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Short conclusions from the (so far) 18 interviews made by Agneta, Emma and Suzanne:. lab and section leaders (5) researchers/teachers (6) doctoral students (3) students (2) company representative (1) technology user (1) 9 women and 9 men 1.
Short conclusions from the (so far) 18 interviews made byAgneta, Emma and Suzanne: lab and sectionleaders (5) researchers/teachers (6) doctoral students (3) students (2) company representative (1) technology user (1) 9women and 9 men 1
The interviewshavefollowed 9 different themes: • Whatdoes ”jämställdhet” mean for you? • Your subject/researchfield/environment from a ”jämställdhets-” perspective? • Rolemodels? • Whatmade you choose this field (Halmstad)? • Howcanmorestudents/doctoral students /researchers be attracted? • Does gendermatter? • Can a ”jämställdhets-” perspectivelead to innovations? • Do you see a need for increasing ”jämställdhets-” knowledgewithin the different labs? • Questions to be illustrated from a ”jämställdhets-” perspective? 2
What does ”jämställdhet” mean for you? • Similaranswers. Everyone has a goodideaaboutwhat ”jämställdhet” ought to be. It could be summarized as ”equalpossibilites, not be categorizeddue to genderbutinsteaddue to knowledge and skill” 3
Your subject/researchfield/ environment from a ”jämställdhets-” perspective? • Different within the different labs; male dominated, women dominated and gender equal. Our conclusion from this is that discussions and sharing experiences between the different labs about the effect of gender equality/-unequality would be fruitful 4
Rolemodels? • Here the interviewed are of different opinions. We can however see that role models seem to be more important for women than for men and that female role models are of certain importance for women. Our conclusion here is that it is very imortant on each level (student, doctoral student, teacher, researcher and leader) to make the women within the field visible 5
Whatmade you choose this field (Halmstad)? • Manyof the interviewedhave a father, mother or a brotherwithin the field of engineering and technology. • Othershad a strong interest in computing (men) or in math and physics (women) • The awareness from CERES to targetwomen in recrutingdoctoral students guided the final decision to choose Halmstad 6
Howcanmorestudents/doctoral students /researchers be attracted? • By showing the soft, human relatedfields of application • By making the education programmes/ research fieldsbroader and drop the ”nörd” metaphor • By stressing the connection to real life • By visitingschools and informing media and by changing the stereotypedpichture of what an engineer is and does 7
Does gendermatter? • It is obvious that gender matters. The interviewed are more or less avare of this, but the answers show that this is a fact on all the levels. Our conclusions are that concreteactions are needed, as for exampleintroduction for new students and employed and gender/diversitytraining on all levels. Even from the perspective of the industrial partners and final users it seems to be a need for bettergenderbalance 8
Can a ”jämställdhets-” perspectivelead to innovations? • There is a belief in the fact that a genderperspectivecanlead to new innovations. By mixing different experiences and views (sex, age, culture) new ideas and productscanoccur. To stress hewholechain from the final user, via the industrial parters to the researchers couldalsolead to a bettercomprehensivepicture and a higher feeling of solidarity. Hälsoteknik is herepointedout as an example9
Do you see a need for increasing ”jämställdhets-” knowledgewithin the different labs? • Everyone we have interviewed see a need for more knowledge about jämställdhet/genus. Our conlusion is again that there is a great need for open dialogues between different categories and different labs about this field 10
Questions to be illustrated from a ”jämställdhets-” perspective? • Recruiting • Education • The personell • To raise the gendercompetence all over in order to finallychange the theroutines • To make a mapping of the existing situation • To work with a real case on all levels, for example Hälsoteknik which is an interesting area as well for Halmstad university as for the region 11