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Sermon . Eph 6:1-3 Children Obey Your Parents in The Lord Children of GracE Introduction. Being filled with the Holy Spirit will lead to radically new and different relationships in the family. Loving God and walking by the Spirit means: -Sacrificial Submission for wives
Sermon • Eph 6:1-3 • Children Obey Your Parents in The Lord • Children of GracE • Introduction
Being filled with the Holy Spirit will lead to radically new and different relationships in the family.
Loving God and walking by the Spirit means: • -Sacrificial Submission for wives • -Sacrificial love for husbands • -Obedience for children
"When it comes to rearing children every society is only twenty years away from barbarism“ - Albert Siegel • "Bradford the Barbarian".
EPH 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise-- 3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
An obedient Heart must be Modeled and Taught • CHILDREN – YOU MUST OBEY • This Is Ground Zero Of The Christian Life For Kids.
The ESSENCE OF Godliness for Children is obedience to their parents; it is the very heart of WISDOM.
PR 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, • but fools despise wisdom and discipline. • PR 1:8 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching PR 1:9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.
THIS MAKES YOUR LIFE VERY SIMPLE. • THIS IS A God ISSUE, not a parent issue. • The repentance required is not just for surface things, but for the very hardness of the heart that doesn’t want to do what God says in the first place.
THE PRIOR QUESTION: “What would obeying my parents in the Lord look like in this situation?” • Parents are God’s agents speaking to the details of life.
When your parents tell you to do something or prohibit you from doing something and you disagree, how do you respond? • -obey grudgingly on the outside, but with a bad attitude • -strategically retreat with a plan to counter attack • -disobey quietly hoping you won’t get caught • -disobey loudly and defiantly • -Obey willingly, gladly, thankfully
To disobey is to functionally say, “God you didn’t get it right. I can’t trust you.” • To move away from this command is to risk your own well-being, and it puts society as a whole at risk.
APPLICATION: • -Some of you may need to give thanks for your parents. • -Repent of your self-willed self-centered attitude.
-This is the way to take a stand for Christ and be a truly unique person as opposed to being a conformist. • -One remains in this category of “child” until one is able to assume the responsibilities of adulthood
How do you obey “Christianly”? • You connect the dots to Jesus.
Obey because it is the overflow of your great joy in God. • According to this text obedience is NOT a burden, but a privilege. This is a way to bear witness to God’s grace in your life.
I have the opportunity of trusting God and bearing witness to Him right now. I believe He made me and gave me my parents. What they say may not always reflect what I want, but it is the WILL OF God for me. The same God who tells me to obey is the God who sent His Son to die for me. Why would I doubt his wisdom and goodness by disobeying my parents that He gave me?
THERE IS GOOD NEWS – • Jesus honored his Father perfectly, for us.