fall 2010- Dr. Moreillon. THE BIG SIX. INFORMATION. 1. 2. 6. 4. 5. 3. RESEARCH – PRESENTATION – EVALUATION. POSSIBLE TOPICS.
Location… location… location…. ??? Library Lessons from Lisa BrackenSquires & June Jack0 BIG SIX LS 5443 Persuasive Presentation Fall 2010- Dr. Moreillon
POSSIBLE TOPICS • Family histories provide an insight into cultural and personal identity- (Social Studies) • Human survival is connected to understanding the continual changing nature of the Earth- (Science) • Basketball is traced across the ages- (Language Arts/History)
INTRODUCTION Click here to view an overview of The Big6TM. When you finish watching the video, please resume the slide show.
STEP # 1 • Task Definition • What questions can you ask to narrow the topic? • How will you start?
STOP, THINK, REFLECT Stop: Think: Reflect: What needs to be done? What does your teacher want you to do? What information do you need? • Write a list of questions so you know what information • to look for: • Step 1
STEP # 2 Information-Seeking Strategies • Where will you look for information? • Where will you find reliable sources? Now choose your sources.
CHOOSING YOUR SOURCES Stop: Make a list of all the possible sources of information (such as books and web sites). Think: Put a check mark beside each item to which you have access and are able to use. Make a list: Step 2
PRIORITIZE YOUR LIST Reflect: Do you know where to find your sources? Ask your librarian for help if needed! Step 2
STEP # 3 Location and Access • Locate information intellectually and physically. • Find information within your sources.
What does this mean? • Locate information intellectually and physically. • Do you know where to go for information? • school or public library • online resources and databases Step 3
STOP, THINK, REFLECT Stop: Who will you approach when you need assistance? Think: Do you know how to: • use your library catalog system at school or in the community? • use your library skills to locate books and materials in the library? Step 3
What does this mean? • Find information within your sources. Stop and Think: Do you know how to use: • a glossary • a table of contents • a web menu • an appendix or index Reflect: Ask for help when needed! Step 3
LOCATION, LOCATION, ACCESS Stop and Think: Do you know how to search the catalog database by: • Keyword • Subject • Author • Title Are you savvy with your Internet skills? Reflect: Can you evaluate a print source or website? Step 3
RIGHT LOAD vs. OVERLOAD NettrekkerHits: Right Load! 145 Google Hits: OVERLOAD!!! 35,100,000 Step 3
NET TREKKER http://school.nettrekker.com/frontdoor/ Do you know how to use other databases? http://www.nettrekker.com/customer-resources/learn
DESTINY QUESTInternal Search Engine Can you find useful resources in your school? Step 3
INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES Stop and Think: • How will you distinguish fact from opinion? • How will you present and cite your sources? Step 3
STEPS #4 & #5 • Use & Synthesis of Information • Stop: • It’s time to put the information together! • Think: • How does the information answer or solve the problem?
STEP # 6 Reflection Evaluate the results and process. • Are you happy with the final result? • What will you do differently next time?
WORKS CITED • Animoto. Big 6 (created by June Jacko), 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2010. • Classroom Clilpart. n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. • Destiny Quest. Accessed internally from: Saudi Aramco Schools, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2010. 28 Sept. 2010 • Martin, Phillip. Free Clip Art by Phillip Martin, 2010. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. • Nettrekker. Thinkronize Inc., 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. • Sputnik. Bump This. (Music via Animoto), 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2010. • Voiceover: Jacko, June. Slide 2: “The Big Six”, 2010. 18 Oct. 2010 • Voiceover: BrackenSquires, Lisa. Slide 24: “Review the Process”, 2010. 16 Oct. 2010 *This presentation was based on the Big6 as created by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz. The Big6 is a registered trademark. It is used here for educational purposes.
WORKS CONSULTED Abilock, Debbie.NoodleTools. Noodle Tools Inc., 2007. Web. 8 Oct. 2010. American Association of School Librarians. Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs. Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. Print. Barnes, Jeanne. Online Resources to Support Big6TM Information Skills. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2010. Big6. The Big6: Information and Technology Skills for Student Achievement. 2008. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. Eisenberg, Michael B., and Robert E. Berkowitz. Information Problem Solving: The Big Six Skills Approach to Library and Information Skills Instruction. Norwood, NJ: Able, 1990. Print. Eisenberg, Michael B., and Robert E. Berkowitz. Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Elementary Schools. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth, 1999. Print. Milam, Peggy. "A Road Map for the Journey." Library Media Connection 22.7 (2004): 20-23. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.