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Centre for Health & Technology

Centre for Health & Technology. Maritta Perälä-Heape, PhD Director , CHT. Trends and opportunities in health care. Role of citizens : Individualized healthcare From disease treatment to health promotion

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Centre for Health & Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Centre for Health & Technology Maritta Perälä-Heape, PhD Director, CHT

  2. Trends and opportunities in health care • Role of citizens: Individualized healthcare • Fromdiseasetreatment to healthpromotion • Diagnosticsfromchronicdiseaseanalysistowardshealthmonitoring and life stylechange • Social media, games… • Independentliving • ”Connectedhealth”: Towardsmobile and ubiquitoushealthcare • Emergency of completely new businesses, new business models • Next generation of wireless solutions in health care (wireless monitoring, future home & future hospital)

  3. Future health technologies High potential for applications in promoting wellbeing and health

  4. Oulu Innovation Alliance (OIA) • The ultimate target of the Oulu Innovation Alliance agreement is to keep Oulu as an internationally acknowledged center for innovation an to build national and international networks of collaboration • The OIA founding partners have committed • To focus their operations, education, research and development activities on agreed innovation areas. • To invest in the development of agreed infrastructures. • To develop and test innovation systems and processes to accelerate the development of new business • The focus areas are Internet research, printed electronics & optical measurement technologies, global business & economies, environment and healthcare sectors.

  5. Wherehealth and technologyintersect - the nextopportunity • Centre for Health and Technology (CHT) creates life science/ICT-driven growth opportunities by combining cutting-edge research and innovations with agile new business creation. • CHT’s role is to combine the best ideas, people and resources from different fields of industries and science for co-creation of next generation health technologies, appliances and services. • CHT projects are multi-disciplinary with the main focus is in technology but closely linked with application development, usability and social sciences.

  6. Centre for Health & Technology • Develops innovation processes • Identifies regional innovation potential • Recognizes co-operational multi-disciplinary opportunities • Follows actively trends and builds strong project portfolio • Ensures the communication/crosstalk between the science and industry/health care providers • Facilitates dynamic development, experimenting and piloting

  7. Partners and co-operation • Universityof Oulu • Oulu University of AppliedSciences • City of Oulu – BusinessOulu; Social and Health careservices • VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland • TechnopolisPlc • NorthernOstrobothniaHospitalDistrict • Other important interest groups include project partners, innovators, companies and business developers.

  8. CHT coreactivities: • To build • strong RDI project portfolio to attract funding> thematic issues and priorities • Strategic cooperation with global networks • Dynamic innovation process of multi-disciplinary RDI • Globally advanced RDI environment and infrastructure for piloting CHT Focus Areas: • Wireless health monitoring • Genes and lifestyle • Individualized healthcare

  9. Centre for Health & Technology Piloting • Focus Areas • Wireless health monitoring • Genes and lifestyle • Individualizedhealthcare 9

  10. Training & Publications • Inter&-national project • co-operation Start-ups Business development • Remote monitoring • Health training • Feedback systems • Etc. Innovationprocess • - Consumers • - Municipals • - Hospitals • - Health centres • Insurance companies - Existing companies - New companies -Trends -Invest in Solutions Innovations Oulu Wellness Institute PrintoCent CIE Maigbe PanOulu Technology health centre

  11. Wireless Health Monitoring • Combines top level technological and medical expertise in Oulu area • Broad existing project portfolio and cooperation in academia and companies • New project ideas on health promotion, aging, dignostics, methods for sensoring and monitoring, imaging, wireless monitoring, wireless hospital, international cooperation • Comprehensive technology platform • Smart sensors and intelligent clothes, body area networks (IEEE 802.15.6 standard), Positioning technologies, database and server systems, data and networksecurity, 3D Internet • Individualized healthcare applications • Metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases, aging • Remote monitoring and diagnostics, Health promotion • From basic research to field tests and end-user applications • Indoor Living Labs • Outdoor Living Labs 11

  12. IndividualizedHealthcare-IntelligentPilotingEnvironment COMPREHENSIVE Health and Wellness Management for Individuals • Test User Community • Creation of global test user profile bank network for testing applications and services Unique life-long cohort study for wellness and health • Data bank covering generation 1966 born in Northern Finland • Pregnancy, prenatal, childhood, puberty and adulthood data Personalized medicine (genes and life style) • Epigenomics for profiling genome and gene activity in health, wellness and disease • Printing technologies in low-cost high-volume consumer diagnostics Social and motivating innovations • Engagement of web and mobile services

  13. International co-operation • Enhancing international co-operation between innovation (research & business driven) clusters in areas or topics of common interest • Improving and sharing RDI infrastuructures (transnational piloting, testing, and/or innovation camp) • Exploring opportunities for financing of joint projects • Enhancing researcher/professor mobility actions in areas of common interest

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