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Proposed Course: ENG450: Multidisciplinary Design. Bob Dennis. Vision. To establish a multidisciplinary major design experience that provides systems engineering training for undergraduate students, with additional opportunities: - to span more than one term.
Vision • To establish a multidisciplinary major design experience that provides systems engineering training for undergraduate students, with additional opportunities: - to span more than one term. - hands on prototyping experience. - include students from many levels.
Objectives • Offer Pilot course Winter 2004 & 2005 • Transform into a permanent course • Expand on the basis of student demand • Offer year round (Fall & Winter) • Identify additional project sponsors • Track students into projects…jobs • Work with departments to encourage counting as senior design credit
Interested Faculty • 14 “design” faculty from most of the engineering departments expressed strong interest and attended our initial meetings in August & September.
Core Faculty: Pilot Course • Robert Dennis Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering • Nilton Renno Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sci. • Sridhar Kota Mechanical Engineering • Thomas Zurbuchen AOSS & Space Phys Res Lab
Additional faculty • Identify faculty “Design Mission Mentors” • Commitment for 2-3 years for each Mission • Wide range of knowledge domains: - electromechanical systems - spacecraft design - materials & design - extra-terrestrial environments - CAD/CAM - dynamics & controls - software - many others….
Pilot Course Structure • 20-30 enrolled students • Lectures: Modern Design Process Domain specific lectures • Design Mission: NASA Mars Robot Base • Open-ended Conceptual Design • Guest lectures (external & internal) • Leverage existing departmental resources • Offer Winter 2004 & 2005
Modern Design ProcessTemplate: ME450 & BME450 Problem definition: quantitative definition of the engineering problem or opportunity Design specification: definition of quantitative figures of merit (FoM) for performance Concept generation: collect and categorize a large number of design concepts Concept evaluation: quantitatively evaluate each design concept Convergence: reduce the number of concepts by merging the best attributes of each Concept selection: identify the best concept(s) for detailed engineering design & analysis Detailed design & analysis: utilize engineering design and analysis tools Alpha prototype construction: sub-system prototyping, demonstrate “proof of concept” Alpha prototype evaluation: evaluate on the basis of the FoM from the Specification Re-design: evaluate failures and identify opportunities to improve performance Beta prototype construction: focus on system integration Beta prototype evaluation: evaluate system level performance Project Wrap-up/Transition: document the design in detail for future students
Credit & Prerequisites • Pilot: Senior capstone design Enrolled students: seniors… Participating students: any interested! • Credit toward degree set by negotiation with individual departments: Senior Design Requirement Technical Elective Free Elective (default)
Systems Focus • Design mission: open-ended • Projects span multiple terms • Focus on system integration • System level design & testing specification • Continuous re-evaluation of design objectives • System-level integration: prototype • Evaluation of function: Figures of Merit
Sponsors • External: NASA (Pilot: Mars autonomous base) Biomedical Automotive Defense Foundation support Corporate Relations: very involved in sponsor identification & continuity. CoE-wide sponsor identification & sorting. Fee structure to support infrastructure & FTE in corporate relations for project marketing. • Internal (in support of major research efforts): Medical school Engineering
Multidisciplinary Design: ABET Impact Engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have: A- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering B- An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data C- An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs D- An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams E- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems F- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility G- An ability to communicate effectively H- The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context I- A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning J- A knowledge of contemporary issues K- An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Additional Skills & Professional Development • Leadership & organization skills Project management • Research & independent learning • Engagement in long-term complex project • Communication - cross disciplines - with sponsors - between teams (system integration) - backward & forward in time (documentation)
Future Development • Identify excellent sponsors • Add carefully selected Design Missions • Expand student enrollment • Develop pool of involved faculty “mentors” • Incorporate departmental input at all levels • Develop infrastructure (rapid prototyping, CAD, testing, shared resources, …) • Expand to a full 1-year course? • Link with sponsors: internships, site visits… • Open to students outside CoE (business, basic sciences, art & architecture)