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Aristotle University, Department of Mathematics Master in Web Science. s upported by Municipality of Veria. Statistics in the Web. I. Antoniou, P. Moissiadis , M. Vafopoulos. Contents. What is the Web? Web milestones Why is so successful? We knew the web was big... Web generations
Aristotle University, Department of Mathematics Master in Web Science supported by Municipality of Veria Statistics in the Web I. Antoniou, P. Moissiadis, M. Vafopoulos
Contents • What is the Web? • Web milestones • Why is so successful? • We knew the web was big... • Web generations • Studying the Web • Web Data and Structure • Web Function and Evolution • Web policy 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
What is the Web? a system of interlinked hypertext documents (html) with unique addresses (URI) accessed via the Internet (http) 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web milestones 1992: TBL presents the idea in CERN 1993: Dertouzos (MIT) and Metakides (EU) create W3C appointing TBL as director Two Greeks in the Web’s birth, How many in Web science’s? 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Why is so successful? Is based on architecture (HTTP, URI, HTML) which is: • simple, free or cheap, open source, extensible • tolerant • networked • fun & powerful • universal(regardless hardware platform, software platform, application software, network access, public, group, or personal scope, language and culture operating system and ability) 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Why is so successful? • New experience of exploring & editing huge amount of information, people, abilities anytime, from anywhere • The biggest human system with no central authority and control but with log data (Yotta* Bytes/sec) • Has not yet revealed its full potential… *10248 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
We knew the Web was big... • 1 trillion unique URIs(Google blog 7/25/2008) • 2 billion users • Google: 300 million searches/day • US: 15 billion searches/month • 72% of the Web population are active on at least 1 social network … Source blog.usaseopros.com/2009/04/15/google-searches-per-day-reaches-293-million-in-march-2009/ 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web: the new continent • Facebook: 400 million active users • 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day • 35 million users update their status each day • 60 million status updates posted each day • 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month • Twitter: 75 million active users • 141 employees • Youtube: 350 million daily visitors • Flickr: 35 million daily visitors 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web: the new continent • Online advertising spending in the UK has overtaken television expenditure for the first time [4 billion Euros/year] (30/9/2009, BBC) • In US, spending on digital marketing will overtake that of print for the first time in 2010 • Amazon.com: 50 million daily visitors • 60 billion dollars market capitalization • 24.000 employes 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web generations 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
New questions for the Web • Safe surfing • Find credible information • Create successful e-business • Reduce tax evasion • Enable local economic development • Communicate with potential voters • Find existing research effort in a subject How will answer these questions? 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Studying the Web The Web is the largest human information construct in history. The Web is transforming society… It is time to study it systematically as stand- alone socio-technical artifact 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web science timeline 2005: The Web ScienceWorkshop, London • Chairs: Tim Berners-Lee, Wendy Hall • OrganizingCommittee: J.Hendler, N. Shadbolt, D.Weitzner 11/2006: Web Science Research Initiative is established 2007: “A Frameworkfor Web Science” is published 2007: the book is translated to Greek/introduced in Univ. 4/2008: EU FET workshop in Web science 4/2008: 2ndWeb ScienceWorkshop, China 7/2008: Summer Doctoral Program, Oxford 9/2008: Web science curriculum workshop, UK 9/2008: establishment of W3F 2009: 1st World Conference in Web science 18-20/3 /2009, Athens Greece www.websci09.org 10/2009: master in Web science Greece, UK 3/2010: UK gov. invests 40 million euros in WS institute 4/2010: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (41st ranked in US) announce Undergraduate program in Web Science 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia 3/18
The Web Science framework the basis: • Data Analysis Statistics • Mathematical Models • The “Econometrics” paradigm • Statistics in Economics • Initially, not accepted from economists • Commerce and Accounting become Economics • Now, the base of Economics • Evaluation of theories/models about function, structure & evolution of economic phenomena • Public policy and business strategy 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web Data and Structure 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
What kind of Data we have from Networks? • Enumerated data. Such data are collected in an exhaustive way from the full population i.e. from all the nodes of the network. • For instance, in some social network studies. such as those that might involve the graduates from a school or a university, it is quite easy to collect data that are uploaded from the members involved. • The same is true for networks of collaborations between researchers or between scientific journals for which there exist databases containing citation indexes and other parameters for a great window of time. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
What kind of Data we have from Networks? • Partial Data. Such data are collected from a full enumeration of only a subset of the population. • For example in order to study the network between users of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) we must collect information for all the nodes-users of AUTh. These data can help the researchers to find out a number of characteristics of the network but fail to handle some others having interaction with other networks. For instancethe network traffic collected from this network cannot say anything for the probability of the network to crush out, because all the traffic, not only between the members of AUTh, is needed. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
What kind of Data we have from Networks? • Sampled Data. They are produced by selecting first a sample of the units-nodes by using some random technique. They not only be a subset of the whole possible data but they also not give an exhaustive view of some sub-population. Unless the graph is random, the nodes are not independent, while their meaning varies. • For example, let us take a random sample of a doctors’ network where the link means that they have common patients. Then the response will be different if some of the most famous doctors of this network included in the sample than the case none of them be selected. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Drawing a network • The statistical analysis of a network is affected even by the way of drawing the network. The graph may be seen as a “geometric representation of relations between the nodes”. When the nodes are only a few it is possible to construct the graph by hand successfully, and one can realize the importance of a good design. For instance the three graphs below represent the same graph but the sensation they produce is different. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Drawing a network • From Kolaczyk’s book [1]we have • 3 views of the «Zachary’s ‘karate club’ network» It is centered on the actors a1 and a34. The yellow links actors from different groups. Two ego-centric views of the same network. The above is viewed from a1 and the below from a34 Easy Community Detection 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Drawing a network • A number of algorithms have been developed for drawing graphs and networks in such a way that the graphs reveal the relevant information in an aesthetically pleasant way. • Known packages as: • Mathematica, USINET, Snap, Tuchgraph, igraph (of R), NodeXL (of Excel) and many others have incorporated such algorithms for achieving optimal drawing of graphs. In the most of them the user can react to change the algorithm, or to move some nodes in order to make the graph more readable. As Kolaczyk points out the graph drawing involves not only “science” but also some “art”. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Drawing a network • For some networks it is needed to make some statistical analysis before the drawing. • Let us consider that in a biological study we have N genes {1,2,…, N} and that for any gene we observe its performance under mseparate experimental conditions, gives rise to an m1 vector xi=(xi1, xi2, …, xim)΄ for every gene i. • A usual simple measure of association of two genes i and j is by comparing the corresponding vectors xiand xj, or equivalently to find the correlation coefficient ρijof these two vectors. If this coefficient is big enough, the two genes involved are considered to be associated. So in the graph with nodes the genes we add the edge joining the associated genes, constructing sequentially the set of edges E. • It is obvious that in order to decide when the coefficient is big enough we must perform a hypotheses test for a suitable threshold. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Drawing a network • Regression models can also be used for network drawing. • Let us consider a social network G(V,E), whereVis the set of individuals constituting the nodes of the network. • If the links in this network (friendship, collaborationism, nativeness, etc) are not known but can be estimated from some controllable variables such as age, sex, speciality then we represent by Y the link (i.e. Y=1 if link exists, Y=0 if link does not exist) and by X the vector of predictors. • Afterwards, we estimate the probability P(Yij=1|Xi=xi, Xj=xj) and if it exceeds some limit we add edge ijin Ε,constructing, by this way, sequentially the whole set of edges E. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Node Degrees din(2)=3, dout(2)=1 d(2)=4 1.7 5 2 2 d(5)=1 din(1)=1, dout(1)=1 5 3 0.5 1.2 d(1)=2 3 9 3 1 2 0.2 1 d(3)=2 din(3)=1, dout(3)=2 21 2.1 4 4 din(4)=1, dout(4)=2 d(4)=3 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
The degree distribution P(k) = P(D ≤ k) is the distribution function of the random variable D that counts the degree of a randomly chosen node. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Distances, Eccentricity, Cliques… • We estimate the distribution of distances, or of eccentricities, or of other graph characteristics. • We use different statistics, as the mean distance or the mean connected distance by dividing the sum of distances with number m of edges instead of n(n-1). • We estimate the clustering coefficient cv=qv/(kv(kv −1)/2), where kv are the neighbors of nodevandqv the number of links between the neighbors of nodev (0qvkv(kv −1)/2), or the global clustering coefficient c = c(p) = v cv/n 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Example of clustering coefficient a bc 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Degree Distribution of random graphs A randomgraphfromG(n, p) hasonaverageedges. Thedistributionofthedegreeofanyparticularvertexisbinomial: P(k): the probability that a node has k links For large N P(k) can be replaced by a Poisson distribution 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Degree distribution of the SW model The degree distribution of a random graph with the same parameters is plotted with filled symbols. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Self-Similar = Scale-free Networks • The degree distribution follows a power law, at least asymptotically. That is: P(k) ~ k−γ where γ is a constant whose value is typically in the range 2<γ<3, although occasionally it may lie outside these bounds. • the clustering coefficient distribution, decreases as the node degree increases. This distribution also follows a power law. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Distribution of links on the World-Wide Web P(k)∼ k−γ power law a, Outgoing links (URLs found on an HTML document); b, Incoming links Web.c, Average of the shortest path between two documents as a function of system size [Barabasi,ea 1999] 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
ψ In-degree and out-degree distributions subscribe to the power law. Power law also holds if only off-site (or "remote-only") edges are considered. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
example • For a graph G let and • This gives a metric between 0 and 1, such that graphs with low S(G) are "scale-rich", and graphs with S(G) close to 1 are "scale-free". This definition includes the notion of self-similarity implied in the name "scale-free". 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Sampling in networks • Sampling is necessary when the enumeration of data for the whole network is impossible. Kolaczyk’s Example: • Consider a network G=(V,E), with Nv nodes andNeedges. Then suppose that we have measurements from a subset V* of V and from a subset E* of Ethat define the pair (V*,E*). The pair G*=(V*,E*) may be a subgraph of Gbut this is not always the case. Should G*=(V*,E*) be a subgraph for best statistical estimations? 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Sampling in networksEstimation of the Average Degree of the nodes of G: 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Sampling in networks • For testing the estimating method 1500 nodes selected randomly forming the subset V*, while for the edges two design methods applied. • Design 1: For every node i of V* we observe all edges {i. j} E involving i; each such edge becomes an element of E*. • Design 2: For each pair {i, j} V*, we observe whether or not {i.j} E; in this case, that edge becomes an element of E*. • After 10000 selections the average degree estimated under the two design methods and the histogram of the estimated values was formed. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Sampling in networks The blue histogram is for the estimated average degrees under Design 1, while the red one is for Design 2.It is obvious from the figure that Design 1 gives better estimates. In fact the estimate under Design 1, was 12.117 with s.e. 0.3797, while under Design 2 was 3.528 with s.e. 0.2260. It is notable that in Design 1 the node degrees are the ones in graph G, but the pair (G*, E*) does not form a graph. The Design 2 on the other hand forms a subgraph (the induced subgraph) but the average degree under-estimated by approximately n/Nv. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Best statistical estimations are obtained when G*=(V*,E*) is not a subgraph • Why? A crucial point for web statistics! 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Network Link Estimation • If we know the nodes but we have limited information about the links, • How can we estimate the unknown links? 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Node type Estimation Example: • Can we estimate the gender of persons (being nodes in a network of friends) from some knowledge of the network? A strategy for the estimation: • Consider each node as missing • Compute the probability to have more links with friends with the gender of interest. • Compare with the known situation • One may form ROC curves. ----------------------------------------- Kolaczyk, Eric. Statistical Analysis of Network Data, Methods and Models, Springer 2009. 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web Function and Evolution Traffic on the Internet [Ivanov, Antoniou Prigogine Model Log-Normal Power Law Web Traffic 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web Function and Evolution • Google Pagerank Algorithm • Hyperlink Matrix • Web Traffic not included initially • Random surfer assumption 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia
Web as a Communication Channel Web Users
Web Papadimitriou,ea Amarantidis, Antoniou, Vafopoulos Users Topics Queries
Web Users Socialnetworks Topics Queries
Statistics and the Web • Games: Utility, Auctions • Webmetrics: statistical models for the Web Structure, Function and Evolution in order to evaluate individual, business and public policies 23rd ESI Conference - Veroia