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Welcome. This is the online version of a presentation given by Dr Keith Merritt addressing diet, exercise and weight control for women. A great deal of the information in this presentation comes from the book “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan- a highly recommended,
Welcome This is the online version of a presentation given by Dr Keith Merritt addressing diet, exercise and weight control for women. A great deal of the information in this presentation comes from the book “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan- a highly recommended, easy & enjoyable read.
At times during this presentation you may ask yourself “ what does this have to do with weight control”. I ask for your patience & hopefully it will make sense as a whole. If you want to jump straight to the rules go to slide # 171. Enjoy.
Human life is precious and fleeting Hard to obtain and easy to destroy -Kalu Rinpoche
“Be careful about reading health books, you may die of a misprint” -Mark Twain
It just is not fair!!! • Pregnancy related weight gain • Then more weight gain with menopause • Obesity related cancers • Women now burn the candle at both ends
What to do? • Cut back on something?- carbs, fats, protein? • Become a vegetarian? • Cabbage diet, Rice diet? • South Beach, Atkins, Glycemic impact diets? • Liposuction, gastric bypass? • Pills, pills and more pills? • Hcg injections? • I’ll just stop eating for a few weeks? • Eat more olive oil or maybe less olive oil? • Is soy the magic food?
Weight is just an energy balance • Food- the only possible energy input • Exercise- least energy use in most people - will increase your basal metabolic rate • Basal Metabolic Rate- major user of energy
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) • Calories burned to keep your basic body functions running while you are at rest • Energy burned for such things as heart beat, body heat, brain activity, transport of materials into and out of cells, etc • However, the greatest user of energy at rest is the calories burned to maintain muscle • The lowest user is body fat • A low BMR was historically a survival advantage
From the very beginning of life on this planet, it has been all about having enough energy to make life run
4.5 billion years of trial & error has produced the finely tuned machine known as the human being
Designed to be in complete balance and harmony with the environment from which and by which it was sculpted
This machine has thousands of enzymes, hormones and neural circuits designed specifically to prevent starvation
And absolutely none to prevent obesity (not an issue until modern times)
So How did we, the most knowledgeable, wealthy and powerful group of mammals to inhabit this planet in the past 300 million years, get ourselves into such a mess?
We have become disconnected from a very deep well of wisdom that was accumulated through generations of trial, error, challenge and suffering. The repository of this wisdom has been mankind’s cultures, philosophies and religions.
Diet has been disrupted by • Science • Nutritionism • Food industry • Modern agriculture
Let’s start with the LipidHypothesis of heart disease • Based on observation of decreased heart disease during WW II • Original recommendation was simply to decrease meat & dairy consumption
This, of course, led to intense lobbying efforts by the meat & dairy industries • As a result, the simple and logical recommendation of decreasing meat and dairy consumption was changed to a war on fat (fat has no lobby)
The result was a 30 year effort to reform the nations food supply • REMOVED DIETARY AUTHORITY FROM CULTURE AND FROM MOM’S KITCHEN
However, Proponents of the lipid hypothesis seemed to ignore other WW II lifestyle changes • Decreased smoking • Decreased sugar • Decreased total calories • Increased fish, vegetables and fruit • Increased exercise
Now 40 years into this massive public health experiment It appears that the lipid hypothesis is most likely invalid (sorry about that)
Bulk of Evidence • Total amount of fat in our diet has little bearing on obesity & heart disease risk • Little evidence supporting any benefit of saturated fats being replaced with polyunsaturated fats -may actually be harmful
Mildly unhealthy saturated fats were replaced with lethal trans fats That margarine you were told to substitute for butter was high in trans fats Using vegetable oil for frying (fast foods) also produces trans fats As it turns out, not all saturated fats increase your cholesterol
Saturated Fats • Only chain lengths 12, 14 & 16 increase serum cholesterol • The worst is myristic acid (fat) (14) -high in coconut & palm oil (baked goods) • Stearic acid (fat) (18) lowers cholesterol -one of the fats in meat
What is certain The increased carbohydrates in low fat foods have increased obesity
Still The most important aspect of fat in our diet today may actually be the large change in the ratio of essential fatty acids in meat and dairy products due to changing the cattle’s diet from grazing to grain based feeds -omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids The same is true for chickens and eggs
Next- Nutritionism • Food has been reduced to a mere delivery system for nutrients • There is a near priesthood of “experts” • Has caused a war of the macronutrients -fats vs carbs vs protein • Has given rise to a near endless stream of snake oils, diet gurus & confusion
Wild swings in the national food pendulum -created food fads and phobias -divided foods into good vs bad
Fake foods billed as being better for You • The 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act was repealed in 1973 - This act had required fake foods such as margarine to be labeled as fake • Otherwise, a very large number of foods in the grocery store would now be labeled as fake food -low fat, low carb, high fiber, heart healthy, etc
Finally, the past century in US food production has been devoted to quantity over quality However, cheaper food is building a very large unpaid health care debt
The greatest beneficiary of the $36 billion food industry The $250 billion pharmaceutical industry
Americans Have the Cheapest Food Costs in the World • Both in time invested in preparing the meals & in cost of the food • 1960 food 18% of our income health care 6% • 2009 food 10% health care 16%
The modern Western Diet supplies foods that are • Cheap • High calorie • Depleted of nutrition • KILLING OUR POPULATION
“When your gods die, you die. For you live by them.” -Antoine Saint Exupery
Historically diet has been a central part of every culture • Healthy diets evolved over thousands of years through a lot of trial and error • Only the foods and food combinations that maximized the health of the group were kept as part of the culture
Why Diet Should Belong to Culture
Even the most simple food is a complicated maze of chemicals that act in concert with each other and with those of other foods
How we digest, absorb and process the components of foods is incredibly complicated and mysterious
Whole foods and food combinations behave very differently than their individual components
Nutritionism and food science seek the magic nutrients • To fortify the refined foods they were removed from • To sell as supplements • Blind men describing an elephant
“I’m on two diets” “Just one doesn’t give me enough to eat”
Weight Loss Diets DO NOT WORK • Metabolic imbalance does permanent damage to you • No long term difference between low fat diet, low carb diet and no diet
Any weight lost will be regained when you stop your diet & resume your previous lifestyle (which you will)
Each cycle of weight loss becomes more difficult Metabolically demanding muscle that is lost with dieting is replaced by fat when the weight is regained (which it will be)
The Human Machine Designed to