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Chapter 4 3-4

Chapter 4 3-4. Part 3 – ANTE -: “before” Part 4 – POST - :”after”. 1. Antecedents . Ancestors, forebears, predecessors Ronald’s antecedents came to this country more than a hundred years ago. 2. Antedate . Assign a date before the true date

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Chapter 4 3-4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 43-4

  2. Part 3 – ANTE -: “before”Part 4 – POST - :”after”

  3. 1. Antecedents • Ancestors, forebears, predecessors • Ronald’s antecedents came to this country more than a hundred years ago.

  4. 2. Antedate • Assign a date before the true date • If you used yesterday’s date on a check written today, you have antedated the check. • Come before in date; predate, precede • Alaska antedates Hawaii as a state, having gained statehood on January 3, 1959, seven months before Hawaii.

  5. 3. Postdate • Assign a date after the true date • I postdated the check; it has tomorrow’s date on it.

  6. 4. Ante meridiem • Before noon • In 9 A.M., A.M. stands for ante meridiem, meaning before noon.

  7. 5. Post meridiem • After noon • In 9 P.M., P.M. stands for post meridiem, meaning after noon.

  8. 6. Anteroom • Room placed before and forming an entrance to another; antechamber; waiting room. • If the physician is busy when patients arrive, the nurse asks them to wait in the anteroom.

  9. 7. Postgraduate • Having to do with study after graduation, especially after graduation from college • After college, Nina hopes to do postgraduate work in law school.

  10. 8. Postmortem • Thorough examination of a body after death; autopsy • The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death • Detailed analysis or discussion of an event just ended • In a postmortem after a defeat, we discuss what went wrong and what we can do to improve.

  11. 9. Postscript • Note added to a letter after it has been written • After signing the letter, I noticed I had omitted an important fact, and I had to add a postscript.

  12. Part 5. BI-: “two”Part 6 SEMI-:”half,” “partly”

  13. 10. Bicameral • Consisting of two chambers or legislative houses • Our legislature is bicameral; it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

  14. 11. Bicentennial • Two-hundredth anniversary • Our nation’s bicentennial was celebrated in 1976.

  15. 12. Biennial • Occurring every two years • A defeated candidate for the House of Representatives can run again in two years because the elections are biennial.

  16. 13. Semiannual • Occurring every half year, or twice a year; semiyearly • Promotion in our school is semiannual, occurring in January and June.

  17. 14. Bimonthly • Occurring every two months • We receive only six utility bills a year because we are billed on a bimonthly basis.

  18. 15. Semimonthly • Occurring every half month, or twice a month • Employees paid on a semimonthly basis receive two salary checks per month.

  19. 16. Bilateral • Having two sides • French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.

  20. 17. Bilingual • Speaking two languages equally well • New York has a large number of bilingual citizens who speak English and a foreign language. • Written in two languages • The instructions on the voting machine are bilingual; they are in English and Spanish.

  21. 18. Bipartisan • Representing two political parties • Congressional committees are bipartisan; they include Democratic and Republican members.

  22. 19. Bisect • Divide into two equal parts • A diameter is a line that bisects a circle.

  23. 20. Semicircle • Half of a circle • At the end of the lesson, students gathered about the teacher in a semicircle to ask additional questions.

  24. 21. Semiconscious • Half conscious; not fully conscious • In the morning as you begin to awaken, you are in a semiconsciousstate.

  25. 22. Semidetached • Partly detached; sharing a wall with an adjoining building on one side, but detached on the other • All of the houses on the block are attached, except the corner ones, which are semidetached.

  26. 23. Semiskilled • Partly skilled • Workers in a semiskilled job usually do not require a long period of training.

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