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Warning Cigarettes Cause Wildfires

Warning Cigarettes Cause Wildfires. Designing Products To Help Protect Our Environment While saving You Money. "New" Personal Cigarette & Cigarillo Snuffer. Dear News media - TV,

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Warning Cigarettes Cause Wildfires

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warning Cigarettes Cause Wildfires

  2. Designing Products To Help Protect Our Environment Whilesaving You Money. "New" Personal Cigarette & Cigarillo Snuffer Dear News media - TV, My name is Tom Bennett and I am the President of CSP Limited. I recently retired from the fire fighting profession after 27 years and I am excited to share my invention with you. In my career as a professional fire fighter, I learned that fires often started because of human error. I knew that I wanted to design a product that was responsible, could help prevent fires, provide a useful tool in reducing smoking, reduce unwanted litter, and save everyone money. CSP Limited has done just that!

  3. “…It is proven that when times are tough and unemployment rates are going up, low ticket, impulse sales such as Pocket Butty go through the roof!”

  4. CSP Limited1613 Extension Rd.Nanaimo, BCV9X 1A6 www.pocketbutty.com Toll Free: 1-888-619-3020 Bus. & Fax: 1-250-741-1236 csplimited@shaw.ca It's " The Place To Park Your Butt . "

  5. THANK YOU! Thank you!

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