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DAR Library Lay Light Restoration

DAR Library Lay Light Restoration. A Special Message From President General Merry Ann T. Wright. DAR National Headquarters. Iconic Architecture.

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DAR Library Lay Light Restoration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DAR Library Lay Light Restoration A Special Message From President GeneralMerry Ann T. Wright

  2. DAR National Headquarters

  3. Iconic Architecture The striking exterior marble columns and the beautiful DAR Library ceiling are the most emblematic architectural features of the DAR National Headquarters historic building.

  4. Skylight vs. Lay Light Lay Light Skylight

  5. Serious Deterioration Discovered From the floor of the DAR Library, the lay light appears fine, but inspections from the top side of the lay light reveal structural deterioration which will require extensive and immediate restoration.

  6. Architect Evaluation Report “It is actually remarkable that pieces of glass have not fallen to the Library floor.” - Quinn Evans Architects

  7. “Keeping The Roof Over Our Heads” • $1.2 million dollars • 9 month estimated completion time • Critical to start project immediately or risk losing the lay light entirely • Raising funds through the President General’s Project

  8. Earthquake Hits Washington, DC Rare 5.7 magnitude earthquake damaged National Headquarters

  9. Earthquake Hits Washington, DC Earthquake damage prompted inspections that led to discoveries of deterioration in the lay light

  10. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Lay Light Structural Deterioration • Metal webbing - called “zinc cames” - used to keep the glass in place is deformed • This bowing and bending from the original flat surface is called “displacement” • Problem caused by gravity and exacerbated by extreme heat and improper repairs made in the past • Adds stress to the lay light panels and creates destabilization

  11. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Cracked Glass • Extreme displacement has resulted in glass breakage • Improper ventilation which led to extreme heat exacerbated cracking • Cracks in the panes could become hazardous by releasing from the zinc cames and falling to the library floor

  12. DAR Library Lay Light Restoration Cracked Concrete Cracking around the steel beams which hold the panels in place only serves to further destabilize support for the panels.

  13. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Poor Previous Repairs Improper placement Support wires were added in inappropriate locations causing the zinc cames to pull from the glass adding stress and causing destabilization. Proper placement at an intersection of zinc cames

  14. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Deteriorating Cupola • Blowing rain can enter the cupola and cause water leakage resulting in glass staining • Improper ventilation traps in heat

  15. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Corrosion • Moisture from leaking cupola has lead to corrosion • Severe corrosion has destabilized the solder joints and zinc cames in all 25 panels

  16. DAR Library Lay Light Problems Displacement The lead panels holding the glass are bowing and bending away from the horizontal support bar. It should be nearly parallel to the support bar but on many panels there is significant displacement or “sway”.

  17. DAR Library Lay Light Restoration • Work could take up to 9 months • 25 panels of glass to be removed and restored individually • Requires highly specialized skills performed by craftsmen • Scaffolding will be required, but we’ll keep the DAR Library open and as accessible to researchers as possible!

  18. DAR Library Lay Light Restoration

  19. Restore to Original Historic Beauty

  20. President General’s Project The DAR Library Lay Light Campaign will be part of the overall President General’s Project restoration efforts Successful roofing projects as well as repairing, restoring and cleaning exterior areas of the Headquarters complex have been completed but more critical work is still needed and will only be achieved with your support.

  21. President General’s Project • Contributions to the President General’s Project will help support the lay light project as well as other important initiatives • Donor Wall recognition forthose donating the variousdesignated gift amounts • Supporters who contribute$1,000 or more will receive theBenefactor Pin and special recognition at Congress

  22. Sponsor a Lay Light Square • 25 seven-foot square panels • $40,000 donation (group or individual) supports the cost for refurbishing one panel • Permanent recognition in the DAR Library will honor those able to donate the $40,000 required to sponsor a square

  23. DAR Library Lay Light Restoration Your support will ensure that generations of future Daughters will be able to cherish the historic and breathtaking DAR Library lay light.

  24. Thank You! For more information on how you can support the President General’s Project and the DAR Library Lay Light Restoration contact the DAR Office of Development: 1-800-449-1776 development@dar.org www.dar.org/giving

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