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Transmission Business Experience in Unification of Engineering Standards & Specifications

Transmission Business Experience in Unification of Engineering Standards & Specifications. 27 October 2008. LAST. PREVIOUS. NEXT. Contents. Background. Standardization. Objectives of Unification. Process of Unification. Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions. Achievements.

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Transmission Business Experience in Unification of Engineering Standards & Specifications

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  1. Transmission Business Experience in Unification of Engineering Standards & Specifications 27 October 2008 LAST PREVIOUS NEXT

  2. Contents • Background. • Standardization. • Objectives of Unification. • Process of Unification. • Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions. • Achievements. • Implementation of Unified Standards & Specifications. • Conclusion. 2 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  3. 1- Background • The Electricity Companies before the merger: • Four (4) Saudi Consolidated Electricity Companies in the Central, Eastern, Western and Southern Regions • Ten (10) small companies operating in the north of the Kingdom. • All electricity operations which were managed by the General Electricity Corporation. • After the merger on 5th of April 2000: Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) 3 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  4. 1- Background 3

  5. 2- Standardization The responsibility of standardization process was entrusted to Transmission Standards and Specifications Department. • Role description: • Prepare, develop, review and approve the Standards and Specifications for transmission assets for use in the Design and Engineering not limited to transmission lines and substation facilities. 4 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  6. 2- Standardization (cont.) • Coordinate with Transmission Operational Departments/ Divisions for development of agreed Standards for operations , maintenance and protection. • Undertake detailed research into the best engineering practices for design of transmission assets. • Update and issue Transmission Standards to reflect improvements in equipment selection and in engineering/ construction practices. 5 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  7. 3- Objectives of Unification. • Study existing Transmission Engineering Standards Documents and code of practices adopted by all the regions of SEC and General Electricity Corporation, recommend improvements and up gradation for unification in light of SEC mission statement. • Unify & prepare common Material Specifications, Engineering and Construction Standards for Transmission Network of SEC for Kingdom wide application. 6 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  8. 3- Objectives of Unification (cont.) • Develop the unified standards and specifications using the various common parameters and value engineering logics giving emphasis to reliability, safety, quality, economy, availability and feasibility of requirements. • Propose directives and approve policies, procedures and practices that pertains to the Engineering Standardization and safety of SEC Transmission Network. 7 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  9. 3- Objectives of Unification (cont.) • Ensure compliance with specified applicable Saudi Standards (SASO), Saudi Arabian Grid Code and International Industry Standards. • Ensure strict compliance to applicable Material Specifications, Engineering Standards and Construction Standards developed under the patronage of Transmission Business. 8 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  10. 4- Process of Unification • Collect information and conduct technical analysis and evaluation of existing code of practices and standards of all SEC operating areas and General Electricity Corporation. • Prepare drafts of unified Standards and Specifications and circulated to various concerned Departments/ Divisions within the company and outside to selected Manufacturers and Contractors. • Analyze comments received from various concerned Departments/ Divisions, Manufacturers and Contractors. 9 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  11. 4- Process of Unification (cont.) • Resolve and finalize all comments and issue clarification letters if required. • Conduct presentations periodically to review and highlight significant issues raised on standards and specifications already circulated to the concerned Departments/Divisions. • Review and approve all the proposed Transmission Engineering Standards Documents and upload them on SEC intranet for Kingdom wide applications. 10 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  12. 5- Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions • Resist to change from existing code of practices and engineering standards and specifications. Solution: Present the advantages of unification to concerned Departments/ Divisions and welcome their participation in the unification process. • Various system parameters and Service conditions. Solution: Issued the 01-TMSS-01 “General Requirements for all equipments/ materials” after extensive research, surveys, reviews and discussions by concerned Departments/Divisions of SEC operating areas. 11 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  13. 5-Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions (cont.) • Non-availability of documented engineering standards and specifications in appropriate format in some SEC operating areas and General Electricity Corporation. Solution: Surveyed and collected any available documented code of engineering practices in whatsoever shape available from all SEC operating areas and General Electricity Corporation. After thorough evaluation, came up with unified standards and specifications and code of practices. 12 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  14. 5-Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions (cont.) • Different requirements in all operating areas of SEC and General Electricity Corporation due to the different environmental conditions and operational/maintenance practices. Solution: Studied and analyzed the different requirements and applicable standards in all operating areas of SEC and General Electricity Corporation and came up with consensus requirements after an extensive technical and economical evaluation. 13 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  15. 5-Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions (cont.) • Technical references were not available with some Departments/Divisions to review the draft of Standards and Specifications. Solution: Provided on-line access to international industry standards references such as IEC, IEEE, ANSI, ASTM, ASCE, ACI, NEMA & NFPA ,data bases of electronic books, technical journals from KNOVEL, EBSCO, THOMSON GALE, engineering documents and code of practices available to all technical staff of SEC. The advanced technical information center provides all necessary technical information in hard copy and in addition to the above electronically. 14 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  16. 5-Major difficulties in Unification and Solutions (cont.) • Not receiving comments/feedbacks on circulated Drafts of Standards & Specifications on target date. Solution: With Executive Management support and follow up, encourage and invite Departments/Divisions to participate and share their engineering expertise within a given time to realize SEC mission statement and objective conclusively. 15 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  17. 6- Achievements 16 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  18. 6- Achievements (Cont.) More Info. More Info. 17 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  19. 7- Implementation of Unified Standards & Specifications • The unification of standards and specifications in Saudi Electricity Company Transmission Business is considered as a milestone achievement as these are now implemented in all substations and transmission lines projects of SEC kingdom wide. • The standards developed so far are being implemented/ incorporated during prequalification of manufacturers, preparation of Scope of Work/ Technical Specifications for capital projects, direct purchase of equipment, tenders evaluation, contractors technical submittal, execution and commissioning of projects. 18 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  20. 7- Implementation of Unified Standards & Specifications (cont.) • In the case of deviation to standards, waiver request is initiated and submitted to SEC-TS&SD for review and approval based on its merit and technical justification. • Likewise, the new list of technically pre-qualified and acceptable manufacturers for materials/equipment is strictly implemented in all projects to ensure the quality and reliability of materials/ equipment procured and used in the projects. 19 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  21. 8. Conclusion • Development/update of standards is a continuous improvement process. TS&SD is continuously searching for new and best practices to be adopted for the enhancement of standards and specifications keeping in mind the best value engineering practices whenever available. • Any new amended/ modified requirements are brought in and specified in the scope of work/ technical specifications of the proposed project until such time that the standards and specifications are updated/revised. 20 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT

  22. 8. Conclusion (cont.) • Streamline the unification process for standardization of engineering practices by adopting the international norms for kingdom wide application in transmission network. • Affective implementation of unified standards needs Management support to establish an independent quality control system for the transmission projects. 21 FIRST PREVIOUS NEXT


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