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Working with Cub Scouts with ADHD University of Scouting 2013

Working with Cub Scouts with ADHD University of Scouting 2013. Dr. Charles Pemberton, LPCC Past President KCA ACA Chair - Taskforce on DSM 5 Ed.D . in Educational Counseling 20+ years in Counseling and Mental Health SR-989, Cubmaster, Member of Review Board PARENT

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Working with Cub Scouts with ADHD University of Scouting 2013

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  1. Working with Cub Scouts with ADHD University of Scouting 2013

  2. Dr. Charles Pemberton, LPCC Past President KCA ACA Chair - Taskforce on DSM 5 Ed.D. in Educational Counseling 20+ years in Counseling and Mental Health SR-989, Cubmaster, Member of Review Board PARENT Adjunct Professor – Graduate University of Louisville Undergraduate –KCTCS Private Practice – 80% children and families Introduction

  3. No statistics are kept nationally, but a survey of regular units serving special needs Scouts in one council produced some revealing figures. In March 1999, officials of the Old North State Council in North Carolina checked a total of 74 units (30 Cub Scout packs, 37 Boy Scout troops, and seven Venturing crews) with a combined total of 2,758 members. They found 245 (8.9 percent) with identifiable special needs. Almost half the special needs (47.3 percent) were identified as ADD, followed by learning disabilities (15.9 percent) and vision and speech impairments (13.4 percent). Stats

  4. Diagnosis and Identification Meeting interventions Behavioral Strategies Tools and Resources Questions Won’t get a plan that works Everywhere with Everyone Today’s Schedule

  5. Biological Disorder Neurological – dopamine/norepinephrine Genetic Toxins Head injuries Immunizations No evidence: Sugar Food additives Allergies Causes of ADHD

  6. Characteristics of ADD/ADHD Impulsivity Hyperactivity Inattention The Tip of the Iceberg Hidden below the surface

  7. Characteristics of ADD/ADHD Impulsivity Inattention Hyperactivity Physiological Factors Coexisting Conditions Delayed Social Maturity Weak “Executive Functioning” Learning Difficulties Sleep Disturbance Not Learning Easily From Rewards and Punishment Low Frustration Tolerance Impaired Sense of Time Hidden below the surface

  8. Often will not complete tasks Easily distracted by minor stimuli Work often messy and completed w/o thought Forgetful in day-to-day activities Impulsive (interrupting others, cannot wait turn, etc.) Fidgetiness Excessive talking Major Features

  9. Engaging Bright Excited Creative Happy-go-lucky Enthusiastic Exceptional Inquisitive Spontaneous Clever Unique Eager Energetic Carefree ADHD SCOUTS HAVE GREAT ATTRIBUTES TOO!

  10. If your Scout takes medication to help him focus at school, it may help him focus better during Scout activities as well. You may want to discuss this issue with your Scout’s physician. Make sure your Scout knows that medication is to help him focus, not make him “be good.” Medication – parents info

  11. Prescription medication is the responsibility of the Scout taking the medication and/or his parent or guardian. A Scout leader, after obtaining all necessary information, can agree to accept the responsibility of making sure a Scout takes the necessary medication at the appropriate time, but BSA policy does not mandate nor necessarily encourage the Scout leader to do so. Also, if state laws are more limiting, they must be followed. Medication

  12. Get trained Complement They are all individuals Clear expectations Talk to Parents about what works Meetings Day trips Weekends Week long How to help

  13. Set a schedule (mental/physical) Know what is expected Use daily/weekly forms for planning Use color codes Limit time Give Breaks Provide review Provide Transition time Minimize spaces/distractions Organize How to help

  14. Put it in writing Set smaller/reachable goals Divide into smaller segments Reward all completions Review for ‘hasty’ errors Work on discovering what is really happening – (i.e. Forgetting) How to Help

  15. 1- Need to notice 2- Need to write/record 3- Need to bring home 4- Need to look 5- Need to understand 6- Need to start/finish 7- Need to store 8- Need to turn-in Forgetting

  16. Offer opportunities for purposeful movement, such as Leading cheers Performing in skits Assisting with demonstrations This may Improve focus, Increase self-confidence, and Benefit the troop as a whole Movement

  17. Be aware of early warning signs, such as fidgety behavior, that may indicate the Scout is losing impulse control. When this happens, try a Private, nonverbal signal or Proximity control (move close to the Scout) to alert him that he needs to focus. Warning Signs

  18. During active games and transition times, be aware when a Scout is starting to become more impulsive or aggressive. Warning Signs

  19. Minimize distractions Give choices Limit Choices Teach problem solving Use calm discipline - distraction Helping a child control his behavior

  20. When you must redirect a Scout, Do so in private, in a calm voice, unless safety is at risk. Avoid yelling. Never publicly humiliate a Scout. Don’t “sandwich” a correction between two positive comments. Good, bad, good Redirecting

  21. If it has not been possible to intervene proactively and you must impose consequences for out-of-control behavior, use time-out or “cooling off.” Time out

  22. Don’t take challenges personally. ADHD Scouts (should be “Scouts with ADHD”) want to be successful, but they need support, positive feedback, and clear limits. Keep Cool

  23. Through systematic Explanation, interactive Demonstration, and Guided practice, Scouting Enables Scouts with ADHD to discover and develop their unique strengths and interests. EDGE

  24. Expect the Scout with ADHD to follow the same rules as other Scouts. ADHD is NOT an excuse for uncontrolled behavior. Excuses

  25. Some Examples 1 • We • A fair trial often includes assessing the scout's behavior on camping trips or other activities both on and off his medication. If you choose to have your son take no medication for 1-2 events and he is unable to focus and benefit from the experience, it is reasonable to then medicate him for 1-2 events to determine if the medication actually yields any benefit. If the scout clearly does better on medication than off, it is expected that he will remain on medication for all activities longer than 2-3 hours.

  26. Some Examples 2 • We • I lead a Tiger Cub den of 11 scouts, one of which has been reportedly diagnosed as ADHD. The Tiger is a discipline problem, but his actions go farther than youthful enthusiasm. This Tiger has difficulty keeping his hands and feet to himself. He frequently hits, and/or kicks, and/or tackles the other Scouts. His parents are little to no help. Other parents are becoming frustrated and angry. Our Pack has no bylaws to which I can refer for policy or guidance. Already the ADHD Tiger’s parents are in the early stages of a major snit, because “it’s not Johnny’s fault.”

  27. Some Examples 2 • We • Here’s my plan: 1) Reiterate that a responsible adult must be present with the Tiger at all meetings to supervise their Tiger. 2) In the absence of Pack bylaws, default to the council’s policy as well as the sponsoring organization’s discipline policy, and be very clear what those policies mean, and that they apply to _everyone_. 3) Make it clear that there will be consequences if the hitting, etc. continues. 4) Follow through.

  28. Some Examples 3 • We • So for I have been completely disappointed. The "pack" is so large that it is complete chaos. We've only been to two pack meetings so far. The first one was okay, but very chaotic. Parents, siblings of all ages, and about 30 or 40 boys all running and talking at the same time in the church's gym. The commotion was beyond my ADD comfort zone. There was a lot of waiting in between each activity, in which time many of the boys lost interest and wandered off. (Of course my son was one of the wanderers!) The pack leaders didn't seem to be able to hold their attention, or stay on task.

  29. Some Examples 3 • We • The second meeting was in the church sanctuary, and they had a kind of "ceremony" where the "color guard" came in with the flags. They had about 40 minutes of "announcements" which was very difficult for me to sit through, much less me son! Then the older scouts got to participate in an out-loud story, but the younger ones had to just sit there and watch. (Not a great idea for my youngster! He was ready to DO something by then!)

  30. Some Examples 3 • We • Not only that, but apparently I'm the ONLY parent who doesn't know jack about boy scouts. Everybody else had a booklet and a uniform and knew exactly what was going on. I'm new to town and didn't even have a friend who I could ask. I'm totally out of the loop, and every time I ask for more information I get the "run around" and very few answers.

  31. Suggested Strategies • We • Tell the Scouts in advance what they will learn • Provide a combination of visual, written and oral instructions since these help the Scout to focus and remember the key parts of a learning activity. • Repeat instructions often • Break large tasks into a set of smaller tasks or steps and monitor for completion of each step Make a written list of these steps and allow the Scout to cross off each step as it is completed. This method may also be used for any number of tasks. • Work on one step at a time.

  32. Suggested Strategies • We • Allow for extra time for some Scouts to compete certain steps • Have different (and adjustable) activities for faster and slower learners • Try to provide a quiet area with limited distractions. • Create a routine and expectations for each meeting. • Plan short breaks • Provide an area or time where the Scouts can move around and release excess energy. • Establish a clearly defined and posted system of rules and consequences for behavior.

  33. Suggested Strategies • We • A card or a picture may serve as a visual reminder to use the right behavior, like raising a hand instead of shouting out, or staying in a seat instead of wandering around the room. • Accept and praise each boy’s best effort in keeping with the Scout Oath. Never make comparisons. • Help everyone to understand that while fair means giving everyone what he need, it is not necessarily equal. (Weinstein, 1994)

  34. Don’t Spoil Me. I know I should not get all I ask for. I am only testing you Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer to know where I stand Don’t use force with me. It teaches me that power is all that counts. I respond better to examples of what I should do Summing it up

  35. Don’t be inconsistent. You’ll just confuse me and make me try harder to get away with anything I can Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I will learn not to trust you Don’t let me provoke you. If I say or do things to upset you, don’t blow up or I may do it again. I don’t mean it. I just want you to feel sorry for me. Summing it up

  36. Don’t me feel smaller than I am. I’ll just make up for it by acting like a big shot. Don’t do things for me that I can do myself. This only makes me more dependent. Don’t give my bad habits a lot of attention. This only encourages me to keep showing these to you Summing it up

  37. Don’t correct me in front of others. It is better to correct me quietly and in private. Don't discuss my behavior in the heat of conflict. I don't hear or cooperate well at this time. Do what needs to be done, but save the words for later. Don't preach to me. You'd be surprised how well I already know what's right and wrong Summing it up

  38. Scouts with ADHD are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and bright. Many have unique talents as well. Help them use their strengths to become leaders in your troop. Final Word

  39. Working with Scouts with Disabilities http://www.wwswd.org/ Teenagers with ADD: A Parents’ Guide www.myadhd.com www.adhdhelp.com www.louisvilleDFT.com Tools/Resources

  40. http://www.additudemag.com/adhdforums/thread/6480.html http://scoutingmagazine.org/2000/10/unit-leaders-and-add/ http://www.bsa-gwrc.org/district/wp/guide-ADD_Handout.html The ADD/ADHD Iceberg adapted by permission of Chris Dendy, Teaching Teens With ADD and ADHD: A Quick Reference Guide. References

  41. American Academy of Pediatrics. Diagnosis and evaluation of the child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics. 2000;105:1158-1170. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-IV-TR. In: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence: Diagnostic Criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994:92-93. National Institute of Mental Health. National Institutes of Health. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Available at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/helpchild.cfm. Accessed April 19, 2002. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Available at: http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth/chapter3/sec4.html. Accessed April 19, 2002. Dulcan M. Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1997;369(suppl):855-1215. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-IV-TR. In: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence: Diagnostic Criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994:92-93. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-IV-TR. In: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence: Diagnostic Criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994:92-93. National Institute of Mental Health. National Institutes of Health. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder—questions and answers. Available at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/adhdqa.cfm. Accessed April 19, 2002. National Institute of Mental Health. National Institutes of Health. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder—questions and answers. Available at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/adhdqa.cfm. Accessed April 19, 2002. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000. Fauman, M. A. (2002). Study Guide to DSM-IV-TR. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. References

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