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City of Clemson Comprehensive Plan

City of Clemson Comprehensive Plan. Housing Element Background Data March 12, 2014. Housing Unit Type. Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey. Median Number of Rooms per Housing Unit. Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey.

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City of Clemson Comprehensive Plan

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  1. City of ClemsonComprehensive Plan Housing Element Background Data March 12, 2014

  2. Housing Unit Type Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  3. Median Number of Rooms per Housing Unit Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  4. Median Year Residential Structure Built Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  5. Year Housing Built Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012* American Community Survey

  6. Selected Housing Characteristics Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  7. Persons Per Room – Occupied HU2000 & 2012 Source: US Census Bureau, 2010 Census; 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  8. Housing Occupancy & Tenure1990, 2000 and 2010 Source: US Census Bureau, 2010 Census

  9. Housing Occupancy & Tenure Source: US Census Bureau, 2010 Census

  10. Percentage Renters by Block Group*, 2010 * Housing data for Census block groups includes areas outside of City

  11. Average Household Size Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  12. Age of Householder by Tenure Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  13. Race of Householder by Tenure * Hispanic is an ethnic category in the Census, therefore persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  14. Median Value and Gross Rent of Occupied Housing Units Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  15. Housing Values – Owner-Occupied HU Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  16. Monthly Gross Rent Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  17. Owner and Renter Costs as aPercentage of Household Income Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  18. Selected Monthly Owner Costs and Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income Source: US Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey

  19. Maximum Affordable Housing Cost - Pickens County and South Carolina, 2013 Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition “Out of Reach,” 2013

  20. Housing Unit Estimates and Projections • Sources: 1US Census Bureau - 2000 and 2010 Census; 2Nielsen Site Reports, December 17, 2013

  21. Current Housing Element Mission Statement • “The City of Clemson will preserve and protect the neighborhood character and quality of life in residential neighborhoods; encourage a balanced range of housing type and opportunities; promote opportunities for clean, safe and affordable housing; and maintain safety, appearance, and harmony within neighborhoods.”

  22. Current Housing Element Goals • Goal 1. Preserve and improve the character and quality of life in traditional single‐family neighborhoods. • Goal 2. Conduct a study of Clemson’s current and projected housing market. • Goal 3. Update the Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Regulations to address the City’s long‐term housing needs.

  23. Current Housing Element Goals • Goal 4. Create neighborhood empowerment and engagement programs. • Goal 5. Designate historic or locally significant neighborhoods in Clemson. • Goal 6. Promote opportunities for clean, safe and affordable housing for all residents.

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