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Action Towards 2015 and EFA Review. Abdul Hakeem Education Advisor & Coordinator APPEAL UNESCO Bangkok. Overview. Accelerating progress towards achieving EFA by 2015 Regional Review of EFA. A key message from Mid-Decade Assessment:.
Action Towards 2015 and EFA Review Abdul HakeemEducation Advisor & Coordinator APPEAL UNESCO Bangkok
Overview • Accelerating progress towards achieving EFA by 2015 • Regional Review of EFA
A key message from Mid-Decade Assessment: Marginalization is holding back EFA progress in Asia and the Pacific
3. Drivers of Marginalization Addressing marginalization an effective approach to speeding up EFA progress The inclusive education triangle Three broad sets of policies which can combat marginalization 4
Examples of On-going work to combat marginalization Equivalent primary/basic education programmes through flexible, non-formal approaches to reach children, youth & adults in remote/disadvantaged areas.
On-going Activities to Help Combat Marginalization Supporting countries to strengthen community-based learning including through CLCs
Examples of on-going activities:Support countries to adapt generic tools for use in promoting gender equality, MLE and inclusive education
Support local adaptation of the generic MLE Advocacy Toolkits to help minority language learners
I. Accelerating Efforts Towards Achieving EFA by 2015 • Supporting country level analytical work to identify gaps, bottlenecks, acceleration solutions and implementation strategies • Regional EFA meeting: share EFA acceleration solutions and effective practices • National level work to build and strengthen partnerships, advocacy, mobilize country-level partners to support implementation of EFA acceleration solutions.
Actions to accelerate progress in literacy • Who are the non-literates? Where are they? What are their learning needs? • What are the most effective interventions to meet their learning needs? • How can we match the scale of the problem with literacy delivery capacities: schools; CLCs; local venues; NGOs; skill training programmes;facilitators • Involve decentralized/local education offices in identifying their learning needs, prioritizing target non-literates, and planning realistic actions • MOE validates and amalgamates decentralized literacy action plans into a credible Country Literacy Acceleration Plan • Mobilize support and participation in literacy actions. • Guide to Accelerating Literacy Actions
II. Regional Review of EFA Scope and scale of the review • Thematic studies conducted to complement the review • Rapid needs assessment, information and capacity gaps will be identified. • Scope of review: Qualitative and qualitative (national ownerships, partnerships, governance, finance, advocacy, quality, equity etc.) • Two baselines, 1990-2015 (qualitative) and 2000-2015 (quantitative) • Based on rapid needs assessment, regional capacity development activities on EFA review will be carried out • Minimum standards, key elements and remedial solutions identified for the review. • Support for undertaking the review from EFA convenors, donors at country-level • Implementation partners: stakeholders with governments taking lead • Ensure review report is discussed with national stakeholders • Aggregation: national, sub-regional, regional feed to global • Outputs: national reports and regional report on the review of EFA.