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American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAIN PAGE

American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAIN PAGE. Features: Become a local network (access the local steering team’s admin pages) Review local network submissions & provide feedback Communication

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American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAIN PAGE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAIN PAGE • Features: • Become a local network (access the local steering team’s admin pages) • Review local network submissions & provide feedback • Communication • Send broadcast emails to local steering team members or member organization representatives • Create CSV file for statewide mails to local steering team members or member organization representatives

  2. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – LOCAL SUBMISSION PAGE • Features: • Local networks submit products resulting from their strategic planning (e.g. vision statement, goals, barriers to the goal, activities) • State network representatives review submissions using ASAI standards for network development and provide 1) a status for each submission (meets criteria / needs revision) and 2) written feedback. • Local networks obtain feedback on their admin page and revise products as needed to ensure network success and sustainability

  3. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – FEEDBACK PAGE • Features: • State network representative can click the submission title to open the local network’s submission • State network representative reviews the submission to see if ASAI standards for network development have been met • State network representative changes status to 1) meets criteria, 2) meets criteria – see comments, or 3) needs revision and adds comments as appropriate.

  4. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAIN PAGE • Features: • Create email lists for local network leaders or member organizations

  5. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – MAILING LABEL PAGE • Features: • Create CSV file for mailing labels to local network leaders or member organizations

  6. American Student Achievement Institute NETWORK-OF-NETWORKS ADMIN SYSTEM – NETWORK STATS • Features: • Monitor the number of member organizations and documented college access / success within each local network

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