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Laparoscopic and Robotic Management of the Adnexal Mass Javier Magrina, MD Mayo Clinic in Arizona. JFM072902. JFM100402. Prior to surgery differentiate. Functional vs benign neoplastic Benign vs malignant. Benign neoplastic adnexal masses by age. %. 100. 90. 80. 60. 34. 40. 27. 20.
Laparoscopic and Robotic Management of the Adnexal MassJavier Magrina, MDMayo Clinic in Arizona JFM072902 JFM100402
Prior to surgerydifferentiate • Functional vs benign neoplastic • Benign vs malignant
Benign neoplastic adnexal masses by age % 100 90 80 60 34 40 27 20 0 Childhood Menstruating Postmenopausal Breen 1977; Spanos 1973; Hilgers Clin OG 49:535, 2006
Functional vs Neoplastic bening ovarian cysts % Regression N 6 Wk 9 Wk ON 1/50 24 95 100 Observation 24 94 100 Randomized trial oral contraceptives Steinkampf 1990
OVARIAN CYST REGRESSION Size, cm Regression, % 4 83 4-6 63 6-8 29
OC AND FUNCTIONAL OVARIAN CYSTS % Reduction Boston ‘74 90 RCGP ‘74 65 Walnut Creek ‘81 40 Oxford ‘87 70 66
Malignant adnexal masses by age % 30 24 25 20 15 10 8 5 2 0 Childhood Menstruating Postmenopausal Breen 1977; Spanos 1973; Hilgers Clin OG 49:535,2006
OVARIAN CYSTSbenign vs malignant <5 cm <5% malignant Volume: prem >20 cc postm >10 cc Gyn Onc 77:410,2000 Size: rule of 5s
Benign vs malignant adnexal mass N=720 patients with adnexal mass • Pelvic exam negative • Ultrasound: bening • CA125 neg none had cancer
CA-125 and HE-4 • CA-125 50% stage I 80% stage III HE4 90% stage III neg with bening gyn conditions CA-125 + HE4 n=531 sens 89% PPV 60% spec 75% NPV 94%
Adnexal Mass • Early Ca: appearances are deceiving • Advanced Ca: ascites + CA-125: why to look? Contraindication for Laparoscopy : JUST TO LOOK
The possibility of malignancy with a benign-appearing ovarian cyst at laparoscopy is: A) 0 % B) 1 % C) 5 % D) 10 % JFM100402
LAPAROSCOPY FOR OVARIAN CYSTS % Benign pelvic exam or US or CA-125 1-2 Benign-appearing cyst at laparoscopy 1 Benign preop and at laparoscopy <1 Possibility of Malignancy Based on . . .
Malignant adnexal mass • Borderline: cystectomy • Malignant: USO vs hyst+BSO • All patients require surgical staging
The 5-year survival rate for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer Stage IA or IC undergoing USO is: a. 68 % b. 78 % c. 88 % d. 98 % GO 87:1,2002 JFM100402
Malignant Ovarian Cyst Stage IA and IC (N=52) % Survival 5 Years 10 Years 98 93 *73% G1 GO 87:1, 2002
Rupture of Malignant Cyst at Laparoscopy What To Do and Impact on Prognosis and Therapy
Ruptured Malignant Ovarian Cyst Stage I What To Do? • Control spillage • Suction • Irrigate pelvis with water (pref. at 57ºF) • Take cytology at end of surgery • Irrigate trocar sites with water (pref.57F) • Surgical staging • If staging delayed >6wks : start chemo unless G1
Rupture of a malignant stage 1 ovarian cyst is associated with: A) Decreased survival B) Increased recurrence C) No impact on survival or recurrence D) Always requiring chemotherapy JFM092104
Studies with multivariate analysis have shown that the most important prognostic factor in stage I ovarian cancer is: A) Tumor grade B) Rupture of the cyst C) DNA ploidy D) Surface excrescences JFM100402
Adjuvant Chemotherapy is Indicated for Stage I Ovarian Cancer Patients With : a. Unruptured tumors grade 2-3 b. Ruptured tumors regardless of grade c. Grade I tumors d. Grade I tumors with surface excrescences
Malignant Ovarian Cyst G1* G2-3 Intact No Yes Ruptured No, yes? Yes Stage I Chemo *73%
OVARIAN CYSTS • Laparoscopy is safe • Wait and operate 2nd trimester • CA-125 with pregnancy • Ca < 5% Pregnant Patients
OVARIAN CYSTS DURING PREGNANCY % Regression 1st trimester 94 2nd trimester 25 Cancer <5
OVARIAN CYSTS DURING PREGNANCY % Miscarriage Surgery 1st 2nd 3rd Emergency 50 25 100 Elective 10 0 0
OVARIAN CYST ASPIRATION Recurrence, % Lipitz '92* 42 Dordoni '93 65 Marana '96* 84 • 63 N=276 • Age 16-86 • Follow-up: 3-36 months *Unilocular >3 cm
Robotic vs laparoscopic adnexectomy for the adnexal massMayo Clinic in Arizona Robotic Laparoscopy p n=85 n=91 OR, min 83 71 0.01 EBL, ml 39 41 0.65 Hospital, >2 d, % 0 3 0.25 AJOG 201:566, 2009
Robotic vs laparoscopic adnexectomy for the adnexal massMayo Clinic in Arizona Complications,% Robotic Laparoscopy P Intraop 1 2 1.00 Postop ≤ 6 wk 12 11 0.82 AJOG 201:566, 2009
Laparoscopy for adnexal mass Endobag • Suspected or known malignancy • Solid tumors • Dermoids
22 yo presented to ENT with a supraclavicular mass. Bx: adenoca • CAT scan: large solid pelvic mass, enlarged pelvic, aortic, mediastinal nodes. . Options: laparotomy, laparoscopy, chemotherapy Final path: undiff adenoca
Large Ovarian Cysts Optimal Patient Selection for laparoscopy • US, CA-125, HE-4 and pelvic exam are benign • Unilocular, thin septations, no solid areas
Large Ovarian Cysts • Laparoscopic exploration for malignancy • Controlled drainage • Verres, Trocar • SO • Frozen section Intraoperative Management