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Their Origin: The Satanic Trinity The frogs are said to proceed out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. This is the only place they're listed in this fashion, but the list reveals the Trinitarian nature of Satan. The Dragon is the Anti-God, the Beast is the Anti-Christ, a
1. The Satanic Trinity (Rev 16:13-16) Three Unclean Spirits
Their Description: Like Frogs
This is a frightful and unique picture. These are not literal frogs, but like frogs. This shows us that frogs are typical of devils (as are birds, Matt 13:32; and flies, Matt 12:24).
Unclean spirits, like frogs, seem partial to warm, wet places (Mk 5:13, Matt 12:43).
2. Their Origin: The Satanic Trinity
The frogs are said to proceed out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. This is the only place theyre listed in this fashion, but the list reveals the Trinitarian nature of Satan. The Dragon is the Anti-God, the Beast is the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet is the Anti-Spirit. The OT type is found in Numbers 22:41.
3. Their Mission: Gather to Battle
These unclean spirits are sent forth to deceive, just like the lying spirit of 1 Kings 22:23 that enticed Ahab to go out to battle, where he died. The Method of deception is the same employed by the Beast (2 Thess 2:9) and the False Prophet (13:13-14) over the course of the Tribulation. The fact that these spirits of devils are involved in assembling this last army illustrates two important principles:
God will give men and nations the last push in the direction theyre already leaning (compare 1 Sam 24:1 and 1 Chron 21:1). As the kings of the earth entertain these spirits of devils, the Lord steps in and closes the deal, turning these kings over to their destruction.
(Zeph 3:8, Matt 13:40, Joel 3:9-11)
God often uses the Devil to carry out his purposes. We see this throughout the Tribulation. For example he utilizes the Antichrist to punish Israel (Ezek 20:37), and he even utilized the Devil in carrying out the crucifixion of Christ (1 Cor 2:8).
4. Watch and Keep As a Thief
This is a very common description of the return of Christ. It is a definite warning: Matt 24:42-43, Mark 13:33-37. Christ does not return for his church as a thief (1 Thess 5:2-4). This figure always has to do with the Second Coming.
The Beatitude
This is the third beatitude of seven in this book. The responsibility of the Tribulation Saint is chiefly to watch: Rev 3:2-3, Luke 12:37-43. Here it includes keeping ones garments, else he walk naked, and others see his shame. In the darkness of the night of the tribulation the saints must not cast off their garment and retire to bed, but must remain full clothed (Rev 3:18, 7:14) ready to meet Christ at his coming instead of being surprised in their slumber.
5. The Gathering Place The gathering place for the kings of the earth and location of the battle of the great day of God Almighty is a place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.
It means the hill of the crowded or the mount of slaughter.
6. This is the location (Judg 4:21) of the great battle between Israel under Deborah and Barak against Sisera (who is killed by a blow to the head) in Judges 5. Napoleon called Armageddon the most natural battlefield in the world. See Zech 12:11 and Joel 3:11-16.