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Unit 9. Making Decisions in the Workplace. Facilitator Support Materials for Making Decisions in the Workplace. Unit Aim.
Unit 9 Making Decisions in the Workplace Facilitator Support Materials for Making Decisions in the Workplace
Unit Aim The aim of this unit is for learners to develop the knowledge and understanding of decision-making and develop the appropriate skills to use decision-making tools and techniques in order to solve workplace problems. This unit is 30 Guided Learning Hours
Unit Description Being able to make sound decisions at every level of business, confidently and by using the correct and appropriate information is an essential skill. It involves being able to generate a number of alternative solutions, understand the consequences of each and evaluate these, selecting the most appropriate one. It is important to have access to accurate information, and have the appropriate experience for interpreting information.
Unit Description Continued • Consultation, i.e. seeking the views and expertise of other people as this also helps, as does the ability to admit one was wrong and change one’s mind. There are also useful aids to decision-making, various techniques, which help to make information clearer and better analysed, and to add numerical and objective precision to decision-making to reduce the amount of subjectivity.
Unit Description Continued • In the first part of the unit, learners investigate the decision-making process and the tools and techniques to support the process. Behaviours which affect decision-making are explored. • Learners demonstrate how to use tools and techniques to solve workplace problems in the second part of the unit. Alternative choices to solve a problem are considered and a solution selected and justified.
Unit Description Continued • In the third part of the unit, learners explore how to implement decisions for solving problems in the workplace using an action plan. • In the fourth part of the unit, learners consider their skills and behaviours for decision-making and how to develop skills and behaviours for workplace.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand decision-making Amplification of the Learning Outcome: The decision-making process: organized approach; establish the objective eg what are the issues, who is involved, what is the problem that needs solving, how can it be addressed, layers of complexity, context, time frames; involve the right people eg stakeholders; encourage participation; generate ideas; consider different perspectives; explore alternatives eg risks, implications; choose the best alternative; check decision and take action
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Tools and techniques support decision-making: tools egforce field analysis, decision trees, pros and cons, multivoting, pareto analysis, decision grids, paired comparison, six thinking hats; cost benefit analysis, pmi (pros, cons and implications), force field analysis; stakeholder analysis; risk management tools eg sensitivity analysis, contingency planning and applicability of tools for solving different problems
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Behaviours which affect decision-making: behaviours which have a negative impact egprocrastination, indecision; causes of behaviours which have a negative impact eg lack of confidence, understanding, fears; issues; behaviours for effective decision-making eg self-awareness; self-motivation, self-regulation and social skills
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 1 Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Analyse the process for making effective decisions Open discussion with Learners 1.2 Explain how a range of tools and techniques support decision-making Open discussion with Learners 1.3 Analyse behaviours which affect decision-making Open discussion with Learners
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to use tools and techniques to solve problems in the workplace Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Information required in order to take a decision to solve workplace problem: problem egraising finance, human resource issues, conflict management, finance, cash flow, business growth, ethical dilemmas; who is involved; what is the problem that needs solving; how it can be addressed; layers of complexity; risks and limitations; context; relevant time frames/parameters and stakeholder consultation
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Alternative choices to solve a problem: select appropriate tools/techniques for problem; use decision-making tools and techniques eg rank decisions, decision trees; assess risks • Justifications for solution: reasons for choice;consequences for all involved eg stakeholders, staff; customers; short and long-term consequences and short-term loss measured against long-term gains
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 2 • Assessment Criteria: • 2.1 Collate the information required to make a decision to solve a given workplace problem • Open discussion with Learners • 2.2 Present alternative choices to solve a given workplace problem using two different decision-making tools or techniques • Open discussion with Learners • 2.3 Select and justify one solution to a given workplace problem • Open discussion with Learners
Learning Outcome 3: Know how to implement decisions for solving problems in the workplace Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Action plan to implement a solution: short-term actions; long-term actions; communicate plan to others eg team, stakeholders; involvement of others; goal setting; reviews and evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 3 Assessment Criteria: 3.1 Produce an action plan to implement a solution to a given workplace problem
Learning Outcome 4: Be able to review own capacity for decision-making for the workplace Amplification of the Learning Outcome: • Skills and behaviours for making decisions: self-confidence; decisive; committed; innovative; focused; organized; stages in reflection eg stages in reflection eg description (What happened?), analysis (What went well? What was less successful?), clarification (Was an appropriate solution identified? What needs to be done differently?) and what action (What needs to be done next?)
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Recommendations for developing decision-making skills and behaviours for the workplace: build on strengths; seek opportunities to develop identified weaknesses; seek opportunities for feedback; use a mentor; try out new techniques and tools and move out of one’s comfort zone
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 4 • Assessment Criteria • 4.1 Reflect on effectiveness of own skills and behaviours for making decisions to solve workplace problems • Open discussion with Learners • 4.2 Make recommendations for developing own decision-making skills and behaviours for the workplace • Open discussion with Learners
Appropriate Books Goleman D Emotional Intelligence & Working with Emotional Intelligence: "Emotional Intelligence", "Working with EQ" (Bloomsbury Publishing 2004) ISBN 978-0747574569 Wolff J Focus: Use the Power of Targeted Thinking to Get More Done (Prentice Hall Business, 2 edition 2010) ISBN-13: 978-0273734611
Appropriate Websites www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_07.htm Six Thinking Hats to help decision-making www.asq.org/learn-about-quality/decision-making-tools/overview/overview.html Decision-making evaluation tools www.decide-guide.com/tools/ Decision-making tools
Appropriate Websites Continued • www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_07.htm • Stakeholder analysis and management • www.careers.ed.ac.uk/CPP/Making_Plans/action_plan.htm • Action plan templates • www.laynetworks.com/IMPLEMENTING-A-DECISION.html • Management tutorial in implementing a decision