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CRIME. Act or omission committed against the community that is punishable by the state. Actus R eus. Latin term meaning “guilty act” R efers to the physical act of carrying out of a crime. Mens rea. Latin term meaning “guilty mind” Meaning the accused intended to commit the crime .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CRIME Act or omission committed against the community that is punishable by the state.

  2. ActusReus • Latin term meaning “guilty act” • Refers to the physical act of carrying out of a crime.

  3. Mensrea • Latin term meaning “guilty mind” • Meaning the accused intended to commit the crime . • Knowing their actions were wrong.

  4. Range of factors, that lead to criminal behavior. • Psychological factors. • Social factors. • Economic factors. • Genetic theories. • Political factors. • Self-interest.

  5. Technology • Criminal behavior is now linked to computer crimes. • The crimes amendment computer offences act 2001, NSW introduced a new part titled “Computer Offences” to the crimes act 1900 NSW to include new crimes relating to computer hacking.

  6. White Collar Crime • Economic gain is a major contributing factor to some forms of criminal behavior. • Most common white collar crimes: Embezzlement, tax evasion and Insider trading.

  7. Crime Prevention • Social prevention techniques. • Situational prevention techniques.

  8. Situational crime prevention techniques. • Situational crime prevention aims, to make it more difficult for criminals to carry out a crime. • For example. Installing bars or alarm systems, or internet firewalls to deter the theft of data.

  9. Social crime prevention techniques. • Social crime prevention attempts to address the underlying social factors that may lead to criminal behavior. • For example, funding into educational programs in schools to raise the education levels of students. • Youth programs.

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