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Trade finance. Credit line from LandesBank Berlin, Germany.
Trade finance. Credit line from LandesBank Berlin, Germany was signed the Basic Agreement between LandesBank Berlin, Germanyand JSC “ZLATOBANK”concerning the finance of German’s export to Ukraine under insurance cover of export-credit agency - Euler Hermes Deutschland, Germany. July 04, 2012 - According to the conditions of the Basic Agreement LandesBank Berlin, Germany finances the export of goods from Germany to Ukraine underinsurancecoverof export-creditagencyEulerHermesDeutschland. Finance under line is executedin a form of goods for credit without getting the money directly to importer’s account held with JSC “ZLATOBANK”. The main terms and conditions of credit line of LandesBank Berlin: • Sum of credit : - min. EUR 250 000,00; max. EUR 5 000 000,00, but not more than 85% from the total sum of contract; • Currency of credit: - EUR/USD; • Credit term: - up to 5 years; • Repayment condition: - in 10 (ten) equal semi-annual instalments; • Interest: - six-month EURIBOR + margin of bank (*); • Commissions under credit: - commission for obligations (*); • - commission for a management a credit(*); • Exporter: - company - resident of Germany/European Union; • Importer: - company - resident of Ukraine; • Goods: - any industrial products sourcing from Germany (100%) or making the productions of Germany not less than 60%; • Payment conditions under contract: - prepayment in a sum not less than 15% from the sum of contract; • - issuance of letter of credit in favour of Exporter • Insurance premium of Euler Hermes Deutschland: - included in the total sum of contract (*). • (*) dependson the particular terms and conditionsofthe contract
Trade finance. Credit line from LandesBank Berlin, Germany • Preconditions of the credit, to be executed by the sides: • issuing the mandate by LandesBank Berlin concerning the conditions of the finance; • conclusion of individual credit agreement (ICA) between LandesBank Berlin and JSC “ZLATOBANK”; • obtaining the Legal opinion under ICA; • getting insurance cover from Euler Hermes Deutschland; • registration of Individual credit agreement by the National bank of Ukraine; • issuance of letter of credit by JSC “ZLATOBANK” in behalf on Exporter; • getting the confirmation about the start point of crediting process from LandesBank Berlin.
Chart of financingunder Credit line from LandesBank Berlin, Germany 6. Euler Hermes Deutschland, Germany LandesBank Berlin, Germany JSC«ZLATOBANK» Kiev, Ukraine NBU (*) 2.1. 3. 2.2. 5. 10. 11. 7. 8. 9. Exporter (company - resident of Germany/European Union) 1. Importer (company - resident of Ukraine) 4. • Signing of the contract (purchase and sales contract) between Exporter and Importer; • Signing of: • 2.1. individual agreement (IA) between JSC “ZLATOBANK” and LandesBankBerlin; • 2.2. credit agreement between JSC “ZLATOBANK”and Importer; • 3. Registration of IA in NBU; • 4. Advance payment in amount of 15% from the total sum of contract (purchase and sales contract); • 5. Application for issuance of L/C from Importer; • 6. Issuance of L/C by JSC “ZLATOBANK”; • 7. Advising L/C to Exporter; • 8. Presentation of the documents under L/C by Exporter to LandesBankBerlin; • 9. Payment under LC in favour of Exporter; • 10. Providing the credit to Importer; • 11. Repayment by Importer + % (in ten equal semi-annualpayments) • (* ) Issuance of insurance cover by Euler Hermes Deutschland; • .
Contact information ZLATOBANK your personal bank Tel.: +38 044 495 81 60 +38 044 495 81 61 Address: 17/52 B. Khmelnytskogo Str, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine E-mail:bank@zbank.com.ua www.zbank.com.ua