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Forward Modeling from Simulations: Full -Sun and Active Regions. Cooper Downs. ISSI Workshop on Coronal Magnetism (2 nd Meeting), March 10 2014. Outline. I’m hoping that we (PSI) can provide models/ideas that can support you with your coronal magnetometry interests.
Forward Modeling from Simulations: Full-Sun and Active Regions Cooper Downs ISSI Workshop on Coronal Magnetism (2nd Meeting), March 10 2014
Outline • I’m hoping that we (PSI) can provide models/ideas that can support you with your coronal magnetometry interests. • I’ll talk briefly about the general types of MHD modeling that we do. • Show a couple of example models that we could use with FORWARD.
Why Forward Model Simulations? - Magnetic and thermal states of the corona are closely related. - Oftentimes the thermal structure strongly influences observables. (i.e. coronal line-emission / scattering). - We’d really like to be able to test our physical assumptions and interpretations of observations. - Even better we’d love to infer or ‘invert’ physical conditions from the measurements themselves. 3D Thermodynamic MHD simulations can help with these tasks by: - Forward modeling observables from simulation data. - Testing inversion methods using forward modeled data. - Q? Do we get the same answer back?
Thermodynamic Energy EQ Corona is not Ideal! • - Non-ideal terms dictate thermodynamic state in the low corona. • -For the Transition region we add: • - Electron heat conduction (due to high T, steep gradients). • - Radiative losses. • - Empirical term to encompass coronal heating: e.g. Unresolved Waves / Reconnection / resistive dissipation. • - Turbulence based heating model is next. See Lionello 2009, and Downs 2010 for case-studies.
Global Coronal Modeling Full-sun 3D Thermodynamic MHD simulations: - Driven by static or time-dependent magnetogram observations:
Global Coronal Modeling Full-sun 3D Thermodynamic MHD simulations: • Coronal Comparisons to EUV observables.
Active Region Modeling Mok et al. 2008 Localized Hi-Res MHD. • Freeze 3D NLFF solution • Solve for parallel plasma dynamics in time (to study coronal heating).
CME/Flux-Rope Modeling Time-dependent Eruption Modeling • Insert or construct energized magnetic configuration. • Slowly drive the system towards eruption.
CME/Flux-Rope Modeling Time-Dependent Eruption Modeling • Thermal-Magnetic evolution can be connected to observables! • e.g. coronal dimmings:
Coronal Simulations from the Web • Our website: http://www.predsci.com/hmi Thermodynamic runs from CR2096 to present are freely available for download 2 heating models to choose from (Density stratification and amount of opened up field differ slightly) I can provide the IDL routine to read and interpolate the simulation to a standard datacube. Even better, its compatible with FORWARD!
High Res Global Cases AIA 193Å Fe XIII 1075 nm Stokes I (Intensity) Fe XIII 1075 nm Stokes L/I (total linear over intensity) If you don’t like our website, we also have high res-runs for a few cases. - e.g. the July 2010 Eclipse, or the 2011 Comet Lovejoy perihelion. - We can run new ones as well!
Test 1: Spherical Symmetry I MHD Field + MHD Plasma MHD Field + Symmetric Plasma
Test 1: Spherical Symmetry L/I MHD Field + MHD Plasma MHD Field + Symmetric Plasma
Test 2: Plane of Sky Vs. Full Integration POS MHD Field + MHD Plasma LOS integrated MHD Field + MHD Plasma
Test 3: MHD vs. PFSS PFSS + Symmetric Plasma LOS integrated MHD Field + MHD Plasma
Active Region Model Yung Mok and collaborators at PSI have studied AR 7986 (August 1996) extensively (Mok et al. ‘05, ‘08, ‘14 in prep). • Current method is to freeze a NLFF state, and solve for the parallel plasma dynamics in time. • This gives time-dependent snapshots of loop heating and cooling cycles. • The time-dependent plasma state seems to agree well with observations. • (paper in-prep) but more importantly for us, it provides a high-res, strong field AR with a self-consistent temperature and density background.
Active Region Model Magnetic Configuration
Active Region Model AIA Synthesis (Disk View)
Active Region Model AIA Synthesis (Limb View)
Active Region Model L I L/I V/I Example Fe XIII 1075 nm from FORWARD
Closing Words • The Solar Atmosphere is inherently complex and 3D. • LOS effects need to at least be considered, particularly when studying specific events or complex geometric structures with density contrasts. • Models and Observations can go hand in hand! • We can use them to interpret/understand the complexity / limitations of data. • We can use them to test inversion methods. • Polarization measurements are rich in information content, and we have a range of simulations/tools at our disposal.