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UWG 2013 Meeting Publish-Subscribe ( Datacasting )

UWG 2013 Meeting Publish-Subscribe ( Datacasting ). Goal. Goal PO.DAAC to publish availability of our data Why? So users can subscribe and no longer have to crawl FTP. High Level Functions: Publishing. Data Providers. Information Providers. Consumers. Information In. Data In.

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UWG 2013 Meeting Publish-Subscribe ( Datacasting )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UWG 2013 MeetingPublish-Subscribe (Datacasting)

  2. Goal • Goal • PO.DAAC to publish availability of our data • Why? • So users can subscribe and no longer have to crawl FTP

  3. High Level Functions: Publishing Data Providers Information Providers Consumers Information In Data In Information Out Data Out High-Level Access Tools Ingest Web Portal Visualization Web Services & Publishing Direct Data Access Inventory Archive

  4. Solution • Datacasting • Extension of RSS • Work funded by NASA ACCESS 2005, 2009 • Data providers publishes availability of new data granules via XML feed • Data consumers subscribes to feed to learn about recently available data granules

  5. By the way… • Datacasting enables • Down select items in feed based on multiple criteria • Temporal • Spatial • Other metadata • Automatically download selected data files • Mash up across different types of feeds • Combine newspaper articles, scientific reports, event analyses, data, etc. in one place • And much more

  6. Publishing DatacastingRSS Data Providers Information Providers Consumers Information In Data In Information Out Data Out DatacastingRSS High-Level Access Tools Ingest Web Portal Visualization Web Services & Publishing Direct Data Access Inventory Archive

  7. Publish-Subscribe Sequence

  8. DatacastingRSS <rssxmlns:datacasting="http://datacasting.jpl.nasa.gov/datacasting"xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss"xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" version="2.0"><channel><title>MetOp-A ASCAT Level 2 25.0 km Ocean Surface Wind Vectors</title><link>http://podaac-test.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/ASCAT-L2-25km</link><description>This dataset contains operational near-real-time Level 2 ocean surface wind vector retrievals...</description><pubDate>Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:49:44 GMT</pubDate> ...<datacasting:channelUID>PODAAC-ASOP2-25X01</datacasting:channelUID><datacasting:dataSource>METOP-A/ASCAT</datacasting:dataSource><item><title>ascat_20130226_190001_metopa_32990_eps_o_250_2101_ovw.l2.nc</title><link>http://podaac-test.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/ASCAT-L2-25km</link><description>ascat_20130226_190001_metopa_32990_eps_o_250_2101_ovw.l2.nc</description><enclosure length="847714" type="application/x-netcdf" url="ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/allData/ascat/preview/L2/25km/2013/057/ascat_20130226_190001_metopa_32990_eps_o_250_2101_ovw.l2.nc.gz"/><pubDate>Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:49:44 GMT</pubDate> ...<georss:where><gml:Envelope><gml:lowerCorner>-89.37 0.02</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>89.26 359.99</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope></georss:where><datacasting:acquisitionStartDate>Tue, 26 Feb 2013 19:00:01 GMT</datacasting:acquisitionStartDate><datacasting:acquisitionEndDate>Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:41:59 GMT</datacasting:acquisitionEndDate></item> ...<item> ...</item></channel></rss>

  9. Link to DatacastingRSS Feed

  10. Client Tool: Scripts • Scripts in Python, Perl, MATLAB, etc. can be written to download data granules as they are made available • Sample MATLAB script for downloading data granules: xml = xmlread('http://podaac-test.jpl.nasa.gov/ws/metadata/granule/?format=datacasting&datasetId=PODAAC-ASOP2-25X01'); enclosures = xml.getElementsByTagName('enclosure'); fori = 0:enclosures.getLength-1 url = char(enclosures.item(i).getAttribute('url')); [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(url); filename = [name, ext]; if exist(filename, 'file') disp(['File exists: ' filename]); else urlwrite(url,filename); disp(['Downloaded: ' filename]); end end exit;

  11. Client Tool:Data::Downloader % dado configinit --filename ./ascat-l2-25km.conf % dado feeds refresh % dado files download Terminal Perl tool for subscribing to feeds and downloading and maintaining files on disk

  12. Client Tool:Datacasting Feed Reader Subscribe to DatacastingRSS Filter feed items Create mash up Download data

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