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Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism. Presented by Laura J. Toki Assistant Director Curriculum, Training and Development Services Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8. What is plagiarism?. Spectrum: Failure to cite properly to wholesale cheating May be unintentional or deliberate. Examples of Plagiarism.
Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism Presented by Laura J. Toki Assistant Director Curriculum, Training and Development Services Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8
What is plagiarism? • Spectrum: Failure to cite properly to wholesale cheating • May be unintentional or deliberate
Examples of Plagiarism • Buying a paper from a research service or “term paper mill” • Turning in another student’s work without his/her knowledge • Turning in a paper another student has written for you
Examples of Plagiarism • Copying a paper from a text without proper acknowledgement (i.e., citing source) • Copying materials verbatim, citing source, but leaving out quotation marks • Paraphrasing materials without proper source citation
Internet Plagiarism • Turning in a paper from a “free term paper” website • Copying and pasting whole passages of text without quotes and citations
How can I prevent plagiarism? • Teach and emphasize the research process: • Topic proposals • Idea outlines • Multiple drafts • Proper citation of sources • Photocopying or printing source texts to accompany final draft
How can I prevent plagiarism? • Require students to analyze thoughts and ideas, not just describe them (e.g., oral report with questions) • Require students to reflect personally on the topic or the research process
How can I prevent plagiarism? • Discuss plagiarism with students • What it is • School policies or disciplinary action • Long-term consequences of plagiarism (e.g., college application, plagiarism in college, etc.)
How can I detect plagiarism? • Check for unusual formatting or formatting that does not match your specific requirements • Look for jargon or advanced vocabulary or sentence structure • Read quotations carefully and look for proper citations
How can I detect plagiarism? • Look for all assignment criteria • Are there any parts left out? • Does any part read like it was “added on” to the paper? • Is the text the correct mode (e.g., informational, persuasive, etc.)?
How can I detect plagiarism? • Review the bibliography • Are citations in proper form? • Do all sources match those cited in text of the paper? • Pay particular attention to online sources
How can I track down plagiarism? • Check for original author identification clues and do a search for the author • Check for original source identification clues and do a search for the website • Identify unusual keywords or unique phrases and do a search • Look at original text of sources listed in the bibliography
How can I track down plagiarism? • Check these websites for free papers: • School Sucks • Other People’s Papers • Absolutely Free Online Essays • Free Termpapers International • Dorian’s Paper Archive
How can I track down plagiarism? • Check these websites that sell papers: • Evil House of Cheat • Research Papers Online A+ • A1 Termpaper • Genius Papers
What else can I do? • Let students know you know about these websites. • Take students to one of these sites and analyze the weaknesses. • Teach the class to use other websites as sources.
What else can I do? • Include specific instructions about bibliographies (e.g., required articles or websites). • Require specific components (e.g., interviews with experts, class readings, recent sources, etc.).
What else can I do? • Have students analyze paper mill papers and write an essay on ethics. • Have students research and write in class. • Teacher-student conferences • Student peer conferences • Students submit all notes and drafts with the final paper
What else can I do? • On the day papers are due, have students write a reflection on the process: • Features of the paper they’re proud of • Things they had trouble with • Things they learned by writing
What else can I do? • If you suspect a paper was downloaded from the Internet, enter key words or a string of words in quotation marks • Try 2 or 3 different search engines • AltaVista, HotBot, and Lycos Pro work best in finding strings of words or phrases
What else can I do? • DON’T write to or email these websites. • Website publishers will use your complaints as publicity.