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How to contact Canon Printer Customer Service ?

if you would like to know about proper setup and troubleshooting tips for the Canon printer then you can come to us for Canon printer Customer Service @ https://www.canon-printer-customer-service.com/

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How to contact Canon Printer Customer Service ?

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  1. Canon ImageCLASS D1650 multiple driver download Here are the simple and quick steps for Canon ImageCLASS D1650 multiple driver download. Having a Windows operating system at home? One way is that you can simply download the driver file from the canon website and follow the on-screen prompts for installation.  If you have an installation CD, then the first step is to power off the Canon printer.  Secondly, turn on the Windows computer and load the CD.  Now, you need to click Run'Msetup4.exe and then click Continue.  Besides, you need to click the Easy Install button and then click Install.  Read the terms and conditions and select for your route of connection.  Setup the connection and turn on the Canon printer.  Click the Finish button to end the task. Are you using a Mac device? Want information regarding the driver download?  If your Mac computer has a DVD drive load the CD or else you can proceed with the website downloading.  Firstly, launch the Applications folder under the Mac Finder.  After that, double-click the Utilities folder.  Similarly, click to access Disk Image.  This allows you to insert what you wish to install.  That is, select the ISO disk image file.  Once the Open button is clicked, the software installation package will appear on the Mac desktop.  Search for the .dmg file and then double-click to run the installation wizard. You can contact our technical team for information regardingCanon ImageCLASS D1650 Setup

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